Ch. 33: FDR and the Shadow of War: The Road to World War II

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Adolf Hitler

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Adolf Hitler

a fanatic who plotted & harangued his way to control of Germany in 1933.

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Nye Committee

formed in 1934 to investigate whether or not munitions manufacturers were pro- war for the sole purpose of making more money and profits, as the press blamed such producers for dragging America into the First World War.

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helps locate where planes are coming from.

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St Louis

left Germany in 1939 with 937 passengers, almost all Jewish refugees, went to Cuba, Miami, and Canada.

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League of Nation Failure

In 1935, Mussolini attacked Ethiopia, conquering it, but the League of Nations failed to take effective action against the aggressors.

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Tripartite Pact

Germany, Japan, and Italy→ rome- berlin- tokyo axis → purpose for signing it: so the US doesnt join the war and so dont fight war on two fronts (going to war to one= going to war with three)

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"Anschluss "

March 1938: Hitler marched troops into Austria and announced "Anschluss" union- between Germany and Austria.

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Labor union concerns

AFL was concerned that we are improving our relationship with Russia → More immigration from the Soviet union → more immigration= more people taking jobs with lower pay → take away jobs from union members.

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May /June 1940: ________ attack and defeat France, with Italy attacking from the South.

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appealed for assistance to democracies by "All methods short of war" so conflict would be kept to faraway Europe.

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Winston Churchill

British Prime Minister during World War II

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appealed for direct succor to British by such slogans as "Britain is Fighting Our Fight.

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________ invaded USSR earlier than planned was because of resource problems: ________ plan was to take over western europe and then attack Russia (similar to Schlieffen plan from WWI)

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Neutrality Act of 1936

barred US from sending these countries arms or other assistance.

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in Rome- Berlin Axis.

In 1936, Nazi Hitler and Fascist Mussolini allied themselves in Rome- Berlin Axis.

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give up morals to please a dictator

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Spanish Civil War (1936- 39)

Spanish rebels led by the Fascist General Fransisco Franco rose up against the leftist- leaning republican gov.

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Battle of Britain

Hitler launched air attacks against the British in August 1940 and prepared an invasion scheduled to start a month later, but the tenacious defense of the British Royal Air force stopped that → overmatched by Luftwafte until radar was invented by British scientists → started to beat Germany → after 3 months, Germany gave up and they lost the Battle of Britain.

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________ recognized Lend- Lease as unofficial declaration of war.

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Non-Aggression Pact violation

On June 22, 1941, Hitler attacked Russia, because ever since the signing of the Non- Aggression Pact, neither Stalin or Hitler had trusted each other, and both had been plotting to double- cross each other.

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