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PreCalc Unit 1


  • Numbers

    • Rational Numbers

      • ½ , -3/7, 46, 0.77 - shown as fractions

    • Integers

      • … -3, -2, -1, 0

        • Natural Numbers

          • 1, 2, 3

    • Irrational Numbers

      • root3, root5, pi - non repeating fractions

  • Properties

    • Communitive Prop of Addition

      • When we add two numbers, order doesn’t matter.

      • inverted

    • Communitive Prop of Multiplication

      • When we multiply two numbers, order doesn’t matter.

      • inverted

    • Associative Prop of Addition

      • When we add three numbers, it doesn’t matter which two we add first

      • same order diff ()

    • Associative Prop of Multiplication

      • When we multiply three numbers, it doesn’t matter which two we multiply first.

      • same order diff ()

    • Distributive Prop

      • When we multiply a number by the sum of two numbers, we get the same result as we get if we multiply the number by each of the terms and then add the results.

  • Notations

    • set builder notation

      • A = { x | … }

    • interval notation

      • ( denotes and open

      • [ denotes a closed

      • such as but not limited to, (0,0), [0,0], (0,0]

  • Inequalities

    • the real number lines

    • numbers that are less are on the left

    • numbers that are more on the right

    • a < b when a is less than b

    • b > a when b is greater than a

  • Sets

    • U - union

      • all numbers in a given set

    • upside down U - intersection

      • numbers that are the same - “intersect” - in a set

    • be careful when writing them out - make sure graph is correct

  • Intervals in terms of Inequalities

    • ( open also OPEN circle

      • < or >

    • [ closed also CLOSED circle

      • <= or =>

  • Absolute Value

    • |a| and a is positive = +

    • |-a| and a negative = -(-a) = +

    • used to show distance

  • Hardest: 77, 86, 87


  • Radicals and Exponents

    • Exponents

      • power of 0 = 1

      • power of 1 = base number

      • multiplying exs = adding

      • dividing exs = subtracting

      • () = multiplying

      • negative = move to the denominator or vice versa

    • Radicals

      • ¼ = 4root

      • 2/3 = 3rootx²

      • radical x radical breaks free

      • get radical out of denominator by multiplying by root top and bottom

    • Scientific notation

      • move decimal —→ negative

      • move decimal ←— positive

    • hardest: 68, 75,


  • Factoring

  • refer to notes if needing special equations

  • pretty simple/self explanatory

  • good at this <3


  • hardest: 33,44, 79, 136


  • identifying domain

    • anything in the numerator is = all real numbers

    • anything in the numerator + root = >=0

    • anything in the denominator /= 0

    • anhting in the denominator + root >0

  • simplifying rational expressions

    • numerator/denominator (could be multiplied by another)

      • factor and cancel common terms

    • if dividing two —> flip the second and multiply + factor + cancel

  • adding and subtracting two fractions

    • find LCD

    • multiply numerators by the denominator factors they don’t already have

    • simplify

    • factor and cancel

    • simplify all the way

  • compound fractions

    • same steps as before just x2

      • take the bottom fraction flip and multiply by the first

      • factor and cancel

      • simplify all the way

  • rationalize the denominator

    • if just root —> multiply by root to break free on top and bottom

    • if cube root and x² —> multiply by cube root x (x² x x break free) on top and bottom

    • if two terms (one real and one root) multiply by the pos (if neg) or by the neg (if pos)

    • same for numerator

  • hardest: 90,79


  • linear equations

    • plug in x when given and solve

    • fractions with linear equations

      • multiply numerators with both denominators to cancel out

      • simplify —> factor —> cancle

        • simplify further

  • solving for variables

    • get the variable alone

  • solving using factoring

    • factor then set x to 0 and solve

  • completing the square

    • move the real number to the zero side

    • add (b/2)² to both sides

    • simplify the perfect square and solve

    • make sure root is PLUS AND MINUS

  • quadratic equations

    • -b +- root b² - 4ac/ 2a

  • using the discriminate to determine how many answers

    • b² - 4ac

      • - = none

      • + = two

      • 0 = one

  • absolute value

    • set the = to neg and pos

      • solve —> two x’s


  • hardest: 118, 133


  • sum and difference of imaginary numbers

    • in the form a+bi

  • mulitply the two with the FOIL method

    • simplify i

  • single fraction with in in the denominator

    • do what you would do when rationalizing the denominator

    • simplify i

  • similar to complex fractions

    • simplify i

  • cannot multiply two negative roots

  • can use the quadratic equation

  • conjugates

    • change the sign connecting the two terms

  • hardest: 51, 55,


  • word problems.

  • d = rt

  • hardest: 70 and 64 hw and last two on notes


  • Linear inequalities

    • get x alone

    • graphing:

      • < or > means open circle

      • <= or => means closed circle

    • set notation

      • < or > means ()

        • infinity is always ()

      • <= or >= means []

  • nonlinear inequalities

    • kind of like factoring where you get two x’s

    • make everything on one side and 0 on the other

      • < or <= determines the sign of the inequality answer

        • open circle/closed circle and ()/[]

    • check each portion of your graph by inputting a number either higher/lower/in between to determine where to draw ur line

    • the set notation depends on the last step

      • if lines go ←— and —→ without connecting in between you will have two set notations with U in between


      • check all

      • if one point doesn’t have a line do {number} with U in between

  • nonlinear inequalities with fractions

    • when everything is on the correct side

      • set x = 0

        • once you get your factors you have to make sure they are included in the inequality answer (so open or closed circle)

          • if it is in the denominator (the factor) it has to be an open circle


            • if of uses < or > there is no need to check

      • same rules as before

    • when inequality is not set to 0

      • move it to other side and multiply numerator and denominator by og denominator so you have one fraction

      • then follow same steps as before

    • if there is an x² that is an additional root

  • absolute value inequality

    • works the same as a regular

    • you’ll get your immediate answer after solving

      • graphing is easy

  • hardest: 87,101,


  • graphing domain and range

    • y is horizontal

    • x is vertical

    • included in graph = filled in line

    • not included in graph = dashed line

  • distance

    • d = root (x2-x1)² + (y2-y1)²

  • midpoint

    • (x2+x1/2, y2+y1/2)

  • Areas

    • rectangle/square = lw

    • trapezoid = (b1+b2/2)h

  • isoceles

    • two sides of the triangle are the same

  • given midpoint and not the second point

    • set midpoint x = (x2+x1/2)

      • input what you have and solve for x2

      • same for y

  • y and x-intercepts

    • set x = 0 for y-intercept and solve

    • set y = 0 for x-intercept and solve

  • testing symmetry

    • x-axis

      • set y to -y

    • y-axis

      • set x to -x

    • origin

      • set x to -x and y to -y

    • if they equal the of equation it has that symmetry u tested for

  • when using square root for x and y intercepts

    • if both sides need to be squared / rooted ex: x² = 9 is when there will be BOTH negative and positive answer

    • if only one side needs to be rooted ex: x = root9 there will only be ONE positive answer

  • equation of the circle

    • (x - h)² + (y - k)² = r²

      • the center is (h, k) —> positive if inside is neg

  • graphing circle

    • find center and radius

    • graph the center, the circle will not extend past the radius on all sides

  • hardest: 100,


  • slope

    • y2-y1/x2-x1

  • point slope form

    • y-y1 = m(x-x1)

      • (x1, y1) point on the graph

      • m is slope

  • slope intercept form

    • y = mx +b

      • m is slope

      • b os y-intercept

  • finding an equation perpendicualr to the line

    • find given slope —> find the opposite

      • if positive —> negative

      • if a fraction/number —> flip it

        • must do both of those

    • put given points and new slope into point slope form

    • simplify to slope intercept form

  • finding an equation parallel to the line

    • find given slope —> slope stays the same for new equation

    • put given points and same slope into point slope form

    • simplify to slope intercept form

  • if given an equation like x = 5

    • slope = undefined

    • y-intercept: none

    • graph is a verticle line


  • directly proportional

    • y=kx

    • y is directly proportional to x

  • inversely proportional

    • y=k/x

    • y is inversely proportional to x

  • input any given values

    • answer should be the variable and k as a number

  • if it says the two variables = the same just make them the same variable to solve

    • the actual equation will have the actual variable

  • when asked how y is changed when multiplying the other variables

    • ignore the other variables and put in the new values

      • multiply and simplify

      • take the real numbers out of the equation

        • answer

  • hardest: 35


PreCalc Unit 1


  • Numbers

    • Rational Numbers

      • ½ , -3/7, 46, 0.77 - shown as fractions

    • Integers

      • … -3, -2, -1, 0

        • Natural Numbers

          • 1, 2, 3

    • Irrational Numbers

      • root3, root5, pi - non repeating fractions

  • Properties

    • Communitive Prop of Addition

      • When we add two numbers, order doesn’t matter.

      • inverted

    • Communitive Prop of Multiplication

      • When we multiply two numbers, order doesn’t matter.

      • inverted

    • Associative Prop of Addition

      • When we add three numbers, it doesn’t matter which two we add first

      • same order diff ()

    • Associative Prop of Multiplication

      • When we multiply three numbers, it doesn’t matter which two we multiply first.

      • same order diff ()

    • Distributive Prop

      • When we multiply a number by the sum of two numbers, we get the same result as we get if we multiply the number by each of the terms and then add the results.

  • Notations

    • set builder notation

      • A = { x | … }

    • interval notation

      • ( denotes and open

      • [ denotes a closed

      • such as but not limited to, (0,0), [0,0], (0,0]

  • Inequalities

    • the real number lines

    • numbers that are less are on the left

    • numbers that are more on the right

    • a < b when a is less than b

    • b > a when b is greater than a

  • Sets

    • U - union

      • all numbers in a given set

    • upside down U - intersection

      • numbers that are the same - “intersect” - in a set

    • be careful when writing them out - make sure graph is correct

  • Intervals in terms of Inequalities

    • ( open also OPEN circle

      • < or >

    • [ closed also CLOSED circle

      • <= or =>

  • Absolute Value

    • |a| and a is positive = +

    • |-a| and a negative = -(-a) = +

    • used to show distance

  • Hardest: 77, 86, 87


  • Radicals and Exponents

    • Exponents

      • power of 0 = 1

      • power of 1 = base number

      • multiplying exs = adding

      • dividing exs = subtracting

      • () = multiplying

      • negative = move to the denominator or vice versa

    • Radicals

      • ¼ = 4root

      • 2/3 = 3rootx²

      • radical x radical breaks free

      • get radical out of denominator by multiplying by root top and bottom

    • Scientific notation

      • move decimal —→ negative

      • move decimal ←— positive

    • hardest: 68, 75,


  • Factoring

  • refer to notes if needing special equations

  • pretty simple/self explanatory

  • good at this <3


  • hardest: 33,44, 79, 136


  • identifying domain

    • anything in the numerator is = all real numbers

    • anything in the numerator + root = >=0

    • anything in the denominator /= 0

    • anhting in the denominator + root >0

  • simplifying rational expressions

    • numerator/denominator (could be multiplied by another)

      • factor and cancel common terms

    • if dividing two —> flip the second and multiply + factor + cancel

  • adding and subtracting two fractions

    • find LCD

    • multiply numerators by the denominator factors they don’t already have

    • simplify

    • factor and cancel

    • simplify all the way

  • compound fractions

    • same steps as before just x2

      • take the bottom fraction flip and multiply by the first

      • factor and cancel

      • simplify all the way

  • rationalize the denominator

    • if just root —> multiply by root to break free on top and bottom

    • if cube root and x² —> multiply by cube root x (x² x x break free) on top and bottom

    • if two terms (one real and one root) multiply by the pos (if neg) or by the neg (if pos)

    • same for numerator

  • hardest: 90,79


  • linear equations

    • plug in x when given and solve

    • fractions with linear equations

      • multiply numerators with both denominators to cancel out

      • simplify —> factor —> cancle

        • simplify further

  • solving for variables

    • get the variable alone

  • solving using factoring

    • factor then set x to 0 and solve

  • completing the square

    • move the real number to the zero side

    • add (b/2)² to both sides

    • simplify the perfect square and solve

    • make sure root is PLUS AND MINUS

  • quadratic equations

    • -b +- root b² - 4ac/ 2a

  • using the discriminate to determine how many answers

    • b² - 4ac

      • - = none

      • + = two

      • 0 = one

  • absolute value

    • set the = to neg and pos

      • solve —> two x’s


  • hardest: 118, 133


  • sum and difference of imaginary numbers

    • in the form a+bi

  • mulitply the two with the FOIL method

    • simplify i

  • single fraction with in in the denominator

    • do what you would do when rationalizing the denominator

    • simplify i

  • similar to complex fractions

    • simplify i

  • cannot multiply two negative roots

  • can use the quadratic equation

  • conjugates

    • change the sign connecting the two terms

  • hardest: 51, 55,


  • word problems.

  • d = rt

  • hardest: 70 and 64 hw and last two on notes


  • Linear inequalities

    • get x alone

    • graphing:

      • < or > means open circle

      • <= or => means closed circle

    • set notation

      • < or > means ()

        • infinity is always ()

      • <= or >= means []

  • nonlinear inequalities

    • kind of like factoring where you get two x’s

    • make everything on one side and 0 on the other

      • < or <= determines the sign of the inequality answer

        • open circle/closed circle and ()/[]

    • check each portion of your graph by inputting a number either higher/lower/in between to determine where to draw ur line

    • the set notation depends on the last step

      • if lines go ←— and —→ without connecting in between you will have two set notations with U in between


      • check all

      • if one point doesn’t have a line do {number} with U in between

  • nonlinear inequalities with fractions

    • when everything is on the correct side

      • set x = 0

        • once you get your factors you have to make sure they are included in the inequality answer (so open or closed circle)

          • if it is in the denominator (the factor) it has to be an open circle


            • if of uses < or > there is no need to check

      • same rules as before

    • when inequality is not set to 0

      • move it to other side and multiply numerator and denominator by og denominator so you have one fraction

      • then follow same steps as before

    • if there is an x² that is an additional root

  • absolute value inequality

    • works the same as a regular

    • you’ll get your immediate answer after solving

      • graphing is easy

  • hardest: 87,101,


  • graphing domain and range

    • y is horizontal

    • x is vertical

    • included in graph = filled in line

    • not included in graph = dashed line

  • distance

    • d = root (x2-x1)² + (y2-y1)²

  • midpoint

    • (x2+x1/2, y2+y1/2)

  • Areas

    • rectangle/square = lw

    • trapezoid = (b1+b2/2)h

  • isoceles

    • two sides of the triangle are the same

  • given midpoint and not the second point

    • set midpoint x = (x2+x1/2)

      • input what you have and solve for x2

      • same for y

  • y and x-intercepts

    • set x = 0 for y-intercept and solve

    • set y = 0 for x-intercept and solve

  • testing symmetry

    • x-axis

      • set y to -y

    • y-axis

      • set x to -x

    • origin

      • set x to -x and y to -y

    • if they equal the of equation it has that symmetry u tested for

  • when using square root for x and y intercepts

    • if both sides need to be squared / rooted ex: x² = 9 is when there will be BOTH negative and positive answer

    • if only one side needs to be rooted ex: x = root9 there will only be ONE positive answer

  • equation of the circle

    • (x - h)² + (y - k)² = r²

      • the center is (h, k) —> positive if inside is neg

  • graphing circle

    • find center and radius

    • graph the center, the circle will not extend past the radius on all sides

  • hardest: 100,


  • slope

    • y2-y1/x2-x1

  • point slope form

    • y-y1 = m(x-x1)

      • (x1, y1) point on the graph

      • m is slope

  • slope intercept form

    • y = mx +b

      • m is slope

      • b os y-intercept

  • finding an equation perpendicualr to the line

    • find given slope —> find the opposite

      • if positive —> negative

      • if a fraction/number —> flip it

        • must do both of those

    • put given points and new slope into point slope form

    • simplify to slope intercept form

  • finding an equation parallel to the line

    • find given slope —> slope stays the same for new equation

    • put given points and same slope into point slope form

    • simplify to slope intercept form

  • if given an equation like x = 5

    • slope = undefined

    • y-intercept: none

    • graph is a verticle line


  • directly proportional

    • y=kx

    • y is directly proportional to x

  • inversely proportional

    • y=k/x

    • y is inversely proportional to x

  • input any given values

    • answer should be the variable and k as a number

  • if it says the two variables = the same just make them the same variable to solve

    • the actual equation will have the actual variable

  • when asked how y is changed when multiplying the other variables

    • ignore the other variables and put in the new values

      • multiply and simplify

      • take the real numbers out of the equation

        • answer

  • hardest: 35