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13th amendment
-abolishes slavery except as punishment
14th amendment
-citizenship for all born in the U.S.
-equal protection clause
15th amendment
-cannot deny vote based on race
-all men can vote
reconstruction act of 1867
-divides south into five military districts
-to be readmitted to the union states must grant all men the right to vote and ratify the 14th amendment
johnsonâs impeachment
-misses by one vote (35-19)
-johnson finished term quietly
compromise of 1877
-deal between republicans and democrats allowing hayes to be president for one term as long as he removes federal troops and appoints democrats in the south
slaughter-house cases
-undercuts 14th amendmentâs power to protect freedmen
-privileges or immunities clause applies only to rights of U.S. citizenship
homestead act
-law signed by lincoln
-grants settlers 160 acres of land
-after working on it for 5 years they could own it
-only non-confederates
dawes severalty act
-law dividing tribal lands
-giving indians small unprofitable plots for citizenship
-giving access land to greedy white people
-goal was to assimilate native americans into society
frederick jackson turner
-originator of âfrontier thesisâ stating american identity of individuality and self-reliance came from the frontier
knights of labor
-union organization for workers including unskilled, women, and minorities
haymarket affair
-workers assemble to protest against workplace hours
-bomb thrown into police and they shoot back
-hurt the knights of labor by tying them to violence and radicalism
american federation of labor
-exclusive union for skilled white men
homestead strike
-workers barricaded entrance in response to henry clay frick cutting wages
pullman strike
-result of panic of 1893
-wages cut; rent stays same
-put down by federal troops
eugene v. debs
-helped found iww and aru
-jailed for pullman strike and critizing wwi
-socialist presidental candidate 5 times
new immigration
-almost 25 million
-majority from eastern and southern europe
-more likely to be catholic, socialists, anarchists, and/or unskilled
pendleton act
-signed into law by chester arthur
-replacing spoils system with merit-based system for employment
open door policy
-drafted by secretary of state john hay
-wanted equal acces to chinese markets
omaha platform
-statement of populist agenda
-wanted stronger government to protect americans
crime of â73/coinage act of 1873
-puts U.S. on gold standard and demonetizes silver
william jennings bryan
-nebraska politician
-advocates free silver
-democratic candidate in 1896 and 1900 but loses to mckinley
the jungle
-written by upton sinclair
-about lithuanian family in slaughter-houses
-exposes atrocities
-supposed to be socialist recruitment
jane addams
-suffragist and reformer
-first american woman to recieve nobel peace prize
-co-founded hull house
triangle shiftwaist fire
-factory caught on fire with workers inside
-leads to dialogue about workplace safety, pay, and conditions
ida tarbell
-wrote the history of the standard oil company
-exposes rockefellerâs deals with railroad companies and buying out competition
national womenâs party
-led by suffragist alice paul
-D.C. rally shaming democrats into supporting suffrage
-more radical than nawsa
national american woman suffrage association
-founded by susan b. anthony and carrie chapman catt
-less radical approach wins wilsonâs support
-led to 19th amendment to be ratified
booker t. washington
-founded tuskegee institute - a college for freedmen
-autobiography up from slavery
w.e.b. du bois
-opposes submission
-co-founds naacp in 1909
john muir
-scottish american naturalist
-founded sierra club
-supports preservation of the environment
gifford pinchot
-first U.S. forest service head
-supports conservation
election of 1912
-wilson defeated taft and roosevelt
federal reserve system
-central bank in the U.S.
-regulates the banking system and money supply
lodge reservations
-14 reasons for the U.S. to not join the league of nations
welfare capitalism
-a blend of a capitalist economic system with social welfare policies