Abbreviations in this set
def.: definition
----don’t need to memorize for quiz----
N: noun
V: verb
adj.: adjective
Litany (N)
ex. Martin Luther protested the Catholic Church by nailing a LITANY of grievances.
a long list; tedious recital or repetitive series
synonyms: catalogue, recitation, prayer, petition
Ostentatious (adj.)
ex. The Palace of Versailles was OSTENTATIOUSLY decorated in gold and marble.
synonyms: pretentious, conspicuous (def.: easily seen, visible)
Vehement (adj.)
ex. The VEHEMENT debate lasted for hours.
intense, with great passion
synonyms: spirited, ardent (def.: enthusiastic), fervent (def.: impassioned, intense)
Lament (N & V)
ex. He was LAMENTING the death of his oldest dog.
an expression of sadness or regret; the act of regretting
synonyms: moaning, wailing, sorrow, mourn
Contentious (adj.)
ex. Giving the player a red card was a CONTENTIOUS decision by the referee.
argumentative; quarrelsome
synonyms: controversial, debatable, disputable
Incongruous (adj.)
ex. The cheetah print tracksuit looked INCONGRUOUS with the neon yellow sneakers he wore.
not well fitting
synonyms: inappropriate, unsuitable, out of place
Illicit (adj.)
ex. Walter White went from a chemistry teacher to an ILLICIT drug lord.
illegal; forbidden
synonyms: unlawful, banned
Fervor (N)
ex. Fans worldwide cheered with FERVOR when Argentina won the World Cup.
excitement and energy
synonyms: passion, zeal (def.: great energy and enthusiasm), ardor
Crass (adj.)
ex. His CRASS behavior during the formal ceremony got him kicked out.
lacking manners or a sense of what is proper
synonyms : insensitive, stupid, mindless, dense
Piety (N)
ex. She was known for her PIETY and acts of charity.
holiness; purity
synonyms: devotion, duty, saintliness
Bellicose (adj.)
ex. His BELLICOSE demeanor often led to heated arguments and physical confrontations.
warlike; fighty
synonyms: belligerent (def.: hostile and aggressive), antagonistic, threatening
Discourse (N)
ex. The two friends had a DISCOURSE for hours on the existence of aliens.
elevated discussion
synonyms: conversation, dialogue
Vacillate (V)
ex. If you ask her to pick something for dinner, she will VACILLATE between restaurants forever.
shifting position, being unable to hold one clear stance ⥃
synonyms: dither (def.: be indecisive), fluctuate, teethed (def.: sway back and forth)
Profound (adj.)
ex. The scientist made a PROFOUND discovery that revolutionized our understanding of space.
ex. Her sense of disappointment was PROFOUND.
deep, impressive
synonyms: heartfelt, great, knowledgeable, wise
Superficial (adj.)
ex. The building only suffered SUPERFICIAL damage from the storm.
ex. The president’s concern for the homeless population was SUPERFICIAL; nothing was done to provide aid.
surface layer; lacking genuine qualities
synonyms: exterior, peripheral, ostensible (def.: stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so)
Strident (adj.)
ex. Demands for his resignation have become more and more STRIDENT.
ex. I gritted my teeth every time I heard his STRIDENT voice.
abrupt and cold as presenting a forceful opinion; loud and harsh
synonyms: harsh, insistent, discordant (def.: disagreeing or incongruous; incongruous def.: not in harmony with surroundings or other aspects)
Idyllic (adj.)
ex. The tiny town by the sea is an IDYLLIC place for a honeymoon.
serene; gardenlike
tip to differentiate from “sublime”: often used in relation to nature
synonyms: heavenly, paradisal, picturesque
Sublime (adj.)
ex. After the SUBLIME meal, we gave the chef our compliments.
ex. Tchaikovsky wrote SUBLIME violin and piano concertos.
as close as possible to perfection; of such excellence as to inspire great admiration
synonyms: divine, glorious, exalted, awe-inspiring, grandeur
Reprieve (N)
ex. After being proven innocent, he was REPRIEVED from his death sentence.
ex. The drugs give him a temporary REPRIEVE from the pain.
break; relief from a difficult situation
synonyms: pardon, spare, acquit
Approbation (N)
ex. After scoring a penalty, the player received widespread APPROBATION from the crowd.
ex. Good grades earned the boy his mother’s APPROBATION.
synonyms: acceptance, endorsement encouragement