APUSH Period 8 Vocab

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Cold War

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Cold War

Term used to describe the rivalry/tension between the Western countries that had representative style governments and the countries that had communism as their government (USA v. USSR)

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the German capital, was also split into four zones, one per Allied Power

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Iron Curtain

The Western Allied powers, worked together to try to reunify Germany, but the Soviets opposed this, Allied zones later merged together to form West Germany, Soviet zone became East Germany, Winston Churchill called the division an _________________

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Satellite Nation

a state controlled by another nation

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Buffer State

a state that is designed to serve as a buffer against future aggression

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Marshall Plan

a plan for aiding the European nations in economic recovery after World War II in order to stabilize and rebuild their countries and prevent the spread of communism

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Berlin Airlift

Joint effort by the US and Britian to fly food and supplies into W Berlin after the Soviet blocked off all ground routes into the city

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NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Military alliance created in 1949 made up of 12 non-Communist countries including the United States that support each other if attacked.

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Warsaw Pact

An alliance between the Soviet Union and other Eastern European (Communist) nations. This was in response to the NATO

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Chaing Kai-shek

nationalistic, pro Western Chinese leader, overthrown by Mao Zedong and the communists, he was an advocate of representative government, anti-communist, which made him acceptable to the Western powers

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Mao Zedong

Chinese Communist leader from 1949 to 1976.

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North Korea

occupied by Soviets, given communist system of government

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South Korea

was occupied by the Americans, formed a representative system of government

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US foreign policy to keep communism within its current boundaries (limit its spread), pushed by George Kennan

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Berlin Wall

To stop the flow of refugees, the East German government built the _________ separating West Berlin from East Germany, prevented all movement between each side

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Truman Doctrine

US philosophy that would provide money to countries that were threatened by Communist expansion

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Arms Race

race between the US and the Soviet Union to build up their armies and nuclear weapons

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Serviceman's Readjustment Act (GI Bill)

provided education and economic assistance to veterans

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Desegregation of military

in 1948 President Truman ordered desegregation of the military

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Dwight D. Eisenhower

general and military hero from WWII was courted by both parties for election of 1952, leaned conservative in his personal politics, so he accepted the Republican nomination

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Richard Nixon

Vice President under Eisenhower and 37th President of the United States

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Senator Joe McCarthy

staunch anticommunist, he accused many people in federal government and in Hollywood of being communist, many Americans, fearful of communism, supported him, eventually went too far with his accusations and lost support

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a person who supports or believes in the principles of communism

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Interstate Highway Act of 1956

Eisenhower (Ike) backed this act, built thousands of miles of highways, would transform America by boosting the trucking, auto, oil, and travel industries as well as speeding suburbanization and leading to the downfall of the railroads and some city's downtowns

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More and more Americans moved to suburbs after WWII (cars, Interstate Highway System, Levittown)

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Nikita Khrushchev

Became Soviet premier in 1953 after Stalin died, Ike built up the Air Force with a fleet of superbombers (Strategic Air Command) that was capable of destroying large areas with nuclear weapons

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U2 Incident

an American spy plane flown by Gary Powers was shot down over the USSR, denied at first, US later admitted responsibility, this led to poorer US-USSR relations

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Soviet Union launched first artificial satellite into space, gave Soviet Union immense confidence, while causing an uproar in the US that the communists were more scientifically advanced

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Beatniks (Beat Movement)

younger counterculture of the 1950s, opposed to the conformity of the decade with different styles of music, dress, and behavior towards mainstream culture

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Brown vs. Board of Education

Supreme Court ruled that separate education was unequal, and desegregation must happen "with all deliberate speed"

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Little Rock 9

President Eisenhower ordered Federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to escort the 9 black students to Central HS when the Gov. of Arkansas ordered the National Guard to prevent desegregation, they were known as the __________

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Martin Luther King, Jr.

civil rights leader, formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) to mobilize black churches on behalf of black rights.

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Rosa Parks

United States civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery (Alabama) and so triggered the national civil rights movement (born in 1913)

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Montgomery Bus Boycotts

a yearlong protest lasting until Supreme Court rulings declaring segregated busing unconstitutional were enforced

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Freedom Ride(rs)

Group of civil rights workers who took bus trips through southern states in 1961 to protest illegal bus segregation

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New Frontier

The campaign program advocated by JFK in the 1960 election. He promised to revitalize the stagnant economy and enact reform legislation in education, health care, and civil rights.

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Bay of Pigs

1200 Cuban exiles who had been trained and armed by the CIA landed at the ___________ in an attempt to overthrow the Castro regime, they received no support from the populace or air support from US, attempt failed, Castro moved closer to USSR

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Cuban Missile Crisis

When the Soviet Union put nuclear missiles in Cuban in 1962, it set off a panic in the US, US set up a blockade of Cuba, demanded Soviets to remove the missiles, after a week of anxious tension, Soviets backed off and removed the missiles, averting a possible nuclear war

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Trade Expansion Act

cut tariff rates by up to half with Common Market countries

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flexible response

Kennedy shifted away from "massive retaliation" to ___________ used a wide variety of military options to match each individual crisis

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Communists in South Vietnam, backed by NV

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Civil RIghts Act of 1964

expanded the government's ability to end segregation/discrimination based on race/gender

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Great Society

LBJ also pushed his own _____________ programs, a New Deal type legislation aimed at combating poverty

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24th Amendment

eliminated the poll tax

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Voting Rights Act (1965)

eliminated literacy tests, not ending discrimination overnight, placed a great amount of political power into the hands of black people

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Gulf of Tonkin

Just prior to the election of 1964, US Navy ships cooperating with South Vietnamese ships were "attacked" by the North Vietnamese in the _________

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Tonkin Gulf Resolution

Passed by Congress, essentially gave LBJ a blank check to use additional force in SE Asia

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Ho Chi Minh Trail

named after the leader of NV, wasn't one set route, system of roads, trails, bike paths, and river systems to move supplies from NV into SV for use by Vietcong or NVA

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Tet Offensive

US had exceeded 100,000 casualties, had dropped more bombs on Vietnam than on Europe/Japan in WW2, the illusion that the war was close to being won was destroyed by the communist attacks of 1968, called the ________

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Brother of JFK, Attorney General under his brother, senator from Massachusetts, shot in LA

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George Wallace

3rd party southern, pro-segregation candidate, won almost 10 million votes and 5 states

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Richard Nixon

well known and with the promise to pull US out of Vietnam, won the election

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recognized China

Since the Communist takeover, US had not ___________, Nixon stunned many when he announced he would visit the country, eased tension

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SALT I (Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty)

A series of negotiations between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. on the issue of nuclear arms reduction. The talks helped lower the total number of missiles each side would have and eased the tension between the two.

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Silent Spring

The EPA was created in 1970 in response to environmental concerns across the country, especially after the publication of _____________, a muckraking novel written by Rachel Carson about the problems with pesticides

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Warren Court

(Supreme Court) continued to expand rights regarding sexual freedom, rights of criminals, civil rights, religion

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New Left

had support from many sources, including liberals, socialists, and civil rights activists, college students played a large role in the movement

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ame to symbolize a new youth culture that was openly scornful of middle class America, flamboyant clothing, long hair, non-politeness, drugs

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Stonewall Riots

a large protest of a police raid of a gay bar in NYC

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Henry Kissinger

(Nixon's NSA, later Secretary of State) would be a key figure in American foreign policy, Nixon and Kissinger created a policy known as "Vietnamization,"

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President Richard Nixons strategy for ending U.S involvement in the vietnam war, involving a gradual withdrawl of American troops and replacement of them with South Vietnamese forces

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Kent State and Jackson State shootings

Campus protest against Cambodia, National Guard comes and starts shooting and kills passers-by; people shift away from support for war

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The Pentagon Papers

reported on by the NY Times in which it was confirmed that the US government had been dishonest in their reporting of the war

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Paris Peace Accords

After the election, the cease fire would break down and the US would order massive bombings of NVA called the Christmas bombings. Shortly after, a cease fire (________________) was signed. American forces continued to exit the country

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inflation at a time when the economy was stagnant and not growing

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Gerald Ford

Late in 1973, Nixon's VP, Spiro Agnew resigned as info surfaced that connected him with tax evasion and bribery, ____________, a popular Michigan Congressman, became VP, Ford became President after Nixon resigned

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a release from legal punishment, Gerald Ford granted this to Nixon after Watergate

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Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, kept raising oil prices as the US became further reliant/addicted to Mideast oil

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Easing of Cold War tensions between the US and Soviet Union (Examples include: SALT I and Salt II)

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Helsinki Accords

an agreement between 34 nations, including the US/USSR that attempted to improve relations between communist and noncommunist countries

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Camp David Accords

Carter helped broker a peace between Israel and Egypt in the _______________, it was a highlight for Carter, but he also tried to improve relations with China and USSR, détente faded during Carter's presidency

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storming of the US embassy

In late 1979, a revolution in Iran led to the _____________ where over 50 Americans were held hostage for over a year, those who stormed the embassy claimed it was over US support of the former Shah of Iran, Carter eventually ordered a rescue mission, ended in disaster

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Ronald Reagan

Carter's sagging popularity came at a time that the US was experiencing a revival of Conservatism, which generally meant individualism and limiting the size and scope of the government, this would help lead to a massive win for ________________ in 1980, sparking the Conservative Revolution, won in a landslide, minutes after he was inaugurated, the hostages in Iran were released

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