health and diseases

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what is the definition of health

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what is the definition of health

a state of complete physical, mental and social well being

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what is a communicable disease

diseases spread between people

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what is non communicable disease

diseases that cannot be spread between people and are usually genetic like cystic fibrosis

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how does the presences of one disease make you more susptable to others.

disease can damage the immune system or the body's natural defences/barriers, making easier for pathogens to enter the body.

A disease can cause organ systems to stop working well, making other (non-communicable) disease more likely.

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what is a pathogen and what are the examples

a pathogen is a disease causing organism


  1. virus

  2. fungi

  3. bacteria

  4. protist

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  1. what type of pathogen is it

  2. what are the symptoms

  3. how it is spread and how this can be reduced.

  1. bacteria

  2. diarrohea

  3. water. make sure people have clean access to water to reduce the spread

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  1. what type of pathogen is it

  2. what are the symptoms

  3. how it is spread and how this can be reduced.

  1. bacteria

  2. coughing and lung damage

  3. spread through the air and can be prevented by infected people avoiding crowded public places

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chalara ash dieback

  1. what type of pathogen is it

  2. what are the symptoms

  3. how it is spread and how this can be reduced.

  1. its a fungus that infects ash trees

  2. leaf loss and bark lesions( wounds)

  3. spread by air and wind and spread can be reduced via removing young infected ash trees and replanting with diff species

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  1. what type of pathogen is it

  2. what are the symptoms

  3. how it is spread and how this can be reduced.

  1. protists

  2. damages red blood cells and liver

  3. spread with mosquitoes that act as an animal factor. (they pass it on but dont get it themselves)

    spread can be reduced through use of mosquito nets and insect repellent

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  1. what type of pathogen is it

  2. what are the symptoms

  3. how it is spread and how this can be reduced.

  1. virus

  2. destroys white blood cells leading to a onset of aids

  3. spread with bodily fluids

    the spread can be reduced via protected sex, screening blood for HIV

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describe chlamydia

spread via sexual transmitted disease

its a bacteria

can cause infertility

you can reduce spread via condoms and regular screenings

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what is a non specific defence

alway present

same for all organisms

prevents pathogens from entering the body

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what are examples of a body physical defence system

  • skin - provides surface barrier

  • blood clotting - platelets seal wounds which pervents pathgoens from getting into open wounds.

  • respiratory tract - mucus traps the pathogens. and the cilia (hair like structure) wafts the mucus up to the back of the throat where it can be swallowed.

  • hairs and mucus in your nose trap particles that could contain pathogens

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what are examples of the chemical defence system

  • eyes produce chemical called lysozyme in the tears that kill bacteria on the surface of your eyes

  • the stomach produces hydrochloric acid that kills most of the pathogens swallowed

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what is the immune system

the bodys defence against pahtogens and it aims to prevent or minimise disease caused by pathogens

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how do white blood cells detect pathogens in the body

pathogens have unique antigens on their surface which are detected by specialised receptors on white blood cells

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how does the immune system destory pathogens

b-lymphocytes produce antibodies in response to a particular antigen

each antibody is specific to the antigen on the pathogen and it binds to it so it can be found and destroyed by other wbc

this inbits the antigens so they can be killed by other wbc

antibodies are produced rapidly and flow all round the body to find all similar pathogen

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what are memory lymphocytes

wbc produced in response to a forgein anitgen that remain in the body after the pathogen has been destroyed

provide immunity if the body is reinfected antibodies are produced more rapdily and the pathogen is destroyed before it can produce disease symptoms

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compare the primary and secondary immune responses

the secondary response produces antibodies mor rapidly and in higher concentrations than in the primary responses. the pathogen is destroyed before it canc ause symptoms

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how does immunisation work

inject a dead or inactive pathogen in the body. this are antigenic ( they carry antigens) so even though they are harmless your body makes antibodies to help destory them. they also trigger memory lymphoctyes to be made so if a live pathogen gets in the body they can cause a fast secondary immune responses. so you are less likely to get the disease

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what is a type of immunisation


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what are antibiotics

it kills or inhibts growth of bacteria but doesnt have any effect on virus

produced by living orgainism and has no effect on cells in the host organism.

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what are the stages of drug development

  • screening for potential drugs

  • preclinical trials

  • clinical trials

  • approval by medicial agency

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