Lovely m0dern study statistics
What the is the life expectancy from the poorest areas in Glasgow
Life Expectancy is very important when choosing a place to live, it can determine how likely you are to live and have more experiences,
Men who are from one of the poorest Glasgow areas: Calton and Bridgeton live till 67.8 years of age (on average)
What is the life expectancy from the poorest area in Glasgow who are women
In C&B Women live till 78.6 years of age before death (on average) whilest there’s 50.7% employment.
What is the life expectancy from one of the richest areas in Glasgow
In one of the richest areas of Glasgow, Hyndland, Dowanhill and Partick East men live on average to 76.7 years old, which is 10 YEARS greater than that of C&B
What is the life expectancy from one of the richest areas in Glasgow who are female
In one of the richest areas of Glasgow: Hyndland, Dowanhill and Partick East Women live until 80.9 years old whilest the employment sits at 65.3% which is 15% higher than those living in C&B.
What did Harry Burns find about suffering?
Biology of Poverty is an exploration of how our environment can affect how quickly we recover from illness,
Sir Harry Burns (former CMO for Scotland) learned that after the collapse of heavy industry in the Glasgow east end during the 1950 (the poor part), it led to mass unemployment and a breakdown in family / community relationships creating a cycle of entrapment
which impacted recovery times and these communities are significantly more likely to be diagnosed for all types of cancers.
What else did Harry Burns find about brains 🧠
He also found that the consequences of Social Chaos and poverty as a child result in under-development of the hippocampus (brain).
What is the issue with Poor Diet?
Lifestyle is also a determining factor in one's own health, with place of residence and poor diet choices leading to increased cholesterol levels.
Poor diet is a major problem all around the world, but especially in Scotland with around 2/3rds of adults are overweight while 1/3rd of people are obese,
What does poor diet cause?
These decisions can lead to early death due to increased susceptibility to aliments such as cancer,
A poor diet also causes obesity, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and type 2 diabetes, all of which can lead to cardiovascular disease.
What we eat can also increase our risk of some cancers, especially bowel cancer as obesity is linked to 13 different cancers including post-menopausal breast cancer and bowel cancer.
What are deprived areas relation with with Alcoholism
Alcoholism is the act of losing control over their drinking. Alcohol is often used by poorer communities as an escape from their poverty related stresses and can contribute to their increasingly poor health
In deprived areas people are 7 times more likely to be admitted to hospital (968 vs 144 per 100,000) and Health Scotland reports that the alcohol related death for those in the most deprived areas of Scotland was 8x higher than in the least deprived areas.
What are the food bank statistics in UK?
Trussell Trust found the Number of people receiving emergency food parcels from food banks in 2023/24 was 3,121,000~ people and the percentage of people in food insecure households was 11% in 2022/23 (7.2 million people)