________ became a marker of an all- encompassing division between the two races (white and black)
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Nathaniel Bacon
________ started a rebellion against the governer because he would not attack the Native Americans but eventually failed.
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________ justifies the use of an enslaved workforce by claiming that white workers were "good for nothing.
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In 1632, ________ was established in the hopes of creating a haven for Catholics (which was unsuccessful thanks to Puritans)
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European slavers
________ transported millions of Africans across the ocean in a journey known as the Middle Passage.
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The Pueblo Revolt
Several thousand Puebloan warriors razed the Spanish countryside and Santa Fe, killing 400 people.
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Middle Passage
For the enslaved Africans, the ________ was the middle of three distinct journeys from Africa to the Americans (overland journey in Africa, the oceanic trip, and transportation to the American location of enslavement) Turmoil in Britain.
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King Phillips War
An armed conflict between indigenous inhabitants of New England and colonists.
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Middle Passage
For the captains and crews of slave ships, the ________ was one leg in the maritime trade in sugar and American goods, manufactured European commodities, and enslaved Africans.
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English Civil War
Civil war in England between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists under Charles I
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Pequot War
Armed Puritans from the colonies went into Native American territory intending to attack the Pequots, massacring them
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Mystic Massacre
The killing of Pequots during the Pequot War in the hopes of providing stability and security to the English
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Bacon's Rebellion
Rebellion started by Nathaniel Bacon because the governor would not attack Native Americans when tensions were high due to other incidents between colonists and Susquehannocks
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Chattel slavery
Slavery where those of a certain-race (those of African origin) are considered property and not human
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The 1660s
What decade marked a turning point for slavery in English colonies?
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They did, but they died quickly from either disease or starvation and the demands of plantations were relentless so another source of labor was required
Why did colonizers not enslave Native Americans?
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One leg in the maritime trade in sugar and American goods, manufactured European commodities, and enslaved Africans
What was the Middle Passage to slavers?
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The middle of three distinct journeys from Africa to the Americas (overland journey in Africa, the oceanic trip, and transportation to the American location of enslavement)
What was the Middle Passage to enslaved Africans?
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Because Catholic and Protestant English monarchs were fighting for supremacy and were deeming their enemies to he heretics
Why was religion causing conflict in 16th century England?
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6 colonies declared allegiance to the dead monarch's son, which did not please Parliment
How did the execution of Charles I challenge American neutrality?