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Physical Education "Aerobic Dancing"

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After reading this information Sheet, you should be able to:

  • Define Aerobic Dancing

  • Discuss Explain the Element of dance Aerobic

Aerobic exercise conditions the cardiovascular system and improves performance in sports that require endurance, such as running and jogging. By conditioning the cardiovascular system, aerobics contributes to overall health and enhances the ability to use oxygen. Physical Education Learning Packets Perhaps the best way to describe how aerobics works is to explain how exercise improves the body's ability to perform. Depending on which exercises you do, you may develop strength, endurance, stamina or power. However, as all sports trainers know, exercise is "specific,'.' which means that specific exercises produce specific results. For example, exercises designed strictly to improve strength will not do much to improve your endurance. on the other hand, if you train for endurance alone (for example, by doing only long-distance running), you will not improve your strength significantly. This is why you often see runners who couldn't bench press 200 pounds if their lives depended on it, and champion power lifters who get out of breathe just running across the street.

"Aerobics" as a popular type of exercise activity came into international popularity in the 1970s and 80s as part of the fitness movement in the United States. People wanted to lose weight, slim down, be healthy, and improve the quality of their lives. Aerobic training provided a means of accomplishing some of these goals. At first jogging and running were the most popular forms of aerobic activity. Dr. Kenneth Cooper, James Fixx, and others wrote books on aerobics, running and the benefits of cardiovascular conditioning. Later, as trainers became more experienced in the ways in which aerobic benefits could be achieved and as more and more people were caught up in the fitness movement and began to join health clubs, different forms of aerobic training evolved.

One of the most popular forms of aerobic training is aerobic dance. Aerobic dance involves stepping, jumping, spinning and twisting motions that follow the beat of music played on a sound system. The intensity of this form of exercise can be increased either by increasing the tempo of the music, or by increasing the number or difficulty of the dance movements. Aerobic dance is usually done in large groups, but can be done alone if desired. One can dance aerobically regardless of the type of music. However, the most popular aerobic dance music is rock, because of the fast rhythms and heavy beat.

How Aerobic Training Work?

Depending on whether you are training for endurance and aerobic benefits or for strength, you will work different types of muscle fibers. Muscles are made up chiefly of two types Physical Education The red fibers contract more slowly than the white fibers, but demand a greater amount of oxygen to do their work. White fibers contract faster than the reds, but demand less oxygen.

Aerobic exercise is a type of endurance training, and chiefly works the red muscle fibers, thus increasing the demand for oxygen. As the oxygen demand is increased, the cardiovascular system (the heart and lungs) is forced· to work harder. In normal persons who have no cardiovascular disease, aerobic exercise increases muscular endurance and improves the ability of the cardiovascular system to meet greater oxygen demands. By contrast, strength training chiefly works the white muscle fibers. The most effective method of strength· training is done with what is called "progressive resistance" exercises in which both the resistance and the number of repetitions of the exercise movements are increased over a specified period of time. In short, working the white muscle fibers with progressive resistance exercises makes you stronger. So if you want to improve your muscular strength (lifting heavier weights, etc.), you must do progressive resistance exercises in which you do a small number of repetitions with increasing resistance over a short period of time. If you want to improve the action of your heart and lungs while developing muscular endurance (running, etc.), you must do aerobic exercises with many repetitions with less resistance over a long period of time.

But remember that the best training program is one that includes both aerobic and strength training. The "aerobic effect" of cardiovascular conditioning is achieved by reaching a target pulse rate. Trainers disagree about which pulse rate is an appropriate target and how long that pulse rate must be maintained. For example, Dr. Gabe Mirkin, who does the radio mini-programs called "Dr. Gabe Mirkin on Fitness," says that to achieve cardiovascular fitness, you must push your heartbeat to more than 60 per cent of its maximum for at least 30 minutes three times a week.

Training Exercises" (Iron Man Magazine, July, 1979) holds that the correct target pulse rate is between 70 and 85 percent of the maximum heart rate as figured according to age-adjusted maximal heart rate charts. According to DeVore, these heart rates need be sustained for only 10 to 12 minutes for aerobic conditioning. Dr. Kenneth Cooper, in his book, Aerobics, claims that a target pulse rate of 60 to 85 per cent of maximum should be maintained for between 12 to 30 minutes, and repeated at least several times a week. Opinions thus vary about the number of beats per minute, the length of the workout at the target rate, and the number of workouts needed per week to achieve cardiovascular fitness. So don't be surprised if you find contradictory figures from the many people who write about aerobics and cardiovascular conditioning.

Aerobic exercises are sometimes categorized as "high impact" and "low impact." High-impact exercises involve movements that compress the ankle, knee and hip joints. Examples would include jogging on pavement or fast aerobic dancing with repeated jumps, done to a fast tempo on a hard gym floor. Low-impact exercises are those which do not involve compressing the joints. An example would be circuit training with exercise machines, in which movements are done smoothly with no jumping or sudden pushing motions, or aerobic dancing that does not involve repeated jumping.

Jogging After a few minutes of stretching exercises, start to jog slowly, gradually increasing your speed. Don't run (don't have both feet off the ground at the same time) and don't shuffle (don’t slide your feet). After a few minutes, look at your watch or pulse meter and increase or decrease your speed until you reach your target pulse rate. Sustain that rate for the duration of the Sessions.

Aerobics Dance put a fairly fast number on your hi-fi, CD player or radio. Turn the volume up so you can hear the beat. Warm up, and then start slowly with dance movements or familiar floor exercises to the rhythm of the music. Make jumping jacks a dance movement by varying the direction of the jumps. Make twisting movements an aerobic exercise by doing them to fast music. Check your pulse, achieve the target rate, and sustain that rate for the duration of the session.

Circuit Training

Circuit training involves moving from one exercise machine to another with little or no rest between machines, until you have completed a circuit through a specified number of machines. Machines are better than free weights for circuit training, since you can change the amount of resistance quickly and easily by placing a pin or turning a dial, instead of having to load or unload plates and tighten barbell collars. If you belong to a health club that has a complete line of exercise machines, do the following:

  1. Achieve your target pulse rate by varying the:

    • Amount of weight or resistance

    • Number of repetitions

    • Speed with which the repetitions are done

    • Duration of each set on a specific machine

    • Duration of the rest period between machines

  2. Use the machines that accomplish the following exercises. Be sure to do the exercises in the order listed so that you can pace yourself. You will alternate between large and small muscle mass exercises. Also, you need to learn two terms that are used in all sports training: "extend" and "flex." When you straighten your arm or leg (as in a pushing movement), you EXTEND the arm or leg. When you bend your arm at the elbow or your leg at the knee, you FLEX the arm at the elbow and flex the leg at the knee. These handy terms will help you understand the exercises. Don't forget to warm up before starting the circuit.


For Jogging or Running Wear light clothing that is suitable to the temperature, and which gives you a full range of movement. For example, wear shorts and a tank top indoors or during the summer; wear a jogging suit or sweats during the winter. Don't allow you to get either too hot or too cold for comfort. Overheating can bring on heat stroke. Over cooling can result in pulled muscles and cramps. Be sure to wear good running or jogging shoes.

For Aerobics Dance Wear a jogging suit or a leotard, and a good pair of gym shoes. Be sure you have a complete range of motion so you can do all the moves. Don't skimp on footwear. Aerobic dance should NOT be done in ballet slippers.

For Circuit Training Most gyms require workout suits that cover the arms and legs. This is to save the machines' cushions and pads from deteriorating because of perspiration. Also, there is nothing more disgusting than having to do an exercise while sliding on someone else's sweat. Wear a workout suit that fits the environment. If your gym is hot, wear something light. If it's cold, wear a sweat suit. Make sure that you have a good pair of gym shoes. You will be moving rapidly from machine to machine, and you will need a firm foundation for exercises such as leg presses and heel-raises.


Physical Education "Aerobic Dancing"

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After reading this information Sheet, you should be able to:

  • Define Aerobic Dancing

  • Discuss Explain the Element of dance Aerobic

Aerobic exercise conditions the cardiovascular system and improves performance in sports that require endurance, such as running and jogging. By conditioning the cardiovascular system, aerobics contributes to overall health and enhances the ability to use oxygen. Physical Education Learning Packets Perhaps the best way to describe how aerobics works is to explain how exercise improves the body's ability to perform. Depending on which exercises you do, you may develop strength, endurance, stamina or power. However, as all sports trainers know, exercise is "specific,'.' which means that specific exercises produce specific results. For example, exercises designed strictly to improve strength will not do much to improve your endurance. on the other hand, if you train for endurance alone (for example, by doing only long-distance running), you will not improve your strength significantly. This is why you often see runners who couldn't bench press 200 pounds if their lives depended on it, and champion power lifters who get out of breathe just running across the street.

"Aerobics" as a popular type of exercise activity came into international popularity in the 1970s and 80s as part of the fitness movement in the United States. People wanted to lose weight, slim down, be healthy, and improve the quality of their lives. Aerobic training provided a means of accomplishing some of these goals. At first jogging and running were the most popular forms of aerobic activity. Dr. Kenneth Cooper, James Fixx, and others wrote books on aerobics, running and the benefits of cardiovascular conditioning. Later, as trainers became more experienced in the ways in which aerobic benefits could be achieved and as more and more people were caught up in the fitness movement and began to join health clubs, different forms of aerobic training evolved.

One of the most popular forms of aerobic training is aerobic dance. Aerobic dance involves stepping, jumping, spinning and twisting motions that follow the beat of music played on a sound system. The intensity of this form of exercise can be increased either by increasing the tempo of the music, or by increasing the number or difficulty of the dance movements. Aerobic dance is usually done in large groups, but can be done alone if desired. One can dance aerobically regardless of the type of music. However, the most popular aerobic dance music is rock, because of the fast rhythms and heavy beat.

How Aerobic Training Work?

Depending on whether you are training for endurance and aerobic benefits or for strength, you will work different types of muscle fibers. Muscles are made up chiefly of two types Physical Education The red fibers contract more slowly than the white fibers, but demand a greater amount of oxygen to do their work. White fibers contract faster than the reds, but demand less oxygen.

Aerobic exercise is a type of endurance training, and chiefly works the red muscle fibers, thus increasing the demand for oxygen. As the oxygen demand is increased, the cardiovascular system (the heart and lungs) is forced· to work harder. In normal persons who have no cardiovascular disease, aerobic exercise increases muscular endurance and improves the ability of the cardiovascular system to meet greater oxygen demands. By contrast, strength training chiefly works the white muscle fibers. The most effective method of strength· training is done with what is called "progressive resistance" exercises in which both the resistance and the number of repetitions of the exercise movements are increased over a specified period of time. In short, working the white muscle fibers with progressive resistance exercises makes you stronger. So if you want to improve your muscular strength (lifting heavier weights, etc.), you must do progressive resistance exercises in which you do a small number of repetitions with increasing resistance over a short period of time. If you want to improve the action of your heart and lungs while developing muscular endurance (running, etc.), you must do aerobic exercises with many repetitions with less resistance over a long period of time.

But remember that the best training program is one that includes both aerobic and strength training. The "aerobic effect" of cardiovascular conditioning is achieved by reaching a target pulse rate. Trainers disagree about which pulse rate is an appropriate target and how long that pulse rate must be maintained. For example, Dr. Gabe Mirkin, who does the radio mini-programs called "Dr. Gabe Mirkin on Fitness," says that to achieve cardiovascular fitness, you must push your heartbeat to more than 60 per cent of its maximum for at least 30 minutes three times a week.

Training Exercises" (Iron Man Magazine, July, 1979) holds that the correct target pulse rate is between 70 and 85 percent of the maximum heart rate as figured according to age-adjusted maximal heart rate charts. According to DeVore, these heart rates need be sustained for only 10 to 12 minutes for aerobic conditioning. Dr. Kenneth Cooper, in his book, Aerobics, claims that a target pulse rate of 60 to 85 per cent of maximum should be maintained for between 12 to 30 minutes, and repeated at least several times a week. Opinions thus vary about the number of beats per minute, the length of the workout at the target rate, and the number of workouts needed per week to achieve cardiovascular fitness. So don't be surprised if you find contradictory figures from the many people who write about aerobics and cardiovascular conditioning.

Aerobic exercises are sometimes categorized as "high impact" and "low impact." High-impact exercises involve movements that compress the ankle, knee and hip joints. Examples would include jogging on pavement or fast aerobic dancing with repeated jumps, done to a fast tempo on a hard gym floor. Low-impact exercises are those which do not involve compressing the joints. An example would be circuit training with exercise machines, in which movements are done smoothly with no jumping or sudden pushing motions, or aerobic dancing that does not involve repeated jumping.

Jogging After a few minutes of stretching exercises, start to jog slowly, gradually increasing your speed. Don't run (don't have both feet off the ground at the same time) and don't shuffle (don’t slide your feet). After a few minutes, look at your watch or pulse meter and increase or decrease your speed until you reach your target pulse rate. Sustain that rate for the duration of the Sessions.

Aerobics Dance put a fairly fast number on your hi-fi, CD player or radio. Turn the volume up so you can hear the beat. Warm up, and then start slowly with dance movements or familiar floor exercises to the rhythm of the music. Make jumping jacks a dance movement by varying the direction of the jumps. Make twisting movements an aerobic exercise by doing them to fast music. Check your pulse, achieve the target rate, and sustain that rate for the duration of the session.

Circuit Training

Circuit training involves moving from one exercise machine to another with little or no rest between machines, until you have completed a circuit through a specified number of machines. Machines are better than free weights for circuit training, since you can change the amount of resistance quickly and easily by placing a pin or turning a dial, instead of having to load or unload plates and tighten barbell collars. If you belong to a health club that has a complete line of exercise machines, do the following:

  1. Achieve your target pulse rate by varying the:

    • Amount of weight or resistance

    • Number of repetitions

    • Speed with which the repetitions are done

    • Duration of each set on a specific machine

    • Duration of the rest period between machines

  2. Use the machines that accomplish the following exercises. Be sure to do the exercises in the order listed so that you can pace yourself. You will alternate between large and small muscle mass exercises. Also, you need to learn two terms that are used in all sports training: "extend" and "flex." When you straighten your arm or leg (as in a pushing movement), you EXTEND the arm or leg. When you bend your arm at the elbow or your leg at the knee, you FLEX the arm at the elbow and flex the leg at the knee. These handy terms will help you understand the exercises. Don't forget to warm up before starting the circuit.


For Jogging or Running Wear light clothing that is suitable to the temperature, and which gives you a full range of movement. For example, wear shorts and a tank top indoors or during the summer; wear a jogging suit or sweats during the winter. Don't allow you to get either too hot or too cold for comfort. Overheating can bring on heat stroke. Over cooling can result in pulled muscles and cramps. Be sure to wear good running or jogging shoes.

For Aerobics Dance Wear a jogging suit or a leotard, and a good pair of gym shoes. Be sure you have a complete range of motion so you can do all the moves. Don't skimp on footwear. Aerobic dance should NOT be done in ballet slippers.

For Circuit Training Most gyms require workout suits that cover the arms and legs. This is to save the machines' cushions and pads from deteriorating because of perspiration. Also, there is nothing more disgusting than having to do an exercise while sliding on someone else's sweat. Wear a workout suit that fits the environment. If your gym is hot, wear something light. If it's cold, wear a sweat suit. Make sure that you have a good pair of gym shoes. You will be moving rapidly from machine to machine, and you will need a firm foundation for exercises such as leg presses and heel-raises.
