peasent rebellions for rights
what was the taiping uprising?
rights for women
what major thing could the Taiping Uprising have accomplished?
Europeans were addicts
What were the Opium wars?
banned opium
Who was the commissioner Lin Zexu?
europe taking advantage of china
what were the unequal treaties?
china sad but still self-ruled
what was the informal empire?
china repairing
what was self-strenghtening?
embrassed chinese fighting back
what were the boxer uprisings?
islam not changing
What was the “sick man of Europe”
held back ottoman
what was important about the Janissaries and the Ulama?
wanted military change
who was sultan selim the third?
westernization of the ottoman
What was the Tanzimat?
integrated religions
what does secular mean?
wanted parliament and constitution
who were the young ottomans and what did they want?
russia and ottoman wanted christians
what was the crimean war
made parliament but took it away
who was the sultan abd al-hamid the second?
liked secular and military
who were the young turks?
who ruled china during the Qing dynasty?
trade in specific areas
what were the spheres of influence?
one of the unequal treaties
what was the treaty of nanking?
only trade with dutch
what was the canton system?
women wanting power
who were the red lanterns?
no guns so fight
why was it called the boxer uprising?
sent to china from europe
who was commodore matthew perry?
wanted to restore emperor
what was the maiji restoration?
china and japan
What was the sino-japanese war?
hundred days of reform
what did the sino-japanese war inspire?
russia and japan
what was the ruso-japanese war?
russian revolution
what did the ruso-japanese war inspire?