Chapter 16: Politics and Public Policymaking

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______ provides hospitalization insurance for the elderly, and _________ provides public assistance in healthcare for the poor.

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______ provides hospitalization insurance for the elderly, and _________ provides public assistance in healthcare for the poor.

  1. Medicare 2) Medicaid

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________ focuses on conservation, alternative, and renewable sources of fuel, global warming, and toxic waste disposal.

Energy policy

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The ________ administers laws on explosives and firearms and regulates alcohol and tobacco products.


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________ also plays an essential role in shaping foreign policy, and the Supreme Court can affect foreign policy through its interpretations of the law.


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________ has traditionally been a state and local matter, but the federal government has become increasingly involved.

Crime prevention

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The ________ prohibits illegal narcotics from entering the United States and patrols U.S. borders.


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The Superfund was established in ________ for the cleanup of toxic waste sites.


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The ________ holds meetings with representatives from the various agencies to combine all requests into a single budget package, which the President submits to Congress in January or February.


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The ________ collects and reports evidence in federal law or crossing state borders.


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________- finding solutions to the problem by exploring alternative plans of action and developing proposals to solve the issue.

Policy formulation

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________ was a significant issue in the 1992 presidential election, and a controversial national health care program was passed by Congress in 2009.

Health care

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________ involves strategies and procedures for dealing with other nations to maintain peaceful relations through diplomatic, military, or trade relations.

Foreign policy

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________ began during the New Deal era to provide government help against economic distress.

Social welfare programs

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The ________ is responsible for gathering secret information essential to national defense.

Central Intelligence Agency

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________ plays a major role in the development of foreign policy, including making recommendations to ________ and the president on foreign relations, approving treaties and ambassador nominations, and approving spending for national defense.


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The president has significant power in ________, but it is not exclusive.

foreign policy

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finding solutions to the problem by exploring alternative plans of action and developing proposals to solve the issue

Policy formulation

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adopting a plan of action to address the problem, which may require the passage of legislation

Policy adoption

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executing the plan of action by the appropriate agency or agencies

Policy implementation

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analyzing the policy and assessing its impact on the issue

Policy evaluation

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