Chapter 10: Presentational Speaking: Cultural Comparison

Exam Section II, Task 4

Comparing Cultures

  • Fast-paced exercise- only takes 6 minutes
  • It will allow you to use language to convey a cultural and authentic message based on products, practices, and perspectives, using what you have learned about the French-speaking world.
  • To get a 5 in this category, you need to be culturally savvy and able to compare without judging.


Product, Practice, Perspective

  • The Three Ps will help you organize your response and make a valid and interesting comparison

  • An example- Tou are asked about the use of coffee in the US and France:

    • The Product is coffee
    • The Practice- in the US it is consumed in the mornings (in your home, in the car…), there are different flavors- add details
    • compare the different cultures- accentuate the french way of living
    • The Perspective- what do these practices tell us about cultures?- you could add negative and positive points


}}The comparisons are derived from the 6 themes of the curriculum:}}

  • }}Families in Different Societies}}
  • }}The Influence of Language and Culture on Identity}}
  • }}Influences of Beauty and Art}}
  • }}How Science and Technology Affect Our Lives}}
  • }}Factors That Impact the Quality of Life}}
  • }}Environmental, Political, and Societal Challenges}}


Strategies and Tips

Get beyond the Superficial

  • Explain what the practice tells you about the people
  • Do not assume that your listeners know a lot about the topic
  • Be explicit- use examples, think about the research that you have done already


Jot Down Your Ideas

  • You have 4 minutes to create a ^^draft^^
  • DO NOT make a list for each culture- It is not a comparison unless you specifically say how they differ and how they are similar
  • Fill out the chart given to you on page 326


Step A: The Introduction

  • 15 seconds max (out of 2 mins)
  • Specify the two communities you are going to compare
  • Use these sentences:

}}L’idée du/de la/de l’___ est vue similairement en/au ___ et en/au.}}

}}Le thème du/de la/de l’ est vu différemment en/au _ et en/au.}}

}}Je vais vous parler du/de la/de l’ en/au + name of country et dans ma communauté des États-Unis.}}


Step B: The Comparison

  • 1 min 30 seconds

  • The comparison has to be well balanced

  • You should be talking and advancing your argument- elaborate and be explicit

  • Explain what the cultural perspective demonstrates

  • Use the words of tranisition (same or different comparison)

    \n the words of transition


Step C: The Conclusion

  • 15 seconds

  • Add anything you forgot to say and then wrap up.

  • Examples of a concluding sentence:

    • Et donc, je voulais dire que la grande différence entre ___ et ___ c’est ___.
    • Et donc, on remarque qu’en fait en/au ___ et en/au __, c’est pareil au niveau de ____.


Scoring Guidelines: []()
