Provide support for candidates by fundraising, poll data, and political ads
Change party platform to prioritize specific issues so when party members get elected they can focus their energy on these issues
Recruit candidates to run for election, who will use their power to impact public policy
Put pressure on members to vote along party lines
highlight stories of a specific issues in order to raise the profile of the issue and pressure legislators to address the problem
Cover stories about what is happening in the white house/capitol hill to inform constituents, so they can then voice their opinions to their legislators
Provide free airtime (visuals) to candidates which can increase the candidates chances of getting elected
Cover specific politicians in a more positive/negative way in order to increase/decrease the chance of certain candidates getting elected
Horse race journalism, covering poll results, leads to uninformed voters.
Gatekeeper - help to set the political agenda
provide credible information on narrow/complex issues
lower/higher interest group ratings
revolving door: interest groups give jobs in the private sector in return for favorable work in the government
grassroots mobilization: mobilizing citizens (the issue public) to contact their legislators, putting public pressure on gov officials
bringing litigation/organizing a case: interest groups find people who have been wronged by the law (plaintiffs) and bring lawsuits on their behalf in hopes of convincing the courts to strike down polices they oppose
amicus curiae briefs: legal briefs sent to judges to consider when making court case decision
direct lobbying (wine and dine)
Congress can review the actions of the executive branch by:
calling/writing a letter to agency heads
committee hearings and congressional investigations (subpoena power)
authorizations and appropriations (power of the purse)
narrow discretionary authority/clarify legislation intent/amend laws
a strong single executive is necessary for good government
they are more decisive and act quickly
protect against domestic and foreign threats
the public can better hold them accountable
less likely to abuse power
veto (pocket veto, line item veto- veto specific parts of the bill)
pardon people who have committed crimes
appointment and removal, can nominate/appoint supreme court judges, ambassadors, and cabinet members
recognize foreign gov and leaders
negotiating treaties (congress ratifies)
budget proposal (but can’t create them, only congress can)
commander in chief of US armed forces
state of the union
executive order (rules that carry the same weight as law, no congressional approval)
executive privilege (withhold sensitive info from congress)
executive agreement (formal treaty with another country without the need of senate approval)
ceremonial duties
signing statements
setting congressional agenda
An independent judiciary with life tenure during good behavior for federal judges is necessary for a good government.
An independent judiciary will help overcome the inherent weaknesses of the judicial branch
uphold the principle of limited government
stop the legislature from violating the constitution with abusive laws
best protect minority rights
life tenure makes court independent as presidents come and go and judges stay
president appoints when there is a vacancy in the court, taking into consideration political ideology, judicial philosophy, and demographic
no requirements to be nominated
confirmed by US senate
congress can impeach and remove federal judges
congress can alter the number and composition of the federal courts
decide what the entire jurisdiction of the lower, appellate and supreme court should be
repass laws that were found unconstitutional
congress can propose a constitutional amendment
president has appointment power for federal judges
president can or cannot enforce a supreme court decision
gives the people multiple access points to influence public policy (local, state, national)
can create contradictory or inefficient policies with diverse state interests and conflict between the federal gov and the states
large, random sampling
unbiased wording
reporting sampling error
interpreted differently by different ideologies
equality of opportunity
individualism: individuals are responsible for themselves and their decisions
free enterprise: less government restrictions on business, laissez faire, capitalism
rule of law: no one is above the law
limited government: gov powers are limited and defined by a constitution