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What are hormones?
chemical messengers secreted by the ductless endocrine glands
Where do endocrine hormones travel?
in the blood to reach and communicate with target cells
Comparison of bodies 2 two communication systems
The nervous system: POINT TO POINT and min- to-min rapid but short- lived controls. Neurotransmitters
The endocrine system: BROADCASTNG ( blood vessels reaching every corner of the body) and slow but sustained controls. Hormones
what determines hormone effect?
hormone concentration in plasma
Hydrophilic polar hormones
a) Catecholamine hormones
b) Peptide/protein hormones
Stored, travel free of proteins in plasma
bind and activate their specific trans-membrane (integral) receptor
Hydrophobic non-polar hormones
a) Thyroid hormones
b) Steroid hormones
c) vitamin D
Made on demand/Not stored
a lot are associated with proteins
Catecholamine Hormones
Circulate freely with short half-life
Secreted by neurons and adrenal medulla:
epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine to bind GPCRs
Synthesized via enzymatic reactions, from amino acid tyrosine.
Rate limiting enzyme: Tyrosine Hydroxylase
peptide and protein hormones
Circulate freely with short half-life
Synthesized through transcription, translation
Stored in secretory vesicles & secreted in response to stimuli
Examples: Insulin, Prolactin
Peptide and protein hormone targets
A.) GPCRs: Glucogon-R, ACTH-R
B.) Receptors with intrinsic kinase activity: Tyrosine kinase R, IGF-1-R, Insulin-R
C.)JAK Kinase associated receptors: GH-R, Leptin-R PRL-R
thyroid hormones
T3 & T4
-synthesis involves enzymatic incorporation of iodide onto tyrosine
-not stored, made on demand
-bind intracellular receptors, ligand-induced transcription factors
-slow cellular response involving changes at transcription-translation
-metabolized for increased solubility and excreted
Steroid Hormones
-synthesis involves enzymatic reactions from cholesterol. P450 is rate limiting enzyme
-secreted by ovaries, testes, adrenal glands
-not stored, made on demand
-bind intracellular receptors, ligand-induced transcription factors
-slow cellular response involving changes at transcription-translation
-metabolized for increased solubility and excreted
Vitamin D
-synthesis involves enzymatic activation to 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D
-not stored, made on demand
-bind intracellular receptors, ligand-induced transcription factors
-slow cellular response involving changes at transcription-translation
-metabolized for increased solubility and excreted
T3 and T4
T3 is the active form, most potent
T4 is pro hormone , most stable and abundant form
HYDROPHOBIC hormones in diff places
bind liver-produced binding globulins, long half-life
bind their specific intracellular receptor proteins, hormone-bound receptors bind the specific DNA sequences & alter transcription
modified, become hydrophilic & excreted
Max response
related to the
number of functionally available
target cells form more receptors in response to low hormone levels
target cells lose receptors in response to high hormone levels
Physiological dose vs Pharmacological dose
PHYS: normal/typical concentrations in the body, that leads to normal effects.
PHARM: abnormally high concentrations that leads to abnormal effects that are not observed with
physiological doses.
[H] that elicits the half-maximal response... the sensitivity is linked to genetics, inhibitors, or activators.
could be caused by the low number of the receptor or de- sensitized receptors
requiring more [H] for the same response
could be caused by the high number of the receptors or hyper-sensitized receptors
requiring less [H] for the same response
HormoneA cannot exert its full effects in the absence of hormone B (has no effect by itself)
Catecholeamine pro-hormone example
NE-> E
Norephinepherine to epinephrine
Peptide pro hormone example
A polypeptide hormone
(pro-insulin) -> a shorter hormone (insulin) + a copeptide (C-peptide)
Steroid pro hormone example
testosterone -> estradiol
testosterone -> dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
Thyroid pro-hormone example
Thyroxine T4 -> T3
Vitamin D pro-hormone example
25-(OH)-VitD -> 1,25-(OH)2-vitD
What 3 organs Store and Release Energy Substrates during Fed and Fasting States?
Liver, Skeletal muscles, fat
- stored as glycogen in liver & muscle
- about 1 day's needs
glycogenesis: glucose->gycogen
glycogenolysis: glycogen->glucose
*gluconeogenesis: de novo synthesis of glucose
- stored as triglyceride in adipocytes
- MOST EFFICIENT energy reserve
lipogenesis: FFA and glycerol -> TG (fat)
*lipolysis: TG->FFA + glycerol
ketogenesis: FFA -> ketone
- stored in muscle
- major source of blood glucose in LONG-FASTING
protein synthesis (proteogenesis): a.a. -> protein
proteolysis: protein -> a.a.
genesis vs lysis
genesis- makine
lysis- breaking down
Genesis generally happens during FED STATE
except for gluconeogenesis and keptgenesis
Lysis generally happens during FASTING STATE
Absorptive phase ( < 4Hs: FED)
High glucose -> High Insulin, Low Glucagon
How does insulin work at the liver ?
Glucose enters the liver through insulin independent transporters, GLUT2 (this happens with or without insulin)
Insulin ↑ the activity of glucokinase which stimulates glycolysis inside the cell; this helps to maintain the glucose concentration in the liver cells very low, which allows more glucose diffuse in.
How does insulin work at skeletal and fat?
Glucose enters these cells by insulin-dependent glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4)
Insulin stimulates GLUT4 to do this
Post Absorptive phase (>4hrs : FASTING)
Low glucose -> low insulin & high glucagon
CNS cells preferentially use glucose.
Low insulin results in catabolism
glycogen -> glucose
gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis
glycogen -> pyruvate & lactic acid
protein -> Amino Acids for long term fasting
Fat/TG -> glycerol & FFA
diebetes mellitus
Lots of sweet urine
Uncontrolled blood glucose levels
Elevated blood glucose and decreased glucose tolerance
3p symptoms of diabetes
Polyuria- excessive urination
Polydipsia- excessive thirst
Polyphagia- excessive hunger
characterized by hunger, fatigue, and weight loss
Other symptoms of diabetes
some develop fast (associated with insulin deficiency, type I)
others develop slowly (associated with insulin insensitivity, type II)
Type 1 (insulin dependent)
-Autoimmune genetic components
-caused by destruction of beta cells
-Rapid onset
-Triggers: cold weather/viruses
-associated with ketoacidosis
-insulin therapy
Type 2 (insulin independent)
-Majority of diabetes is this type
-Insulin insensitivity
-Strong genetic component, associated with obesity
-often times develop type 1 as well
Why is physical exercise helpful for diabetes ?
induces intracellular signals that increase and thus enhances glucose uptake from
plasma- could alleviate symptoms associated with hyperglycemia. INCREASES BODYS INSULIN SENSITIVITY
Complications of exercise with diabetes
For an individual who relies on an insulin pump, insulin doses should be lowered for when intense excersice is happening
The anterior pituitary gland
-derived from the roof of the mouth- endocrine tissues
-Receives hypothalamic RH & IH
-secretes: FSH, LH, TSH, ACTH, GH, PRL
blood supply from hypothalamic portal vessel
posterior pituitary gland
-derived from the embryonic brain tissues- neural tissues
-secretes ADH and oxytocin which are made in the soma/cell body in the hypothalamus, packaged, transported to the PP and stored in the PP
-blood supply from arterial
Arterial blood supply of pituitary
Posterior Pituitary: YES
Anterior pituitary: NO, receives blood from hypothalamus
Prolonged elevation in an AP hormone
overstimulates the target gland -> enlarges the target gland (hypertrophy)
Prolonged deficiency in an AP hormone
understimulates the target gland -> shrinks the target gland (atrophy)
Ectopic hormones.
hormones produced by tumors of tissues that are not normally engaged in the production of that hormone
Loss of all anterior pituitary function
Destruction of the gland
blood clots in the portal vessel leading to a total loss of blood supply to the anterior pituitary
Treatment? Lifelong hormone replacement therapy
Kallmann's syndrome
fetal GnRH neurons fail to migrate due to defective KAL-1
no GnRH -> deficiency of LH & FSH -> hypogonadism
Excess of one hormone
Often caused by a pituitary tumor; The pituitary gland is surrounded by bone; Tumors of the gland may compress the retina-hypothalamic track causing headaches and/or impaired vision
Hypersecretion of GH after long bone growth has ended
stimulates water re-absorption by the kidney
Too little ADH or impaired ADH receptors?
Diabetes insipidus (a lot of urine with no taste)
stimulates smooth muscle contraction and modulates neuronal activities
Thyroid hormone synthesis requires
iodine supplied in diet
-if radioactive iodine is ingested, you will see more or less selective uptake of radioactive iodide by the thyroid gland.
Thyroid follicular cell
actively takes up Iodide(I-) from plasma->colloid
makes everything necessary for making thyroid hormones
(e.g., enzymes, thyroglobulin etc)->colloid
Iodination of tyrosine and coupling of iodinated residues of thyroglobulin -> formation of a large T3:T4:thyroglobulin (T3 & T4 still attached to thyroglobulin)
Thyroid follicle
Hydrolysis of the endocytosed T3:T4:thyroglobulin
Free T3 and T4 -> diffuse to plasma -> bind to carrier proteins
Free T3
diffuses into target cells, binds and activates nuclear T3R (TR) for modulating transcription.
3 functions of free T3
a) Increase BMR (calorigenic effects) by stimulating mobilization of energy substrates, O2 consumption, & Na/K ATPase GENERATES HEAT
b) Potentiate sympathetic responses (b-adrenergic responses)
c) Required for complex processes:
neuron development, proper reflexes
Happens when chronically stimulated by TSH/TSH like substances when TSH receptors are chronically activated),
overactivity of the thyroid gland,
Graves disease -> widened eyes
underactivity of the thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency
Hashimoto's thyroditis: Autoimmune destruction of follicles -> Eventually leading to hypothyroidism
Thyroid storm
a rare, life-threatening condition characterized by severe clinical manifestations of thyrotoxicosis/hypERthyroidism
Myxedema coma
a medical emergency with a high mortality rate, stemming from
severe hypOthyroidism
Parathyroid glands
PTH targets bones and kidneys directly and guts indirectly, in order to maintain plasma calcium levels
Critical for life ( reason for skillful surgeons for thyroidectomy)
This modified amino acid is an example of a catecholamine.
This hormone is derived from cholesterol.
Aldosterone, cortisol
This hormone's receptor leads to the changed production of cAMP
Epinephrine, TSH
This hormone is carried in plasma by liver-produced binding globulins.
Aldosterone, cortisol, thyroid hormone
This hormone is not a steroid but acts on intracellular receptors.
thyroid hormone
This hormone's receptor is a transcription factor.
Aldosterone, cortisol, thyroid hormone
This hormone is hydrophilic and circulates free in plasma
Insulin, Epinephrine, prolactin, TSH
True or False.. An estrogen priming which increases the synthesis of the receptor for progesterone is required for progesterone effects. This is known as additive effects.
True or False.. A prolonged presence of a hormone at a high concentration may decrease its receptors in target cells.This is known as down-regulation
Compared to a normal subject, a patient with type II diabetes mellitus has lower sensitivity to insulin and requires
more insulin for the same response
The hypothalamic regulatory factor that is NOT a peptide hormone.
The hypothalamic regulatory factor that inhibits growth hormone secretion.
This hormone is produced by anterior pituitary cells that also produce FSH.
The only pituitary hormone that is under tonic inhibitory control.
This anti-thirst hormone is a product secreted by a neuron.
This hormone is secreted from the posterior pituitary in response to suckling.
True or False.. Oxytocin is produced in the posterior pituitary.
True or False.. ADH secretion by the posterior pituitary is stimulated when the ADH neuronal soma in the hypothalamus is stimulated and triggers the generation of action potential.
True or False.. Infertilty in the female can originate from dysfunction at the level of the hypothalamus, pituitary, or ovaries.
Compared to a normal subject, a patient with cortisol-secreting adrenal tumor would have ___ (higher, lower, similar) levels of plasma ACTH.
The compression of the hypothalamic-pituitary portal vessel would lead to _____ (increase, do not change, decrease) secretion of ACTH.
The rate-limiting enzyme of the production of any steroid hormone.
The major mineralocorticoid secreted by the adrenal cortex.
The steroid with the greatest effect on increasing blood glucose levels.
Autoimmune destruction of the adrenal cortex is the cause of this disease.
Primary Cushing's leads to ___ (higher, normal, lower) levels of plasma cortisol and ___(higher, normal, lower) levels of plasma ACTH
Higher, lower
T/F T4 is the chief circulating form of thyroid hormone.
T/F T4 is the most active form of thyroid hormone.
T/F Both free T3 and T4 are stored in colloid droplets.
T/F TSH receptors are steroids.
T/F A goiter develops only in the case of hyperthyroidism.
T/F A long-term Iodine-deficient diet will cause a goiter.