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NA and Europeans in 1880-1950
NA were noble savages/animals
NA and Europeans in 1960-1970
they fought
NA and Europeans in 1987-1991
Richard White releases the Middle Ground - NA and europeans learned from each other in the Great Lake from 1650-1815 (fishing, boating, hunting, housing)
NA and Europeans post 2000
historians concentrated on microhistory - focused on a small area to be more accurate
Was US land stolen? Land transference
Europeans broke treaties
shared land - Middle Ground
demographic shifts - disease
whites showed up where no one had claimed the land
slavery 1604
104 men came to Virginia looking for land
slavery 1608
1/2 of the men had died
slavery 1612
John Rolfe found tobacco - intensive work
slavery spring 1619
House of Burgesses is formed - assembly
1st slaves brought to America - J Rolfe wrote that they needed workers for planting season but had no future plans after that
slavery 1620-1630
slavery was not racialized - black man, Anthony Johnson, owned slaves
slavery 1640
first slavery law - no slave can own a gun
slavery 1662
racialized - all infants assume their mother’s status + mix babies
slavery 1676
Bacon’s rebellion - NA, escaped slaves, free black men, poor whites burned down jamestown - 100s of slave laws as a result
slavery 1680s
new slave laws about controlling
slavery 1691
law banning interracial sex
slavery 1640-1691
legal blueprint for slavery encodement across America
FIW 1754-1760
war stayed local and not too expensive
FIW 1761-1763
war became a worldwide naval struggle + COSTLY
FIW 1760s
British started taxing the colonists
FIW 1760s-1770s
there was unrest and anger
FIW 1775
revolutionary war
FIW how much debt?
Br = 132 million schillings
Col = 2 million schillings
Proclamation Act- no colonists can settle west into Indian territory
Revenue Act - tax items, paperwork for merchants, maritime police, vice admiralty courts
Stamp Act - tax on paper items + needed stamp
Parliament repealed Stamp Act
Townshend Acts - taxes + Board of Commisioners
Summer 1768
Hancocks boat was pulled over and stoned + 4000 soldiers sent to live in Boston
Boston Massacre - 9 soldiers vs 250 colonists
summer 1770
John Adams defends the soldiers and 6/8 found guilty
4000 soldiers moved to charlestown out of boston because of massacre