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The study of living things too small to be seen without a microscope, including viruses, fungi, and bacteria.
Aseptic technique
A procedure that prevents contamination.
The principle that living things come from other living things.
Theory of Spontaneous Generation
A hypothesis proposed by Aristotle that organisms can arise from nonliving material, which was later disproved.
D. Redi
Conducted a meat and flies experiment demonstrating that maggots do not arise from decaying meat.
E. Pasteur
Developed the rabies vaccine and demonstrated that microbes can be destroyed or blocked.
G. Tyndall
Discovered that some microbes can exist in two forms: one killed by heat and the other resistant to heat.
H. Cohn
Discovered endospores, a heat-resistant form of bacteria.
Proposed that all cells come from pre-existing cells and first recognized leukemia cells.
J. Lister
Developed an antiseptic technique using phenol to kill microbes.
K. Jenner
Pioneered vaccines for smallpox, contributing to the development of immunology.
L. Alexander Fleming
Discovered penicillin, the first true antibiotic.
M. Koch
Determined that specific microbes cause specific diseases.
The first step of the scientific method where a researcher makes an observation and poses a question.
An educated guess that is testable within the scientific method.
Group in an experiment that receives no treatment but is as similar as possible to the experimental group.
Control group
Normal microbiota
Beneficial bacteria that live on the body and support the immune system.
Human microbiome project
A project focusing on the DNA sequencing of the microbes in the human body.
A disease-causing microbe.
Cells that lack a nucleus, such as bacteria.
Cells that contain a nucleus, such as animal and fungal cells.
3 domains of living organisms
Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
Binomial nomenclature
The system of naming species that uses two terms: the genus name and the species name.
Rod-shaped bacteria.
Round-shaped bacteria.
Curve-shaped bacteria.
Spiral-shaped bacteria.
Bacteria occurring in pairs.
Bacteria that occur in chains.
Bacteria that occur in clusters.
Bacteria that occur in packets of four or eight.
The most specific category that represents individual organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.