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APHUG Unit 4 Final Review


State - an area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government that has control over domestic + foreign affairs.

Sovereignty - independence from control from other states (all countries are sovereign states)

Microstate (define & examples) - A sovereign state with a small area and a small population. EX: Monaco, maldives, St. Lucia, Singapore

City-state (define & examples) - A sovereign that comprises a town + surrounding countryside. EX: Vatican City + Singapore

Territories - Area of land controlled by a nation.

Colony - A territory that is legally tied to a sovereign state, rather than being independent. EX: 13 colonies in America, controlled by Great Britan.

Colonialism - Effort by one country to establish settlements in new territory. Established to promote religion, promoted mercantilism, indicated power.

Imperialism - Control of territory already occupied and organized by indigenous people. *UK assembled the LARGEST COLONIAL empire…planted colonies on all continents. French had 2nd largest EMPIRE

Colonialism vs Imperialism - Colonialism takes place on UNCLAIMED land, while Imperialism takes place on CLAIMED land

Law of the Sea - An Internationally recognised set of guidelines about the sea/ocean. Signed in 1982, effective 1994

Law of the Sea (picture) -

Territorial Zone - 12 nautical miles. Considered “sovereign territory” of the state. One restriction: foreign vessels must be granted the “right of innocent passage”. Submarines must surface and show flag. Airplanes do not have right of innocent passage in this zone.

Contiguous Zone - 24 nautical miles. The state may exercise the control necessary to maintain control of its customs, fiscal regulations, immigration concerns, and sanitary regulations.

Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) - control over resources. Awards control over “living (fish, sealife) and non-living (oil) resources. Allows the state power over “exploring, exploiting, conserving, and managing” these resources.

High Seas - areas of open sea beyond the EEZ of any state, ⅔ of all the world’s water. No more “freedom of the seas:, the high sea is governed by internation law and various international conventions.

Boundary - a thin, imaginary, invisible line, which brings neighboring states into direct contact, increasing the likelihood of violent face to face meetings.

Compact state (define & examples) - EX: poland, Belgium. Implications: Capital is in the Center

Prorupted state (define & examples) - EX: Namibia (has an exclave of South Africa). Democratic repiblic of the Congo. Implications: keeps countries from being landlocked. Separates neighboring countries                                                         

Elongated state (define & examples) - EX: Vietnam, Italy, Gambia, Russia. Implications: wide range of biomes, harder to be a cohesive country, capital is usually in the middle. 

Fragmented state (define & examples) - EX: Canada, USA. Implications: centrifugal effects.

Perforated state (define & examples) - EX: south africa (has a country completely within it *Lestho*) Italy - Vatican City. Implications: Provides protection from other countries.                                                       

Enclave (define & examples) - a territory completely surrounded by the territory of another single state. EX: Lesotho, Vatican City                                                        

Exclave (define & examples) - A portion of a state separated from the main part by surrounding alien territory. Islands not considered exclaves. EX: Alaska, Cabinda, Ceuta.                          

Landlocked state (define & examples) - A country completely surrounded by the territory of more than one other country and has no direct access to the sea. EX: Ethiopia, Niger, Chad, Uganda, Austria, Nepal, Moldova.

Frontier - A zone where no state exercises complete political control. An area of spereation that is tangable and geographic. Frontiers are unihabitated ot sparsely settled in.

Physical boundary (define & examples) - A boundry based on the geographical features of the Earth’s surface. EX: Mountain boundary, desert boundry, water and ocean boundry. Mountain = chile + argentina. Desert = sahara separates Egypt from Mauritana.

Cultural boundary (define & examples) - the geographical term for the border between two different ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups. EX: Religion and language. Religion = Ireland… North = UK, rest = roman catholics. Language = England, spain, and portugal coalesced around languages.

Antecedent boundary (define & examples) - Pre-existing: commonly corresponds to a physical feature. EX: rivers, bays, lakes, mountains

Superimposed boundary (define & examples) - Boundary is imposed bu an outside force (treaty). May not reflect existing cultural landscape EX: Berlin wall

Subsequent boundary (define & examples) - set after the settlements of different groups meet. Often correspond to their respective ecumene. EX: Northern Ireland Border, Portugal-spain border.

Relic boundary (define & examples) - No longer a boundary. EX: The Great Wall of China

Nations without states (examples) -

Boundaries inside states (and their effects on people) -

Unitary state (define & examples) - Power in hands of central government. Works in nation-states characterized by internal cultural differences and a strong sense of national unity. Requires effective communication. EX: Europe and Chine

Federal state (define & examples) - Power in units of local government suitable for large states. EX: Russia, Canada, USA, Brazil, India, Belgium.

Gerrymandering - The process of redrawing the legislative boundaries for the purpose of unifying the party in power.

Supranationalism - means above nationalism. EX: European Union, Free trade Areas, United Nation.

Shatterbelt (define & examples) - A region that might have been united under a single state, but has broken up inot smaller states (natinon states). It CAN unify! (germany) EX: Balkanization = term used to describe the cause of shatterbelt.

APHUG Unit 4 Final Review


State - an area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government that has control over domestic + foreign affairs.

Sovereignty - independence from control from other states (all countries are sovereign states)

Microstate (define & examples) - A sovereign state with a small area and a small population. EX: Monaco, maldives, St. Lucia, Singapore

City-state (define & examples) - A sovereign that comprises a town + surrounding countryside. EX: Vatican City + Singapore

Territories - Area of land controlled by a nation.

Colony - A territory that is legally tied to a sovereign state, rather than being independent. EX: 13 colonies in America, controlled by Great Britan.

Colonialism - Effort by one country to establish settlements in new territory. Established to promote religion, promoted mercantilism, indicated power.

Imperialism - Control of territory already occupied and organized by indigenous people. *UK assembled the LARGEST COLONIAL empire…planted colonies on all continents. French had 2nd largest EMPIRE

Colonialism vs Imperialism - Colonialism takes place on UNCLAIMED land, while Imperialism takes place on CLAIMED land

Law of the Sea - An Internationally recognised set of guidelines about the sea/ocean. Signed in 1982, effective 1994

Law of the Sea (picture) -

Territorial Zone - 12 nautical miles. Considered “sovereign territory” of the state. One restriction: foreign vessels must be granted the “right of innocent passage”. Submarines must surface and show flag. Airplanes do not have right of innocent passage in this zone.

Contiguous Zone - 24 nautical miles. The state may exercise the control necessary to maintain control of its customs, fiscal regulations, immigration concerns, and sanitary regulations.

Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) - control over resources. Awards control over “living (fish, sealife) and non-living (oil) resources. Allows the state power over “exploring, exploiting, conserving, and managing” these resources.

High Seas - areas of open sea beyond the EEZ of any state, ⅔ of all the world’s water. No more “freedom of the seas:, the high sea is governed by internation law and various international conventions.

Boundary - a thin, imaginary, invisible line, which brings neighboring states into direct contact, increasing the likelihood of violent face to face meetings.

Compact state (define & examples) - EX: poland, Belgium. Implications: Capital is in the Center

Prorupted state (define & examples) - EX: Namibia (has an exclave of South Africa). Democratic repiblic of the Congo. Implications: keeps countries from being landlocked. Separates neighboring countries                                                         

Elongated state (define & examples) - EX: Vietnam, Italy, Gambia, Russia. Implications: wide range of biomes, harder to be a cohesive country, capital is usually in the middle. 

Fragmented state (define & examples) - EX: Canada, USA. Implications: centrifugal effects.

Perforated state (define & examples) - EX: south africa (has a country completely within it *Lestho*) Italy - Vatican City. Implications: Provides protection from other countries.                                                       

Enclave (define & examples) - a territory completely surrounded by the territory of another single state. EX: Lesotho, Vatican City                                                        

Exclave (define & examples) - A portion of a state separated from the main part by surrounding alien territory. Islands not considered exclaves. EX: Alaska, Cabinda, Ceuta.                          

Landlocked state (define & examples) - A country completely surrounded by the territory of more than one other country and has no direct access to the sea. EX: Ethiopia, Niger, Chad, Uganda, Austria, Nepal, Moldova.

Frontier - A zone where no state exercises complete political control. An area of spereation that is tangable and geographic. Frontiers are unihabitated ot sparsely settled in.

Physical boundary (define & examples) - A boundry based on the geographical features of the Earth’s surface. EX: Mountain boundary, desert boundry, water and ocean boundry. Mountain = chile + argentina. Desert = sahara separates Egypt from Mauritana.

Cultural boundary (define & examples) - the geographical term for the border between two different ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups. EX: Religion and language. Religion = Ireland… North = UK, rest = roman catholics. Language = England, spain, and portugal coalesced around languages.

Antecedent boundary (define & examples) - Pre-existing: commonly corresponds to a physical feature. EX: rivers, bays, lakes, mountains

Superimposed boundary (define & examples) - Boundary is imposed bu an outside force (treaty). May not reflect existing cultural landscape EX: Berlin wall

Subsequent boundary (define & examples) - set after the settlements of different groups meet. Often correspond to their respective ecumene. EX: Northern Ireland Border, Portugal-spain border.

Relic boundary (define & examples) - No longer a boundary. EX: The Great Wall of China

Nations without states (examples) -

Boundaries inside states (and their effects on people) -

Unitary state (define & examples) - Power in hands of central government. Works in nation-states characterized by internal cultural differences and a strong sense of national unity. Requires effective communication. EX: Europe and Chine

Federal state (define & examples) - Power in units of local government suitable for large states. EX: Russia, Canada, USA, Brazil, India, Belgium.

Gerrymandering - The process of redrawing the legislative boundaries for the purpose of unifying the party in power.

Supranationalism - means above nationalism. EX: European Union, Free trade Areas, United Nation.

Shatterbelt (define & examples) - A region that might have been united under a single state, but has broken up inot smaller states (natinon states). It CAN unify! (germany) EX: Balkanization = term used to describe the cause of shatterbelt.
