Bios 110 Unit 4

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Types of Eaters

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Types of Eaters




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sift food particles suspended in water through specialized structures, such as the gills

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dwell in or on their food source

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suck nutrient -rich fluids from a living host

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eat relatively large pieces of food (like us!)

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Four Stages of Food Digestions

  1. ingestion

  2. digestion

  3. absorption

  4. elimination

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Digestion Types

Mechanical and Chemical

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Anatomy - Gastrovascular Cavity

  1. Digestive enzymes released from a gland cell

  2. soft tissue digested

  3. food particles engulfed

  4. food particle digested in food vacuole

<ol><li><p>Digestive enzymes released from a gland cell</p></li><li><p>soft tissue digested</p></li><li><p>food particles engulfed</p></li><li><p>food particle digested in food vacuole</p></li></ol>
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<p>Anatomy – Alimentary Canal</p>

Anatomy – Alimentary Canal

Pharynx = throat

Esophagus = muscular tube that passes food to crop/stomach

Crop = softens food

Gizzard = churns and grinds food

The alimentary canal anatomy is reflective of the animal’s diets

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<p>Human Digestive System</p>

Human Digestive System

Two groups of organs

1. Alimentary canal (gastrointestinal or GI tract)

o Mouth to anus

o Digests food and absorbs fragments

o Mouth , pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine

2. Accessory digestive organs

o Teeth o Tongue

o Gallbladder

o Digestive glands

o Salivary glands

o Liver

o Pancreas

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<p>The mouth, tell me about it</p>

The mouth, tell me about it

The mouth and teeth are involved in mechanical digestion

Chemical digestion of carbohydrates is achieved with enzymes in saliva

o Salivary amylase


o Mucus (lubrication)

o Buffers (neutralize)

o Antibacterial proteins

o Enzymes

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What do we call food when it is in our mouth?


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is the hollow, muscular tube that passes food and liquid from your throat to your stomach. It functions as part of your digestive system.

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Adjacent segments of alimentary tract organs alternately contract and relax, moving food along the tract distally

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Gastric juice, what is it made of?

Pepsin (enzyme) + HCl + mucus

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What are the stimuli for gastric juice release

  1. Smell

  2. Stretch

  3. parasympathetic nervous system input

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Gastric pits

1. Parietal cells release HCl

2. HCl converts pepsinogen to pepsin

3. Pepsin converts pepsinogen into pepsin

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Now what do we call the food after it goes down in our stomach?

Chyme !!!

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<p>Location of nutrient absorption</p>

Location of nutrient absorption

  • Bile (Emulsifies fat into small droplets)

  • Membrane bound enzymes (Chemical digestion)

  • Pancreatic amylase (starch —> maltose)

  • Pancreatic lipase (triglyc. —> fatty acid + glycerol)

  • Pancreatic endopeptidase (protein—> amino acid)

  • Nuclease (DNA/RNA —> nucleotides)

  • Bicarbonate ions (neutralize stomach acids)

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High surface are = what now?

High absorptive capacity

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High Surface Area = High Absorptive Capacity

  • The transport of glucose and amino acids relies on secondary active transport whereas lipids are able to diffuse across the call of the small intestine due to their solubility.

  • However, lipid size limit their ability to get deposited in the blood so they first have to travel through lymphatic vessels while glucose and amino acids can directly go to the blood.

    • largely polar (carbohydrate & protein digestion)

<ul><li><p>The transport of glucose and amino acids relies on secondary active transport whereas lipids are able to diffuse across the call of the small intestine due to their solubility.</p></li><li><p>However, lipid size limit their ability to get deposited in the blood so they first have to travel through lymphatic vessels while glucose and amino acids can directly go to the blood.</p><ul><li><p>largely polar (carbohydrate &amp; protein digestion)</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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What is the large intestine important for?

Water regulation

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large intestine details, humans vs animals

  • Animals

    • plants are harder to digest then meat (animals have an easier doing this)

  • Humans

    • do not have the enzymes to break down plants

    • Fiber is super important

    • do not have cellulate

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<p>Anatomy reflects diet</p>

Anatomy reflects diet

  • Shorter tract Smaller stomach, cecum and colon for easy to digest meat

  • Longer tract Larger stomach, cecum and colon for difficult to digest plants

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Why do we have a circulatory system?

We need a highway system to transport

• O2 and CO2

• Nutrients

• Water

• Hormones

• Immune Cells

• Waste

• Heat

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But not all organisms need a circulatory system!

Some organisms are so thin and branched that their cells can connect with the outside world

However, this limits how large an organism can be

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<p>Open circulatory System</p>

Open circulatory System

All organs are bathed and are floating in the hemolymph so no vessels

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<p>Close circulatory system</p>

Close circulatory system

Blood is contained within vessels

Blood and interstitial fluid are separate

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Explain the closed circulatory system

  • Arteries carry blood away from heart

  • Location of exchange; travel through tissues

  • veins carry blood towards heart

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What is the difference between open and closed circulatory systems


  • not under high pressure so not susceptible to hemorrhage

  • metabolically cheap

  • can’t distribute blood to specific tissues

  • Slow so not good for larger or metabolically very active animals


  • Can increase blood specific metabolically active tissues

  • can limit blood flow to the surface to decrease or increase heat exchange

  • fast so good for large or metabolically very active animals

  • under pressure so susceptible to hemorrhage

  • metabolically expensive

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Types of closed circulatory system

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Gill capillaries (fish)

Blood flows through atria to ventricle

decrease in pressure

<p>Blood flows through atria to ventricle</p><p>decrease in pressure</p>
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<p>Pulmonary capillaries (frog)</p>

Pulmonary capillaries (frog)

Pulmonary circuit

Systemic circuit

  • 2 atria and 1 ventricle

  • 3 chambered

  • blood and O2 mix

<p>Pulmonary circuit</p><p>Systemic circuit</p><ul><li><p>2 atria and 1 ventricle</p></li><li><p>3 chambered</p></li><li><p>blood and O2 mix</p></li></ul>
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<p>Pulmonary Capillaries (bird)</p>

Pulmonary Capillaries (bird)

2 atria

2 ventricles

blood and O2 does not mix

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Pulmonary Circulation

1.Right ventricle

2.Pulmonary artery

3. Lungs

4.Pulmonary vein

5. Left atrium

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Systemic Circulation

6. Left ventricle

7. Aorta

8. Body tissues

9. Vena cava

10. Right atrium

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Heart is relaxed Blood is entering atria

<p>Heart is relaxed Blood is entering atria</p>
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Heart contracts Blood is moving through and out of heart

<p>Heart contracts Blood is moving through and out of heart</p>
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Atrial Systole

Atria contract Blood moves from atria to ventricle

<p>Atria contract Blood moves from atria to ventricle</p>
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Ventricular Systole

Ventricles contract Blood moves from ventricle to arteries

<p>Ventricles contract Blood moves from ventricle to arteries</p>
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When does the cardiac cycle occurs?

72 time/minute

diastole - 0.4 sec

systole - 0.1 sec and 0.3 sec

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You can hear this!

Semilunar valves closing = “dub”

AV valves closing = “lub”

<p>Semilunar valves closing = “dub”</p><p>AV valves closing = “lub”</p>
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What causes these chambers contract and valves close?

Electrical impulses resulting in pressure changes

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Cardiac muscle cells are what?

conductive and contractile

Intercalated discs = gap junctions

<p>conductive and contractile</p><p>Intercalated discs = gap junctions</p>
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Atria contract

*SA spontaneously fires an action potential that spreads across both atria

<p>*SA spontaneously fires an action potential that spreads across both atria</p>
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Ventricles contract

Impulse is delayed at AV node

<p>Impulse is delayed at AV node</p>
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Artery and vein has 3 layers what are they?

Epithelial layer

Muscular layer

Connective tissue layer

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Capillary Exchange pt.1

The capillary wall is thin to allow for exchange of necessary materials (e.g., O2 and CO2), but not blood cells.

o Blood pressure also causes fluid to leave the capillary and enter the extracellular space

<p>The capillary wall is thin to allow for exchange of necessary materials (e.g., O2 and CO2), but not blood cells. </p><p>o Blood pressure also causes fluid to leave the capillary and enter the extracellular space</p>
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Capillary Exchange pt.2

The vein collects some, but not all, of the fluid leaked into the extracellular space due to osmotic pressure.

š The excess interstitial fluid is collected by the lymphatic system

<p>The vein collects some, but not all, of the fluid leaked into the extracellular space due to osmotic pressure. </p><p>š The excess interstitial fluid is collected by the lymphatic system</p>
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Distribution of Blood

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Venous Blood Pressure

1. Muscular pump: contraction of skeletal muscles "milks" blood toward heart 2. Respiratory pump: pressure changes during breathing move blood toward heart by squeezing abdominal veins as thoracic veins expand

3. Valves

<p>1. Muscular pump: contraction of skeletal muscles "milks" blood toward heart 2. Respiratory pump: pressure changes during breathing move blood toward heart by squeezing abdominal veins as thoracic veins expand</p><p> 3. Valves</p>
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Components of blood pt.1

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Components of blood pt.2

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General Properties of Whole Blood

-Fraction of body weight

- Volume

- Temperature

- pH

<p>-Fraction of body weight</p><p> - Volume </p><p>- Temperature </p><p>- pH</p>
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š Blood cell formation in red bone marrow

š Hematopoietic stem cells (Hemocytoblasts)

• Give rise to all formed elements in blood

• Committed cells cannot change

<p>š Blood cell formation in red bone marrow </p><p>š Hematopoietic stem cells (Hemocytoblasts) </p><p>•       Give rise to all formed elements in blood </p><p>•       Committed cells cannot change</p>
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Regulation of Erythropoiesis

š Too few RBCs leads to tissue hypoxia

š Too many RBCs increases blood viscosity

š > 2 million RBCs made per second

š Balance between RBC production and destruction depends on

• Hormonal controls

• Adequate supplies of iron, amino acids, and B vitamins

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Hormonal Control of Erythropoiesis

Hormone Erythropoietin (EPO)

š Direct stimulus for erythropoiesis

š Always small amount in blood to maintain basal rate

• High RBC or O2 levels depress production

š Released by kidneys (some from liver) in response to hypoxia

<p>Hormone Erythropoietin (EPO) </p><p>š Direct stimulus for erythropoiesis </p><p>š Always small amount in blood to maintain basal rate </p><p>          • High RBC or O2 levels depress production </p><p>š Released by kidneys (some from liver) in response to hypoxia</p>
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Causes of hypoxia

š Decreased RBC numbers due to hemorrhage or increased destruction

š Insufficient hemoglobin per RBC (e.g., iron deficiency)

š Reduced availability of O2 (e.g., high altitudes)

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Blood Oxygen Homeostasis

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Hormonal Control of Erythropoiesis

š Effects of EPO

• Rapid maturation of committed marrow cells

• Increased circulating reticulocyte count in 1–2 days

š Some athletes abuse artificial EPO

• Dangerous consequences

š Testosterone enhances EPO production, resulting in higher RBC counts in males

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<p>Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction</p>

Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction


Pros: Genetic diversity

Cons: Egg must combine with sperm and so it takes twice as many cells


Pros: No mate needed and makes many cells

Cons: No genetic diversity

<p>Sexual</p><p>Pros: Genetic diversity </p><p>Cons: Egg must combine with sperm and so it takes twice as many cells</p><p>Asexual</p><p>Pros: No mate needed and makes many cells</p><p>Cons: No genetic diversity</p>
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Methods of Fertilization

External fertilization - most aquatic

Internal fertilization - most terrestrial

<p>External fertilization - most aquatic</p><p>Internal fertilization - most terrestrial</p>
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Meiosis does not occur the same way in males and females. What differs?

Timing and end- product

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Reproductive System

Primary sex organs (gonads): testes and ovaries

š Produce sex cells (gametes) • Sperm – gametes in males • Ova(eggs) – gametes in females

š Secrete steroid sex hormones • Androgens (males) • Estrogens and progesterone (females)

Accessory reproductive organs: ducts, glands, and external genitalia Sex hormones play roles in

š Development and function of the reproductive organs

š Sexual behavior and drives

š Growth and development of many other organs and tissues

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The Male Reproductive System


š Site of sperm production and testosterone synthesis


š Sperm storage and maturation

Vas Deferens:

š Transports sperm from epididymis to urethra


š Tube inside of penis transports sperm or urine exterior


š Organ of copulation

<p>Testes: </p><p>š Site of sperm production and testosterone synthesis </p><p>Epididymis: </p><p>š Sperm storage and maturation</p><p>Vas Deferens: </p><p>š Transports sperm from epididymis to urethra </p><p>Urethra: </p><p>š Tube inside of penis transports sperm or urine exterior </p><p>Penis: </p><p>š Organ of copulation</p>
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Biological Male Anatomy Recap

Sperm undergo spermatogenesis within the testes and become full fledged competent sperm upon completing spermiogenesis in the epididymis.

Tubes help to transport sperm outside of the body while glands produce secretions that are deposited into those tubes to add the other components of semen.

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How do the testes know to make more sperm?

At puberty, the hypothalamus starts stimulating the pituitary to secrete gonad targeting hormones (LH and FSH).

o The testes respond to these hormones by producing testosterone which supports the maturation of sperm.

o This mechanism relies on negative feedback

<p>At puberty, the hypothalamus starts stimulating the pituitary to secrete gonad targeting hormones (LH and FSH). </p><p>o The testes respond to these hormones by producing testosterone which supports the maturation of sperm. </p><p>o This mechanism relies on negative feedback</p>
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The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal (HPG) Axis

o Hypothalamus secretes GnRH

o GnRH stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete FSH and LH

o LH stimulates cells in the testes to release testosterone

o Testosterone is the final trigger for spermatogenesis

o FSH causes other cells to release androgen-binding protein (ABP), which makes spermatogenic cells receptive to testosterone

o Feedback inhibition on the hypothalamus and pituitary results from rising levels of testosterone and inhibin (released when sperm count is high)

<p>o Hypothalamus secretes GnRH </p><p>o GnRH stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete FSH and LH </p><p>o LH stimulates cells in the testes to release testosterone </p><p>o Testosterone is the final trigger for spermatogenesis</p><p> o FSH causes other cells to release androgen-binding protein (ABP), which makes spermatogenic cells receptive to testosterone</p><p> o Feedback inhibition on the hypothalamus and pituitary results from rising levels of testosterone and inhibin (released when sperm count is high)</p>
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Sperm acquire their fertilizing ability and forward motility properties during epididymal transit

<p>Sperm acquire their fertilizing ability and forward motility properties during epididymal transit</p>
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Sperm anatomy

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Female Reproductive System


š Produce egg

Fallopian tubes:

š Site of fertilization š Transport embryos to uterus


š Site of embryonic development during gestation


š Connects uterus and vagina š Serve as barrier during pregnancy


š Female organ of copulation at mating š Birth canal

<p>Ovaries: </p><p>š Produce egg </p><p>Fallopian tubes: </p><p>š Site of fertilization š Transport embryos to uterus </p><p>Uterus: </p><p>š Site of embryonic development during gestation</p><p>Cervix:</p><p> š Connects uterus and vagina š Serve as barrier during pregnancy </p><p>Vagina:</p><p> š Female organ of copulation at mating š Birth canal</p>
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Uterine Wall

Three layers

1. Perimetrium: serous layer (visceral peritoneum)

2. Myometrium: interlacing layers of smooth muscle

3. Endometrium: mucosal linin

<p>Three layers </p><p>1. Perimetrium: serous layer (visceral peritoneum) </p><p>2. Myometrium: interlacing layers of smooth muscle </p><p>3. Endometrium: mucosal linin</p>
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Before birth (3rd - 5th month)

At about 7 weeks gestation a human’s primordial germ cells are present and if the baby is a female they even start dividing before birth!

Follicles: ~ 6,000,000 at birth

Follicles: ~ 6,000,000 at birth, 180,000 at puberty and 1,000 at menopause

<p>At about 7 weeks gestation a human’s primordial germ cells are present and if the baby is a female they even start dividing before birth!</p><p>Follicles: ~ 6,000,000 at birth</p><p>Follicles: ~ 6,000,000 at birth, 180,000 at puberty and 1,000 at menopause</p>
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How do primary oocytes get to be fertilized eggs?

The Ovarian Cycle

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What does the ovarian cycle entail?

š Strongly linked to precise levels of the endocrine hormones

• GnRH, LH, FSH, Estrogen, Progesterone, HCG

š Typically cycles through about every 28 days

š Phases within the cycle

• Follicular Phase • Ovulation • Luteal Phase

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The Follicular Phase (Day 1-14)

š Hypothalamus stimulated to secrete GnRH in response to low estrogen levels.

š FSH and LH are secreted from the anterior pituitary.

š Follicle cells begin to multiply around the developing oocyte.

• Produce and release estrogen

• Negatively feedback to hypothalamus and anterior pituitary

• Cause uterine lining to thicken

<p>š Hypothalamus stimulated to secrete GnRH in response to low estrogen levels.</p><p> š FSH and LH are secreted from the anterior pituitary. </p><p>š Follicle cells begin to multiply around the developing oocyte. </p><p>• Produce and release estrogen </p><p>• Negatively feedback to hypothalamus and anterior pituitary</p><p> • Cause uterine lining to thicken</p>
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Ovulation – Day 14

High enough levels of estrogen positively feedback to the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary to secrete a surge of LH.

š This surge stimulates ovulation of the oocyte.

<p>High enough levels of estrogen positively feedback to the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary to secrete a surge of LH. </p><p>š This surge stimulates ovulation of the oocyte.</p>
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Luteal Phase (Day 14-28)

š Remaining follicle cells become the corpus luteum .

š Corpus luteum secretes progesterone and a small level of estrogen.

• Promotes maintenance of the endometrium

š As progesterone and estrogen build, they inhibit the release of FSH and LH from the pituitary

<p>š Remaining follicle cells become the corpus luteum . </p><p>š Corpus luteum secretes progesterone and a small level of estrogen. </p><p>• Promotes maintenance of the endometrium</p><p> š As progesterone and estrogen build, they inhibit the release of FSH and LH from the pituitary</p>
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To Fertilize or Not to Fertilize

š The cycle can conclude in one of two ways.

š Option 1: If a sperm is present and fertilization occurs, hCG is produced and keeps the corpus luteum alive.

š Option 2: Lack of fertilization causes the corpus luteum to deteriorate and thus decrease the levels of estrogen and progesterone.

• This causes the endometrial lining to shed à menstruation

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Hormonal Regulation of Uterine Cycle

(1) PROLIFERATIVE PHASE concurrent with follicular maturation and influenced by estrogens (2) SECRETORY PHASE concurrent with luteal phase and influenced by progesterone (3) MENSTRUAL PHASE commences as hormone production by corpus luteum declines

<p>(1) PROLIFERATIVE PHASE concurrent with follicular maturation and influenced by estrogens (2) SECRETORY PHASE concurrent with luteal phase and influenced by progesterone (3) MENSTRUAL PHASE commences as hormone production by corpus luteum declines</p>
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Fertilization in More Detail

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What is development?

1. Cell growth and proliferation

2. Differentiation

3. Morphogenesis

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What type of cell will a cell become

<p>What type of cell will a cell become</p>
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What causes cells to differentiate into certain types?

Remember! All cells have the same genes. So what differs is not their genetic makeup, but rather their gene expression

<p>Remember! All cells have the same genes. So what differs is not their genetic makeup, but rather their gene expression</p>
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Transcription Factors

include a wide number of proteins, excluding RNA polymerase, that initiate and regulate the transcription of genes

<p>include a wide number of proteins, excluding RNA polymerase, that initiate and regulate the transcription of genes</p>
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What causes cells to differentiate into certain types?

Neuron specific transcription factors

Epithelial specific transcription factors

Brain specific transcription factors

Eye specific transcription factors

Ear specific transcription factors

<p>Neuron specific transcription factors</p><p>Epithelial specific transcription factors</p><p>Brain specific transcription factors</p><p>Eye specific transcription factors</p><p>Ear specific transcription factors</p>
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Differentiation Conclusions

š Throughout differentiation, the specialization of a cell becomes increasingly more fixed.

š Differentiation is a consequence of differential gene expression and is controlled by transcription factors.

š Differentiation is, in general, irreversible

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o The process that causes an organism to develop its shape

o Ex: Neurons are made, but they need to take on the shape of the brain for the organ to function properly.

o Occurs in response to cell growth, proliferation and differentiation

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The formation and development of an embryo.

an early process of creating more cells from a zygote and differentiating them into three layers of cells

<p><span>The formation and development of an </span><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" class="rMNQNe" href=";authuser=1&amp;q=embryo&amp;si=ALGXSlaWqc4XvKuO31AnQ7gAsIq_ZfGYUkEm731wDXSJqt3ucFOGI0S-WAMhJveaLBrf5jGjSAEjj8FIjSm22O3tUyuLkh1cMA%3D%3D&amp;expnd=1"><u><span>embryo</span></u></a><span>.</span></p><p><strong>an early process of creating more cells from a zygote and differentiating them into three layers of cells</strong></p>
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<p>What are the 3 layers? Explain them</p>

What are the 3 layers? Explain them

Ectoderm (outer layer)

Mesoderm (middle layer)

Endoderm (internal layer)

(Throughout cleavage, transcription factors that regulate gene expression of specific cell types are grouped together)

<p>Ectoderm (outer layer)</p><p>Mesoderm (middle layer)</p><p>Endoderm (internal layer)</p><p>(Throughout cleavage, transcription factors that regulate gene expression of specific cell types are grouped together)</p>
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an early developmental process in which an embryo transforms from a one-dimensional layer of epithelial cells, a blastula, and reorganizes into a multilayered and multidimensional structure called the gastrula

<p><span>an early developmental process in which an embryo transforms from a one-dimensional layer of epithelial cells, a blastula, and reorganizes into a multilayered and multidimensional structure called the gastrula</span></p>
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the process by which somites form. Somites are bilaterally paired blocks of paraxial mesoderm that form along the anterior-posterior axis of the developing embryo in segmented animals. In vertebrates, somites give rise to skeletal muscle, cartilage, tendons, endothelium, and dermis.

<p><strong>the process by which somites form</strong><span>. Somites are bilaterally paired blocks of paraxial mesoderm that form along the anterior-posterior axis of the developing embryo in segmented animals. In vertebrates, somites give rise to skeletal muscle, cartilage, tendons, endothelium, and dermis.</span></p>
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are a set of bilaterally paired blocks of mesoderm that form in the embryonic stage of somitogenesis, along the head-to-tail axis in segmented animals.

<p>are a set of bilaterally paired blocks of mesoderm that form in the embryonic stage of somitogenesis, along the head-to-tail axis in segmented animals.</p>
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Homeotic Genes

Hox genes expressed in a distinctive pattern along the anterior-posterior axis after segments are established.

š These genes code for regulatory transcription factors that trigger the production of segment-specific structures.

š “Homeobox”: the site along the DNA where the transcription factors bind; very similar between different organisms

<p>Hox genes expressed in a distinctive pattern along the anterior-posterior axis after segments are established. </p><p>š These genes code for regulatory transcription factors that trigger the production of segment-specific structures. </p><p>š “Homeobox”: the site along the DNA where the transcription factors bind; very similar between different organisms</p>
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Hox gene key points:

o Hox genes are very very closely related in creatures as distinct as fruit flies and humans.

o This similarity implies a very ancient origin of these genes.

o Shifting the expression of these genes just a little, through alteration in transcription factors (enhancers and silencers) binding can lead to the development of new forms.

o This shift in developmental expression is now thought to be a key factor in evolutionary change

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The Placenta

š Nutritive and waste-removal structure seen in placental mammals

š Allows for exchange between mother and baby bloodstreams by transport processes (e.g. diffusion and active transport)

š Secretes estrogen and progesterone to support pregnancy and prepare mammary glands for lactation

<p>š Nutritive and waste-removal structure seen in placental mammals</p><p> š Allows for exchange between mother and baby bloodstreams by transport processes (e.g. diffusion and active transport) </p><p>š Secretes estrogen and progesterone to support pregnancy and prepare mammary glands for lactation</p>
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š Estrogen rises to prepare myometrium to contract by manufacturing gap junctions and making myometrial cells receptive to oxytocin

š Oxytocin and prostaglandins strongly stimulate smooth muscle contraction š Mechanoreceptor stimulation of cervix stimulates birthing process

š Positive feedback mechanism

<p>š Estrogen rises to prepare myometrium to contract by manufacturing gap junctions and making myometrial cells receptive to oxytocin </p><p>š Oxytocin and prostaglandins strongly stimulate smooth muscle contraction š Mechanoreceptor stimulation of cervix stimulates birthing process </p><p>š Positive feedback mechanism</p>
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š Positive feedback mechanism

• Suckling increases prolactin and oxytocin secretion

š Prolactin stimulates milk secretion, while oxytocin causes milk let-down

š When not pregnant, dopamine inhibits lactation

š When lactating, GnRH release is suppressed

• Lactation anestrus/anovulation

<p>š Positive feedback mechanism </p><p>     • Suckling increases prolactin and oxytocin secretion </p><p>š Prolactin stimulates milk secretion, while oxytocin causes milk let-down </p><p>š When not pregnant, dopamine inhibits lactation</p><p> š When lactating, GnRH release is suppressed </p><p>       • Lactation anestrus/anovulation</p>
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Discharge of milk or a milk-like secretion from the breast in the absence of parturition or beyond six months' post-partum.

š Medications, such as certain sedatives, antidepressants, antipsychotics and high blood pressure drugs. Opioid use. Herbal supplements, such as fennel, anise or fenugreek seed.

š Treatment with a low-dose dopamine agonist

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