Switch from Magic School for $0

Paying for Magic School Enterprise? Switch today (or at the end of your existing contract) to Knowt and get as many licenses as you want free for 1 year!

Contact us & switch for free!
AI Summarizers (Instant Practice Questions, Notes, & flashcards from any file)
Live Lecture Note Taker
25+ AI Tools
Detailed AI analytics on assignments
FERPA, COPPA, SOPPA, EdLaw 2D Compliance
No Ads (inside or outside classes)
Create & share notes
Create & share flashcards
Study with unlimited free Learn, Matching, & Spaced Repetition Modes
Browse millions of notes, flashcards, and other study materials
AP Study Guides and unlimited practice questions
Admin Dashboard Insights
Clever & ClassLink SSO

Trusted by 1,000+ schools

Join our thriving community of teachers & students that trust Knowt.


Trusted by 1,000+ schools

Our community of students and teachers trust Knowt to create and study on.


Saves me time

This makes lesson planning so much faster for me! Definetely recommend the feedback tool.


My kids love it!

The lecture note taker tool is a game-changer. I can just send my student organized, effective study guides at the end of each class.


Great for engagement

Helped make my classroom more interactive. My students are more engaged and excited to learn!


Get this app, it’s amazing!

Never in my life have I done a review for any app but I just love knowt so much. I’ve recommended it to all my friends and they all agree that it’s a life saver.


Great for younger students too

My kids love to play the matching game in class, and it’s so easy for me to keep track of their progress when I assign it for homework.


Excellent review tool for students.

This app is very simple to use and engages students with different types of learning to reinforce the material. It’s fun and easy for them.


School blocked Quizlet.

I found Knowt after my school blocked Quizlet & it was so easy to get set up. Their team worked directly with our IT co-ord to answer all their questions.


Awesome app!

You can tell they put thought into making this perfect for teachers. There’s so many optimized features you won’t find on Quizlet or Google Classroom


Way more worth it

Knowt lets me keep track of exactly what my students need more practice on and makes lesson planning easier for me!

Why switch to this MagicSchool Alternative?

We know how tough it is to pick the right AI tool for your school so we wanted to make it an easy decision.

Grab free licenses for every teacher at your school

You’ll receive FREE licenses for as many of your users as you’d like when you sign a 2 or 3 year contract that matches or beats your current price..

Lock in a cheaper price than MagicSchool

For the second or third year of your contract, we’ll match Magic School’s price or beat it. We’ll even lock that price in so you don’t have to worry about rate increases for a few years.

Stop paying for 4 tools.

Get the functionality of Magic School, Quizlet, Quizziz, and SchoolAI in one tool. Less tools for you to manage -- one PO and one admin dashboard to manage everything

Knowt is compliant with student privacy guidelines

Quizlet might not sign your DPA, but we will.

COPPA iconCOPPA compliant
FERPA iconFERPA compliant
NY2D iconNY2D compliant
GDPR iconGDPR compliant
WCAG 2.0 iconWCAG 2.0 compliant
SOPPA iconSOPPA compliant
Want us to sign your DPA?Send it to us and we’ll review it within a week.
Send us your DPA
FAQWe thought you might have some questions...
What’s the difference between Knowt and Magic School?
3 million students & teachers trust Knowt for its AI teacher tools, PDF, PPT, and Video Summarizers, and a Live Lecture Note Taker. Knowt also provides access to over 4 million shared notes, flashcards, and study materials, with unlimited study modes like Learn, Matching, and Spaced Repetition. Additionally, Knowt offers AP Study Guides and practice questions, which are not mentioned as features of Magic School.
What is included in Knowt's Enterprise offer?
Knowt Enterprise offers free licenses for students and teachers for the rest of the school year with a 2-year contract. For the second year, Knowt will match or beat Magic School's pricing if their quote is more expensive and lock in that price for the following two years to ensure no unexpected rate increases.
What happens after the free year when switching to Knowt?
After the free year, you can extend the contract for 1 or 2 more years. During this period, Knowt will match or beat Magic School's price and lock in that rate for the duration of the contract to prevent unexpected price increases.
How does Knowt’s AI for teachers support student learning?
Knowt’s AI personalizes instruction, provides instant feedback, and automates repetitive tasks. It generates differentiated lesson plans, study guides, and practice questions tailored to students' needs, and offers real-time grammar suggestions, content analysis, and structured writing guidance. This allows students to have engaging and customized learning experiences while teachers can monitor their progress effectively.
Can Knowt’s AI for teachers create personalized learning materials?
Yes, Knowt's AI can create customized study guides, reading passages, and differentiated lesson plans based on student learning levels and subject matter. It enables educators to adjust reading difficulty, tailor quizzes, and provide targeted learning support for every student.