MCO of Cellulitis
Strep, staph
Treatments of cellulitis
Primary: keflex Alt.: azithromycin
MCO of Abscess
Treatment of abscess
I&D, then bactrim or clindamycin
MCO of impetigo
streptococcus pyogenes
treatment of impetigo
local: mupirocin topical diffuse: bactrim or Pen VK oral
MCO of dog bites
pasturella canis
treatment of dog bites
update tdap primary: augmentin alt.: clindamycin and ciprofloxacin
MCO of cat bites
pasturella multicida
treatment of cat bites
update tdap primary: augmentin alt.: cefuroxime or doxycycline
MCO of human bites
strep viridans, staph epidermidis, corynebacterium
treatment of human bites
update tdap no ssx infxn: augmentin alt.: clindamycin and ciprofloxacin
MCO acute otitis media
S. pneumoniae, H flu, M. catarrhalis
treatment of otitis media
primary: amoxicillin, if rx abx in the prior month give augmentin Alt.: augmentin or cefdinir
MCO of acute otitis externa
s. aureus, pseudomonas
treatment of acute otitis externa
primary: ciprofloxacin + hydrocortisone (cipro HC otic) Alt.: ofloxacin otic (floxin)
MCO of suppurative conjunctivitis
s. aureus, S. pneumoniae, H. flu
treatment of suppurative conjunctivitis
primary: ciprofloxacin opthalamic ( ciloxan) Alt.: polymyxin B + triethoprim (polytrim)
MCO of pharyngitis/tonsilitis
Group A, C, G strep
treatment of pharyngitis/tonsilitis
cefdinir or penicillin VK or penicillin G Alt.: azithromycin or clindamycin
MCO of acute sinusitis
S. pneumoniae, H flu, M. catarrhalis
treatment of acute sinusitis
primary: augmentin 10-14d Alt: cefpododime or levofloxacin
MCO community acquired pneumonia >18 yo
S. pneumonia, atypicals and mycoplasma, H. flu, M. catarrhalis
treatment of community acquired pneumonia
No comorbidity: doxycycline or amoxicillin
Comorbidity: augmentin + azithromycin
No comorbidity: azithromycin
comorbidity: levofloxacin
treatment of culture proven strep pneumoniae CAP
PCN susceptible: PCN G or amoxicillin +/- azithromycin
Alt: doxycycline
PCN resistant: levofloxacin
MCO tuberculosis, active
mycobacterium tuberculosis
treatment of active tuberculosis
not resisitant: rifapentine + isonaizid + pyrazinamide +ethambutol x2 months then rifampin + isonaizid + pyrazinamide x4 months with pyridoxine (vit B6)
alt: multiple combinations
MCO of whooping cough
bortatella pertussis
treatment of whooping cough
Primary: azithromycin Alt: bactrim
MCO of acute bronchitis
90% viral 5% mycoplasma pneumoniae 5% C. pneumoniae
treatment of acute bronchitis
primary: doxycycline alt: azithroymcin or augmentin
MCO of acute bacteria exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
20-50% viral C. pneumoniae mycoplamsa pneumoniae
treatment of acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
primary: doxycycline or bactrim and prednisone alt: azithromycin or levofloxacin
MCO of nosicomial or abx associated enterocolitis
C. diff
treatment of nosicomial or abx assoc. enterocolitis
oral vacnomycin or fidaxomycin
MCO of mild diverticulitis
enterobacteriaciae like bacteriodies fragilis and E. coli
treatment of mild diverticulitis
Primary: ciprofloxacin and metronidazole or bactrim and metronidazole alt: augmentin and metronidazole
MCO of travelers diarrhea
E. coli, shigella, salmonella or camphylobacter
treatment of travelers diarrhea
primary: ciprofloxacin alt: azithromycin
MCO of urethritis/cervicitis
Nisseria gonorrhea chlamydia trachomatis
treatment of urethritis/cervicitis- N. gonorrhea
ceftriaxone 1g IM x1
alt: azithromycin
treatment of urethritis/cervicitis- chlamydia
doxycycline 100 BID
alt: azithromycin or levofloxacin
MCO UTI uncomplicated in women
e. coli, P mirabilis, K. pneumoniae, S. saprophyticus
treatment of UTI uncomplicated in women
bactrim x3d or nitrofurantoin x5d
alt: rocephin
MCO of UTI complicated in either sex
e. coli, P. aeurginosa, enterococci, S. aureus, candida species
treatment of UTI complicated in either sex
alt: ceftriaxone (rocephin)
MCO of UTI pregnant
E. coli, group B strep, enterobacter, proteus, klebsiella
treatment of UTI pregnant
nitrofurantoin x5-7d or augmentin
alt: cephalexin
MCO pyelonephritis in women
e. coli, p. aeurginosa, enterococci, s. aureus
treatment of pyelonephritis in women
ciprofloxacin 500 BID x5-7d
MCO of acute bacterial prostatitis, uncomplicated
treatment of acute bacterial prostatitis, uncomplicated
MCO of chancroid
Haemophilus ducreyi
treatment of chancroid
ceftriaxone IM or azithromycin
alt: ciprofloxacin
MCO of syphilis
treponema palidum
treatment of syphilis
alt: doxycycline
MCO of acute noninvasive gastroenteritis- non-invasive
norovirus, rotavirus, bacillus cereus, staph aureus, clostridium perfringens