Chapter 10: Presentational Speaking: Cultural Comparison
Exam Section II, Task 4
Comparing Cultures
Fast-paced exercise- only takes 6 minutes
It will allow you to use language to convey a cultural and authentic message based on products, practices, and perspectives, using what you have learned about the French-speaking world.
To get a 5 in this category, you need to be culturally savvy and able to compare without judging.
Product, Practice, Perspective
The Three Ps will help you organize your response and make a valid and interesting comparison
An example- Tou are asked about the use of coffee in the US and France:
The Product is coffee
The Practice- in the US it is consumed in the mornings (in your home, in the car…), there are different flavors- add details
compare the different cultures- accentuate the french way of living
The Perspective- what do these practices tell us about cultures?- you could add negative and positive points
The comparisons are derived from the 6 themes of the curriculum:
Families in Different Societies
The Influence of Language and Culture on Identity
Influences of Beauty and Art
How Science and Technology Affect Our Lives
Factors That Impact the Quality of Life
Environmental, Political, and Societal Challenges
Strategies and Tips
Get beyond the Superficial
Explain what the practice tells you about the people
Do not assume that your listeners know a lot about the topic
Be explicit- use examples, think about the research that you have done already
Jot Down Your Ideas
You have 4 minutes to create a draft
DO NOT make a list for each culture- It is not a comparison unless you specifically say how they differ and how they are similar
Fill out the chart given to you on page 326
Step A: The Introduction
15 seconds max (out of 2 mins)
Specify the two communities you are going to compare
Use these sentences:
L’idée du/de la/de l’___________ est vue similairement en/au ___________ et en/au.
Le thème du/de la/de l’ est vu différemment en/au _________ et en/au.
Je vais vous parler du/de la/de l’________ en/au + name of country et dans ma communauté des États-Unis.
Step B: The Comparison
1 min 30 seconds
The comparison has to be well balanced
You should be talking and advancing your argument- elaborate and be explicit
Explain what the cultural perspective demonstrates
Use the words of tranisition (same or different comparison)
Step C: The Conclusion
15 seconds
Add anything you forgot to say and then wrap up.
Examples of a concluding sentence:
Et donc, je voulais dire que la grande différence entre ___________ et ___________ c’est ___________.
Et donc, on remarque qu’en fait en/au ___________ et en/au ___________, c’est pareil au niveau de ___________.