Reflexive verbs

Use reflexive verbs to say that someone is doing something for or to themselves.

Action doer=action receiver

To conjugate, move the -se at the end of the verb to in front of the verb and conjugate it based on the subject.

Él, ella, ustedSe
Ellos, ellas, ustedesSe

Then take of the -ar, -ir, -er at the end of the verb and conjugate it with the regular present tense endings. You still do stem changes in yo, tú, el, ellos forms for stem change verbs!


CepillarseYo me cepillo los dientesI brush my teeth.
Ac^^o^^starseTú te ac^^ue^^stas a las diezYou go to bed at 10.
AfeitarseEl se afeita de la mañanaHe shaves in the morning
EntrenarseNosotros nos entrenamos en el gimnasioWe train in the gym
MaquillarseVosotros os maquilláisYou (plural people) put on makeup
LavarseEllas se lavan a las nueve de la mañanaThey wash up at 9 in the morning

Bold reflexive verbs and highlight regular verbs:




