King Philip’s War
Cause: The colonists in the Massachusetts Bay area wanted more land, but the natives (Wampanoag) were already occupying that area. The colonists responded by assassinating 3 of King Philip otherwise known as Metacom’s men
Effect: King Philip was killed. The colonists either killed or took the rest of the natives as slaves. They also took most of the Native’s land.
Societies of inclusion and exclusion with the natives
Bacons Rebellion:
Cause: Nathanial Bacon was a farmer in the Backcountry who believed that his colony’s government wasn’t doing a good enough job of defending itself from native attacks, so he took it upon himself to lead a rebellion.
Effect: African slaves started to replace indentured servants and native slaves at a higher rate.
Change of labor systems in the Colonies
Tidewater vs. Backcountry
Tidewater: (southeast Virginia, northeastern North Carolina, southern Maryland, and the Chesapeake Bay.) Had more trade because it was mostly on the shore and away from natives. So, They were very wealthy.
Backcountry: (inland Virginia and the Carolinas) They were sharing land with the natives, so they were constantly in battles, which took a lot of their money and several of the colonists’ lives.
Native conflicts: Intense, though on the decline
The Virginia slave code followed the condition of the mother
New England vs. Chesapeake (look at chart)
New England: Wealthy, bc it was on the shore so they made a lot of money from trade and fishing. They were also protestants
Chesapeake: They made most of their money from logging. They were mostly middle class.
Triangle Trade
The Middle Passage
1st Great Awakening
Cause: The enlightenment
Effect: old lights and new lights
George Whitefield
Preached the concept of the necessity of the new birth which means that god can cleanse everyone’s spirit from sin.
Jonathan Edwards
Preached that one must ask for forgiveness of their sins.
Cause: Conflicting church leaders
Effect: Old Lights and New Lights
Salvation vs. Predestination
Salvation - the idea that sin can be forgiven.
Predestination - the belief that God has already decided everyone’s fate.
Old Lights vs. New Lights
Old lights - Traditional, conservative ministers who rejected religious revival
New Lights - Accecpted the great awakening
Trade and Navigation Act
A series of laws made by Britain to stop the colonies from trading with other countries
Barthelemue De La Casa
A Spanish priest who advocated for Native American rights.
The Pueblo Revolt
It was the only successful native revolt in colonial history.
Throughout the colonial period, economic concerns had more to do with the settling of British North America than did religious concerns. Assess the validity of this statement by comparing economic and religious concerns.
Choose TWO of the following and analyze their effect on colonial North American development between 1620 and 1776.
The Enlightenment
The First Great Awakening (14)
Compare the ways in which religion shaped the development of colonial society (to 1740) in TWO of the following regions:
New England Chesapeake Middle Atlantic (02)
Analyze the change and the role of trans-Atlantic trade and Great Britain’s mercantilist policies in the economic development of the British North American colonies in the period from 1650 to 1750. (13)
Compare the cultural and economic responses of TWO of the following groups to the Indians of North America before 1750.
British French Spanish (00)