Sentiment is my forte
English definition: feeling is my best quality/my thing (an asset of special worth or utility).
Ukrainian definition: Сентиментальність - моя сильна сторона.
I keep science for life
English definition: save rules and precisions for other parts of his life, not music.
Ukrainian definition: Наука для життя
To produce a false impression
English definition: a misleading or incorrect image
Ukrainian definition: Створити хибне враження.
Ready money
English definition: cash
Ukrainian definition: готові гроші.
To shilly-shally
English definition: to spend too much time doing something or making a decision because you do not know what is the right thing to do
Ukrainian definition: «ламатися».
English definition: based on ideas, facts, and reasons that are wrong
Ukrainian definition: неправильний.
English definition: (Purple is the colour usually associated with royalty) difference between nepo babies and self-made people
Ukrainian definition: «Народитися зі срібною ложкою в роті».
English definition: the particular type of character that a person naturally has.
Ukrainian definition: темперамент.
Synonyms: habit, inclination, mood, personality, temper.
As right as a trivet (трівіт)
English definition: thoroughly or perfectly right
Ukrainian definition: безперечно правий
Carry off
English definition: to remove forcefully
Ukrainian definition: забирати
Synonyms: bear away, bear off, carry away, take away
Draw oneself up
English definition: stand or sit straight.
Ukrainian definition: випрямитися.
Slightingly (сл__ай__тінглі)
English definition: disrespectfully (to insult someone by ignoring them or treating them as if they are not important).
Ukrainian definition: зневажаючи.
English definition: big problems or troubles.
Ukrainian definition: горе.
English definition: the careful use of money, especially by avoiding waste.
Ukrainian definition: Ощадливість.
To bow down
English definition: weighed down; troubled
Ukrainian definition: бути стурбованим
Be resigned to (resign oneself to)
English definition: to accept a bad situation that cannot be changed.
Ukrainian definition: змиритися.
Scoundrel (скаундрел)
English definition: a person, especially a man, who treats other people very badly and has no moral principles
Ukrainian definition: негідник.
Worn out
English definition: extremely tired; exhausted.
Ukrainian definition: виснажений.
Speak one’s mind
English definition: to say what one thinks: to state one's opinion.
Ukrainian definition: Висловлювати свою думку.
TrEspass (on, upon)
English definition: to waste
Ukrainian definition: витрачати
To surrender
English definition: give up (principles)
Ukrainian definition: зрадити
Insuperable (інс’Юперабл)
English definition: impossible to overcome.
Ukrainian definition: непереборний.
To find smb out
English definition: to discover that someone has done something wrong.
Ukrainian definition: Виявити когось.
English definition: interested only in the amount of money that you can get from a situation.
Ukrainian definition: шлюб за вигодою/гроші.
English definition: in a way that is very obvious and is an attempt to make people notice you, especially to notice your money or expensive possessions.
Ukrainian definition: Демонстративно/показушно.
To devour (дівавер)
English definition: to eat something eagerly and in large amounts so that nothing is left.
Ukrainian definition: пожирати.
To refute
English definition: to prove a statement, opinion, or belief to be wrong or false.
Ukrainian definition: довести, що щось є неправдою.
English definition: useless, unsuccessful, or weak that they annoy you.
Ukrainian definition: жалюгідний.
English definition: the fact of showing that you are very sorry for something bad you have done in the past.
Ukrainian definition: каяття.
to lavish
English definition: overgift someone
Ukrainian definition: задарювати подарунками