longitudinal study
1 group studied over long period of time
cross-sectional study
different groups (all ages and backgrounds) studied at once at one point in time
-one egg splits into 2 when sperm meets
-identical twins
-share placentas
-two eggs fertilized by same sperm
-fraternal twins
-separate placentas
critical period
-2nd trimester (4-6 months)
-major organs and brain developing
agents, such as chemicals and viruses, that can reach the embryo or fetus during prenatal development and cause harm
teratogens examples
-viruses (zika)
fetal alcohol syndrome disorder (FASD) causes
physical as well as mental birth defects
PKU (phenylketonuria)
born unable to break down proteins
Tay-Sachs Disease
cannot break down fats
down syndrome
extra 21st chromosome (physical and cognitive impairments)
what sense is LEAST developed in newborns
sight (no light in womb)
-brain development unfolds based on genetic information
-occurs in sequence
-concepts/skills/tasks that babies are trained to understand
-ex. reading, writing, hand eye cordination, etc
cephalocaudal trends
(head to foot) gain control of upper body before lower body (cephalocaudal)
proximodistal trends
(center --> outward) gain control of torso before extremities (proXimodistal)
infantile amnesia
-as brain matures, organization of memory changes from 3-4 years of age
-brain still makes memories but developing brain didn't process & store memories same way
rooting (reflex)
touch a baby's cheek and they'll move their mouth to the source in search for nipple (food)
moro/startle (reflex)
pretend to drop a baby and they'll splay their arms and legs out
stepping (reflex)
hold a baby under the arms just over a flat surface and they'll move their feet as if they're walking
sucking (reflex)
put something in a baby's mouth and they'll start sucking on it
grasping (reflex)
putting your finger in the palm of a baby's hand makes them close their fingers around it
blinking (reflex)
babies will close their eyes in response to bright lights
babinski (reflex)
when a baby's foot is stroked they will extend their toes upward
crawling (reflex)
if baby is placed on abdomen, they will make crawling motions
Jean Piaget
-cognitive development
-Sensorimotor --> Preoperational --> Concrete Operational --> Formal Operational
sensorimotor stage
-birth - nearly 2 yrs
-object permanence & stanger anxiety
preoperational stage
-2 - 6 or 7
-pretend play
-lack of conservation skills
-theory of mind
irreversibility (preoperational)
cannot mentally reverse a set of steps
animism (preoperational)
assigning human qualities to plants, objects, natural phenomenon
lack of conservation skills (preoperational)
does not understand quantity remains the same even with changing shape
egocentric (preoperational)
cannot perceive things from another point of view
theory of mind (preoperational)
develop the ability to understand another's mental state (can now lie: 4-5 y/o)
concrete operational
-7 - 11 yrs
-transform mathematical functions
-hierarchy classification
formal operational
-12 - adulthood
-abstract logic, imagines realities (symbols), moral reasoning
lev vygotsky
-cognitive (critic of Piaget)
-zone of proximal development
zone of proximal development
difference btw what a child can do alone and wha the child can do with scaffold
parents can mentor (scaffold/build) higher thinking levels (person in your life that helps you climb the ladder/help you understand something)
konrad lorenz
-strong attachment formed in critical period after birth (critical period is just hours after birth)
harry harlow
-contact comfort (harry's howling monkeys)
-showed that infants form attachments w/ surrogate (wire) mothers bc of bodily contact
mary ainsworht
-strange situation (aint it strange)
-mother leaves room, stranger in room, baby cries, mother comes back & comforts child-when mother comes back = "reunion"
-secure vs insecure attatchment
result of secure attatchement
-more trusting
-less anxiety
result of insecure attatchment
-less trusting
-more anxiety
diana baumrind
-parenting styles
-authoritarian, permissive, authoritative, negligent
authoritarian (parenting styles)
-parents impose rules and expect obedience
-children have less self esteem & anxious over mistakes too much
permissive (parenting style)
-parents submit to child's demands
-children more agressive/immature
authoritative (parenting style)
-parents are demanding but responsive to their child
-highest self esteem
negligent (parenting style)
-parents are uninvolved; neither demanding nor responsive
-careless, inattentive, do not seek close relationship with their child
-children have poor academic/social life
deprivation of attatchment
-unable to develop speech (severe like Genie)
-differences in attention, arousal, emotional reactivity, & intensity
-mostly genetic trait
self concept
how do you answer question: Who am I?
major social milestone
-baby = attatchment
-child = self-concept (18 months)
mirror test
recognize themselves in mirror = self concept
lawrence kohlberg
-moral development
-preconventional, conventional, postconventional
-before 9
-decisions based on: reward & punishment
-be early adolescents