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Pectoralis Major: In the human, for what movement is this muscle the prime mover?
pushing forward
Pectoralis Major: Name a muscle that serves as a synergist to this muscle?
triceps brachii
Pectoralis Major: What is the antagonist to this muscle?
lattisimus dorsi
Pectoralis Minor: In the human, what is the action of this muscle?
elevates ribs
Xiphihumeralis: What are the attachment points for this muscle?
xiphoid process of the sternum, humerus
Pectoantebrachialis: What is this a synergist to?
pectoralis major/minor and deltoids
Serratus Anterior: What are the attachment points for this muscle?
ribs, scapula
Latissimus Dorsi: Name a movement in which this muscle is the prime mover?
Latissimus Dorsi: What is the antagonist to this muscle?
pectoralis major, deltoids
Spinotrapezius: What is an action for this human muscle?
move scapula
Spinotrapezius: What is an attachment point for this muscle?
spine of scapula
Acromiotrapezius: What is an attachment for this cat muscle?
acromion process of the scapula
Acromiotrapezius: What is the difference between a trapezoid and a rhombus?
number of parallel sides, all 4 sides are equal on a rhombus
Clavotrapezius: What specific region of the occipital bone of the skull serves as an attachment point for this muscle?
external occipital protuberance
Levator Scapulae: What is the action of this muscle?
elevate scapula
Rhomboideus major: In the human, what shape does this muscle take?
diamond shaped, rhombus
Rhomboideus major: What is the action of this muscle?
adducts scapula
Rhomboideus minor: In the human, what shape does this muscle take?
Rhomboideus minor: What is the action of this muscle?
adduct scapula
Teres major: What muscle does this serve as a high gear companion?
lattisimus dorsi
Teres Major: What are the attachment points for this muscle?
scapula, intertubercular groove of humerus
Sternomastoid: What is the muscle in the human that completes the same action as this muscle?
Cleidomastoid: What are the attachment points for this muscle?
clavicle, mastoid process of the temporal bone
Sternohyoid: What are the attachment points for this muscle?
clavicle, manubrium, hyoid
Digastric: What are the attachment points for this muscle?
mastoid process, mandible, hyoid
Diagastric: What is the action of this muscle?
depresses mandible
Clavobrachialis (clavodeltoid): What are the attachment points for this muscle?
clavicle, deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Clavobrachialis (clavodeltoid): What human head of the deltoid would this muscle be synonymous to?
anterior head
Acromiodeltoid: In what human movement does this serve as a prime mover?
pushing over the head
Acromiodeltoid: What muscle is a synergist to this muscle?
Spinodeltoid: What is an action for this muscle?
elevate and rotate humerus
Spinodeltoid: What are the attachment points for this muscle?
spine of scapula, deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Spinodeltoid: What human head of the deltoids would this muscle be synonymous to?
posterior head
Biceps brachii: What is the action of this muscle?
flexes forearm
Biceps brachii: What does the name of this muscle mean?
2 heads
Triceps brachii - long head: What is the action of this muscle?
extends forearm
Triceps brachii - long head: What is the antagonist of this muscle?
biceps brachii
Triceps brachii - lateral head: This muscle serves as a synergist, name a muscle (in the human) for which it does?
pectoralis major
Triceps brachii - medial head: How was this muscle named?
3 heads
Triceps brachii - medial head: Name the attachment points for this muscle.
Epitrochlearis: Is this a human or cat muscle?
Brachialis: What does this muscle act as a synergist to?
biceps brachii
Brachialis: What is the action of this muscle?
flexes forearm
Brachioradialis: What are the attachment points for this muscle?
lateral epicondyle of humerus, styloid process of radius
Rectus abdominis: What action does this serve as the prime mover for?
flexes vertebral column
External oblique: How does this muscle help in coughing?
it compresses the abdomen
Internal oblique: Explain how the fibers of this muscle compare to that of the rectus abdominis.
deep angle to rectus abdominus, 45 degrees
Transverse abdominis: Explain how the fibers of this muscle compare to that of the rectus abdominis.
Semitendinosus: What muscle group is this a part of?
Semitendinosus: What is the action of this muscle?
flexes the leg and extends the thigh
Semitendinosus: What is this the antagonist to?
Semimembranosus: What muscle group is this a part of?
Semimembranosus: What is the action of this muscle?
flexes the leg and extends the thigh
Biceps femoris: Explain the naming of this muscle.
2 heads femur
Biceps femoris: What is this the antagonist to?
Rectus femoris: Explain the naming of this muscle.
straight femur
Rectus femoris: What action is this the prime mover for?
Vastus lateralis: What is the action of this muscle?
extends the lower leg
Vastus lateralis: What muscle group is this a part of?
Vastus medialis: What is the action of this muscle?
extends the lower leg
Vastus medialis: What muscle group is this a part of?
Vastus intermedius: What are the attachment points for this muscle?
femur, tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
Sartorius: What are the attachment points for this muscle?
ilium, tibia
Gracilis: Is this a cat muscle, human muscle, or both?
Adductor longus: What is the action of this muscle?
adducts the thigh
Adductor femoris: What are the attachment points for this muscle?
ischial tuberosity, femur
Tensor fasciae latae: ?
attachment- ilium, IT band, found in cat, action- abduct the leg
Soleus: What muscle does this act as a synergist to?
Tibialis Anterior: What action does this muscle have?
dorsal flexion, lift toes
Tibialis Anterior: What painful disorder is associated with this muscle?
shin splints
Gastrocnemius: What action does this muscle have?
plantar flexion
Gastrocnemius: What is the distal attachment for this muscle?
calcaneus via Achilles tendon
Gluteus maximus: This serves as a high gear muscle. What muscle group is the low gear partner to this?
Gluteus medius: What are the attachment points for this muscle?
ilium, greater trochanter of femur
Caudofemoralis: ?
above biceps femoris, abducts the thigh, flexes tail