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Artha - Economic Prosperity

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Artha - Economic Prosperity

“One should amass wealth with hundreds of hands but one should also distribute it with thousands of hands”-Vedas

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“It is better to do one’s duty though ill, than another’s though perfectly”-BVG

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“When a man knows God, he is free: his sorrow ends and birth and death are no more”- Vedas

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“In truth Brahman is all”-Upanishads

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“Atman, the spirit of vision, is never born and never dies”-Upanishads

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“Who then knows whence it has arisen?”-Rig Veda

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“The hymn of the Cosmic Man”- Vedas

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Give 3 examples of Sanatana Dharma and how they affect Hindus.

  1. Showing respect to elders and looking after the needy makes Hindus more likely to give to charity and volunteer at residential homes.

  2. Remembering God in your heart and mind makes Hindus cautious of their actions and conscious of building up bad Karma.

  3. Learning about God and Dharma from holy scripture makes Hindus more likely to achieve Moksha when dying or even Jivan Mukhti.

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Name the Four Purushathas/Aims of Life

  1. Artha- Economic Prosperity

  2. Kama- Psychological love and desire

  3. Dharma- Your duty

  4. Moksha- Liberation from Samsara

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Name 5 Hindu Virtues

  1. Ahimsa-non violence

  2. Humility

  3. Empathy

  4. Respect/Love

  5. Mind/Sense control

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What is Karma Yoga?

Path for those who are involved in this world but still aim to free themselves from Maya. Examples include giving to charity and partaking in special rituals like Havan, a fire sacrifice.

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What is Bhakti Yoga?

Aims at developing devotion to God and focuses on a loving service and worship of a personal God rather than a specific deity (Bhagvan). Examples are meditating before a Rama Murti.

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What is Jnana Yoga?

Giving up of worldly desires to focus on the non-personal nature of God done by learning scriptures. An example of Sanatana Dharma.

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What is Raja/Astanga Yoga?

A focus on reciting mantras and intense meditation in isolated areas. Form of prayer.

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What are the four Varnas?

  1. Brahmins- Priestly caste

  2. Kshatriyas- Warrior caste

  3. Vaisyas- Farmers and Merchants

  4. Shrudras- Servants and Labourers

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What are the four Ashramas?

  1. Student stage- learning about God

  2. Householder stage- marriage and children

  3. Retirement stage- giving up of daily duties/ detachment from Maya

  4. Renunciation stage- giving up worldly possessions/become a wandering man.

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What is Jivan Mukhti?

Liberation whilst living (moksha before death).

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Name three types of Hindu Worship.

  1. Puja- most common, done in house, making an offering of fruits/flowers to a murti.

  2. Bhajans- Hindu devotional songs (favoured by Vaishnavites)

  3. Darshan- Circumambulating a murti and hoping for the deity to glance at you to give you a blessing.

  4. Meditation- Part of Astanga Yoga

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Give a quite for Hindu Worship

‘People may worship me in any form that they wish. The form does not matter to me, only the quality of the love that is expressed in worship’.-BVG

‘Learn to meditate…Thus you will master the senses, the emotions, the intellect.. and free yourself from anger and desire’.-BVG

“I cherish from that earnest soul the love that makes the offering.”-BVG

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Vishnu- preserver deity

“Whenever the sacred law falls and evil raises its head, I take embodied birth”

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