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Change in trait frequencies over time
*specifically allele frequencies
ex: fly changing eye color from one gene to the next
At it’s core Evolution is a
genetic process
Evolution on a small scale, such as changes within a population.
Evolution on a large scale, such as the creation of new species.
Evolutionary theory
An explanation for natural phenomena, thoroughly tested and supported
Evolutionary Theory focuses on
change through time + the diversification of life
Evolutionary Fact
An observable phenomenon
Aristotle believed
Great Chain of Being and the fixity of species
*Aristotle is a fixed speaker across subjects
St. Augustine believed
Creation of Earth + “Types of life” and that species didn’t change
*S.t is a title that affects the way you live—> a type of lifestyle and it doesn’t change
Ibn Khaldun believed
types could change and propose that humans evolved from primates and that humans are the highest form of life
*Ibn —> changing letters, classy name—> high title
Thomas Malthus believed
Humans are the highest but argued that resources affect population growth
—> leading to competition and potential extinction.
*Malthus/“Mouth” ..”mouths to feed”—> competition
Georges Cuvier
Used anatomy to study extinction and contributed to the field of paleontology
famine, floods etc.
*Cuvier: cut/carve inside—> anatomy
Charles Lyell
Introduced the concept of uniformitarianism, which suggests that geological processes take time (earth was old enough)
*ll at the end is parallel —> uniformity
Transmutation Hypothesis
Living species are derived from older, similar species
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck: Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics
changes you made individually would be passed on as well as the use or disuse would affect structures and heritability of traits
Evolution via Natural Selection
Variation exists and is heritable
Competition for limited resources
Differential survival and reproduction (fitness)
Beneficial traits increase in frequency
*We’re all different and we’re all competing to be the best, we all try different techniques to survive life, and the best of us get to pass it down and increase amount of people with that trait
Evolution occurs at both a ___ and ___ level
Population and Species level
A group of individuals from the same species
True or False:
Individuals can’t evolve during their lifetime
True or False:
Natural Selection leads to the development of new traits
mutation does
True or False:
Creation and Evolution can be inherently compatible
A group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
Ancestral Traits vs Derived Traits
Ancestral traits are shared with a common ancestor, while derived traits are unique to a particular species
Social Darwinism
Incorrect belief that certain conditions, such as poverty or being in jail, are due to genetic disposition
(you’re in poverty because you’re genetically disposed to be in that setting)
Stabilizing Selection
Selection against extremes, favoring the average
Directional Selection
Selection against one extreme, favoring the other extreme [one direction]
an extreme phenotype is favored over other phenotypes, causing the allele frequency to shift over time in the direction of that phenotype
Ex: moth colors pre + post-industrial revolution
Diversifying (disrupting) Selection
Selection for both extremes of a trait
the variance of the trait increases and the population is divided into two distinct groups
Ex: squirrels with either no tail or long tails
Regulates the passage of molecules
separates and protects the interior of a cell from the outside environment
*Membrane “member” —> you need to be a member to get in
Jelly-like matrix that holds organelles
Contains the cell's DNA
Produces adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
*ATP.. “at this point” you should know that it does more than act as the powerhouse of a cell
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Involved in the synthesis of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates
Site of protein synthesis
Assist in cell division
*Center ..where the action happens
Single-celled organisms
Single or multi-celled organisms
*EUK- “Unique” …can do multiple things
What makes up a nucleotide?
Sugar + Phosphate + Nitrogen Base
What are the 4 Nitrogen Bases?
Adenine-Thymine, Cytosine-Guanine
[AT] [CG]
single strand of DNA
Two Strands of DNA are considered
complimentary and anti-parrellel
DNA Replication
Initiation: enzymes separate hydrogen bonds that hold complementary strands
Elongation: Enzyme reads the order and pairs complementary bases
Termination: Completion + creation of nucleotide
*Rip a toxic couple apart, match them to better people, create a new and better couple
True or False
Nuclear DNA is passed down by both parents
True or False
DNA is only inherited from the female
lacks thymine + replaced with uracil
Important for protein synthesis.
What does RNA Preliminary do?
Comes in and reads one strand for protein and brings its complimentary bases
some code is cut out to connect exons
*go in to take it out
Alternative Splicing
different combinations of exons lead to different proteins
mRNA goes to ribosome to read codons (3 based sequences)
TRNA has opposite codons
amino acids link to create a peptide chain
DNA -> Chromatin -> Chromosome
tightly coiled
-in … inside for coverage (tight coil)
loosely coiled
Chromosome Structure
Center: centromere
Ends: Telomere
Arms: shirts (p) + Long (q)
Coding sections of DNA are found on a chromosome
alternate forms of a gene
you don’t have good gene, you have good alleles
part of a chromosome where a specific gene is located
*Loco—> location
the entire set of dNA in a cell
Somatic Cells
any cell of a living organism other than the reproductive cells
responsible for organ. growth + development
Humans have __ chromosmes
46 (23 homologus pairs)
22 autosomal, 1 sex
Trysomine 21 leads to
down syndrome
combination of alleles present (inside)
physical trait expressed based on the genotype
hair color
a mature haploid male or female germ that unites w/ the other of the opposite sex to create a zygote
Haploid (one of each type of chromosome).
results in two identical diploid daughter cells
Diploid cell —> DNA replication —> chromosomes line up in the center —> sister chrom.pulled
results in four haploid daughter cells/gametes
Involves crossing over
Dividing a cell into 2 cells
Final steps happens ONLY if fertilization occurs and ¼ is taken
Which of the two cell divisions is important from an evolutionary standpoint and why
A: involved in the reproductive process