To My Sister,Sunday Dip, I remember, I remember I remember, In Wales wanting to be Italian, Kumakanda, Captain Cook,Jamaican British, Island Man, We refugees
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Themes in To my Sister
Form for To my Sister
Ballad,Isometric,Homodiegetic,Poetic 'I'
Rhyme scheme for To My Sister
Refrain in To My Sister
then come,my Sister! come I pray with speed put on your woodland dress; And bring no book for this one day we'll give to idleness
To my sister It is the…
It is the first mild day of march: each minute sweeter than before the red breast sings from the tall larch that stands beside our door
Imagery in To My Sister
Language in To My Sister
personification of nature
Context for To My Sister
romantic poet,the sublime,reflective, about his sister Dorothy
Key themes of Romanticism Poems
Nature,the sublime,Industrial revolution
Themes in Sunday Dip
Form for Sunday Dip
Narrative structure,Isometric,Heterodiegetic,Sonnet,Iambic Pentameter
Rhyme Scheme for Sunday Dip
Context for Sunday Dip
little formal education,romatic,celebration of youth,snapshot
Semantic field 1 in Sunday Dip
Youthfulness,Joy (dance,laugh,play)
Semantic field 2 in Sunday Dip
Adventure, Bravery (seek,boldest,lose their fears )
Sunday Dip they run
They run to seek the shallow pit, and wade and dance about the water
Form for I remember,I remember
Narrative,Isometric,Homodiegetic,Poetic 'I'
Themes for I remember,I remember
Childhood, Nature, Place
Context for I remember,I remember
Ill, romanticism, melancholy,innocence
What is the refrain in I remember,I remember
I remember,I remember
Language in I remember,I remember
personification,equivocation,nature imagery
Rhyme Scheme in I remember,I remember
Sing Song Quality
I remember,I remember first stanza
I remember,I remember the house where I was born the little window the sun came peeking in at morn,he never came a wink too soon nor brought too long a day, but now, I often wish the night had bourne my breath away!
I remember,I remember the fir trees…
I remember,I remember the fir trees dark and high; I used to think their slender tops were close against the sky
I remember, I remeber, it was but
it was but childish ignorance but now tis little joy to know I'm farther off from heaven than when I was a boy
what is personified in i remember, I remember
the sun and moon
what does personification of the sun and moon in i remember I remember similar too
nursery rhymes
Themes in IWWI
From in IWWI
Isometric,dramatic monologue,free verse
Rhyme Scheme for IWWI
no rhyme
What does IWWI end on
a rhetorical question
what is the rhetorical question at the end of IWWI
Impossibly pointed shoes?
vibes of IWWI
multiculturalism, freedom,youth,stereotypes
Context for IWWI
author is from bombay and wales (moved as a child )
What is IWWI like
Language in IWWI
wanting,asking,dying,longing (desperation increases)
Structure in IWWI
IWWI is there
is there a name for that thing you do when you are young?
IWWI dying to
dying to be french,dying to shrug and pout
Pop culture references in IWWI
freddie mercury, vespas
IWWI wanting to declare,
wanting to declare, like Freddie Mercury, that you are from somewhere ;like Zanzibar.
IWWI to be able to…
to be able to say out loud without embarrassment, Bella! Bella!
what juxtaposition is key in IWWI
places of wales and italy
Themes in Kumakanda
Form in Kumakanda
homodiegetic,isometric,free verse, poetic ‘I‘
Rhyme Scheme for Kumakanda
no rhyme
vibes of Kumakanda
loss,masculinity,mourning,reflective, melancholy, heritage, race
Conext for Kumakanda
born in zambia moved to UK at age 6, Kumakanda means initiation it is a right of passage
imagery in Kumakanda
colour imagery of yellow suit and white shoes
what does kumakanda end on
rhetorical question show he is still questioning
Kumakanda since…
since i haven’t dances among my fellow initiates …Tata’s people would think me unfinished -
what does the caesura after “unfinished“ in Kumakanda reflect
it is an extension line so it separates would should of happened and what did happen
Kumakanda to cross…
to cross the river boys of our tribe must cross in order to die and come back grown.
Kumakanda I was
I was raised in a strange land;by small increments:
what anaphora is used in Kumakanda
repetition of when to retell a story and reflect
Kumakanda at the graveside
at the graveside when the man I almost grew to call dad,though we both needed a hug, shook my hand
what does this quote “at the graveside when then man I almost grew to call dad,though we both needed a hug, shook my hand “ show
repression of emotion and toxic masculinity
Kumakanda this need to…
this need to speak in a tongue that isn’t mine?
Kumakanda he greets me…
he greets me in the language of my father and my father’s father and my father’s father’s father?
To My sister come
come forth and feel the sun
To my sister to the bare…
to the beare trees and mountains bare, and grass in the green field.
what is the ! in to my sister refrain
a caesura
To my sister from earth
form earth to man,from man to earth: - It is the hour of feeling
Sunday Dip the morning
the morning road is thronged with merry boys who seek the water for their Sunday joys
Themes in Captain Cook
vibes in Captain Cook
informal, reminiss
Context for Captain Cook
romantic,highly, educated,close to brother when young but then he was cruel to her,
Form for Captain Cook
narrative,isometric,homodiegetic,poetic ‘I‘
Rhyme scheme for Captain Cook
What is the volta in Captain Cook
after stanza 5 goes from happy nostalgic childhood to melancholy adulthood
What does the use of ! show in Captain Cook
her emotion and joy of the memories
Why does she not use ? in Captain Cook
because she doesn’t expect and answer
use of sibilance in Captain Cook reflects what
the sea and safety
Captain Cook we sail’d
we sail’d with his at sea, and the pond amid the willows the ocean seemed to be.
Captain Cook the water lilies
the water-lilies growing beneath the morning smile, we called the south sea islands.
imagery in Captain Cook
calm nature imagery (sunset in trees,fair south seas)
Captain Cook within
within that lonely garden what happy hours went by
Captain Cook we leave
we leave in leaving childhood,life’s fairy land behind.
what is the garden a metaphor for in Captain Cook
their relationship
Captain Cook how much
how much we loved his dangers, and we mourned his fall.
Captain Cook where are
where are the Guelder roses, whose silver used to bring, with the gold of the laburnums, their tribute to the spring
What does the rhyme scheme in Captain Cook remind me of
a sing song childhood
Themes in Jamaican British
identity, place, Us v Them
Form for Jamaican British
ghazal, homodiegetic, poetic ‘I‘,spoken word
what is the form of a ghazal
a middle eastern, poem with couplets (8) with a repeated refrain
Rhyme Scheme in Jamaican British
no rhyme but very rhythmic
Context for Jamaican British
his mother is white his father is Jamaican, born in hackney
vibes of Jamaican British
frustrated, dual heritage,reflective
Jamaican British anglo
Anglo nose. Hair straight. No way I can be Jamaican British
Jamaican British they think
they think I say I’m black when i say I’m Jamaican British but the english boys at school make me choose: Jamaican, British?
What does Jamaican British use
outdated negative and racist terms to show his experience
Jamaican British Half
Half-caste,half mule,house slave - Jamaican British .
Jamaican British light
light skin,straight male,privileged - Jamaican British
Jamaican British British
British don’t know how to serve our dishes; they enslaved us.
Jamaican British you cannot
you cannot love you sugar and hate your sweetness took me straight to Jamaica - passport: British.
Historical context for Jamaican British
Jamaicans fought of britain in WW1 + WW2
Jamaican British when knowing
when knowing how to war is Jamaican British.
what does enjambment do
Themes in Island Man
Place, identity,home
Form for Island Man
free verse,heterometric,heterodiegetic, 4 stanzas