local, regional, general
Three types of anesthtic methods
What affects anesthesia
size, age, gender, recent feeding, fear and activity, tranquilizers, concurrent disease
dermal/topical, injectable (IM, IV, IP, SC), inhalant
4 methods of anesthetic delivery
cardiac, respiratory
2 body systems affected by anesthetic emergencies
stage 1
rising pain
stage 2
excitement phase
stage 3
surgical anesthesia - plane 3
stage 4
respiratory paralysis
jaw tone, swallowing reflex, withdraw reflex, palpebral refelx, corneal reflex
4 methods of assessing adequate anesthesia/analgesia
ideal euthanasia method
rapid death no pain
panic distress
minimum time to loss of consciousness
reliable, reproducible
minimum environmental impact
simple easy equipment
minimum undesirable phsiological effects
number of animals to be euthanized