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Chapter 19 - The Settlement of the West

Archduke Maximilian

  • 1863 - After being sent to Mexico, he antagonized Mexicans

  • Violated the Monroe Doctrine

Treaty of Washington

  • 1871

  • Britain was granted $15.5 mil for Civil War damages

  • During international arbitration, non-biased nations judged conflicts

  • The last dispute between the US + UK


  • Russia forming colonies in Alaska violated the Monroe Doctrine

  • 1867 - US bought Alaska for $7.2 mil (Seward’s Folly)

  • Provided the US with vast mineral wealth

Indian Bureau

  • Used to manage the Native Americans

  • Christianized + assimilated Native Americans into US society

  • Corrupt agents benefitted from supplies

Reservation System

  • Federal gov’t set aside land for Native Americans

    • The crumbs of infertile land that weren’t settled by Americans

  • Native Americans forced to stay on allotted lands

Sioux Rebellion

  • 1862

  • Dakota Sioux uprising against unfair Indian Bureau agents

  • Wide resistance + sporadic fighting

  • Hanged + separated to new reservations

Sand Creek Massacre

  • 1864

  • John Chivington killed 200 Cheyenne Native Americans

  • Destroyed the Cheyenne power structure

Crazy Horse

  • Lakota Sioux chief

  • Tried to maintain long-standing Sioux traditions

  • Alliance between the Sioux + Cheyenne

  • Helped Sitting Bull defeat Custer


  • Apache chief

  • Resisted the Mexican + US gov’t

  • Led raids + escaped capture

Sitting Bull

  • Dakota Sioux medicine man + chief

  • Huge role at the Battle of Little Big Horn

  • Famous on Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show

  • Led the famous Native American ghost dances

George Armstrong Custer

  • Served on the Seventh Cavalry

  • Fought at the Battle of Little Big Horn

    • Miscalculated the Sioux + Cheyenne populations

    • Resulted in him being isolated + killed by Native Americans Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull

Battle of Little Big Horn

  • 1876

  • Custer divided forces + didn’t properly scout the area

  • Resulted in a Native American victory

  • Proved Native Americans are savages + refuse to cooperate

Battle of Wounded Knee

  • The Dakota Sioux fought against the US Army

  • The Sioux were opposed to the Dawes Act


  • Provided sustenance for the Native Americans

  • White hunters killed them for hides

  • After almost hunting the buffalo to extinction, Native Americans were no longer able to rely on them

A Century of Dishonor

  • 1881 - Written by Helen Hunt Jackson

  • Protested against the unfair treatment of Native Americans

Nez Perce War

  • Chief Joseph led 700 Native Americans to Canada

  • Lobbied Congress to have Native Americans removed from reservations and back on their own land

Dawes Severalty Act

  • 1887

  • Assimilated Native Americans

  • Grant 160 acres to Native American families if they agreed to assimilate into the US population

  • Increased Native American resistance

Homestead Act

  • Passed by Congress in 1862

  • Encouraged settlement

  • White families were given 160 acres to work and settle

  • Land eventually sold to companies + land speculators

Frontier Thesis

  • 1893 - Written by Frederick Jackson Turner

  • Believed that western settlement strengthened citizens + democracy

  • Spreading citizens around the US eased societal tension


  • 1844 - Invented by Samuel F.B. Morse

  • 1861 - Telegraph line reached San Francisco

  • Resulted in the communication revolution

  • Western Union Telegraph Company monopoly

  • Morse code

  • 1866 - Transatlantic cable built between the US + UK


  • 1876 - Invented by Alexander Graham Bell

  • Contributed to the communication revolution

  • American Telephone and Telegraph Company monopoly

  • Boosted American economy

Transcontinental Railroad

  • 1862-1869 - Completed at Promontory Point, Utah

  • Built by immigrants

  • Reduced travel time + able ship goods & people, helping the US economy

  • Decimated buffalo herds while building

Texas Longhorns

  • Free-ranging

  • Fed on Western Mississippi grasses

  • Shipped by cowboys to meat-packing plants in Chicago


  • Home to many meat-packing plants

    • Provided meat to all citizens

    • The Jungle written by Upton Sinclair revealed the corruption and unsafe conditions inside these plants

  • Transportation hub

  • Rapid population growth


  • 1862-1890 - Settled vast lands

  • White encroachment on Native American land → Violent conflict

  • Free Western land → Human migration

  • Communication + transportation revolution

  • Untapped resources + railroad construction → Economic boom

Chapter 19 - The Settlement of the West

Archduke Maximilian

  • 1863 - After being sent to Mexico, he antagonized Mexicans

  • Violated the Monroe Doctrine

Treaty of Washington

  • 1871

  • Britain was granted $15.5 mil for Civil War damages

  • During international arbitration, non-biased nations judged conflicts

  • The last dispute between the US + UK


  • Russia forming colonies in Alaska violated the Monroe Doctrine

  • 1867 - US bought Alaska for $7.2 mil (Seward’s Folly)

  • Provided the US with vast mineral wealth

Indian Bureau

  • Used to manage the Native Americans

  • Christianized + assimilated Native Americans into US society

  • Corrupt agents benefitted from supplies

Reservation System

  • Federal gov’t set aside land for Native Americans

    • The crumbs of infertile land that weren’t settled by Americans

  • Native Americans forced to stay on allotted lands

Sioux Rebellion

  • 1862

  • Dakota Sioux uprising against unfair Indian Bureau agents

  • Wide resistance + sporadic fighting

  • Hanged + separated to new reservations

Sand Creek Massacre

  • 1864

  • John Chivington killed 200 Cheyenne Native Americans

  • Destroyed the Cheyenne power structure

Crazy Horse

  • Lakota Sioux chief

  • Tried to maintain long-standing Sioux traditions

  • Alliance between the Sioux + Cheyenne

  • Helped Sitting Bull defeat Custer


  • Apache chief

  • Resisted the Mexican + US gov’t

  • Led raids + escaped capture

Sitting Bull

  • Dakota Sioux medicine man + chief

  • Huge role at the Battle of Little Big Horn

  • Famous on Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show

  • Led the famous Native American ghost dances

George Armstrong Custer

  • Served on the Seventh Cavalry

  • Fought at the Battle of Little Big Horn

    • Miscalculated the Sioux + Cheyenne populations

    • Resulted in him being isolated + killed by Native Americans Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull

Battle of Little Big Horn

  • 1876

  • Custer divided forces + didn’t properly scout the area

  • Resulted in a Native American victory

  • Proved Native Americans are savages + refuse to cooperate

Battle of Wounded Knee

  • The Dakota Sioux fought against the US Army

  • The Sioux were opposed to the Dawes Act


  • Provided sustenance for the Native Americans

  • White hunters killed them for hides

  • After almost hunting the buffalo to extinction, Native Americans were no longer able to rely on them

A Century of Dishonor

  • 1881 - Written by Helen Hunt Jackson

  • Protested against the unfair treatment of Native Americans

Nez Perce War

  • Chief Joseph led 700 Native Americans to Canada

  • Lobbied Congress to have Native Americans removed from reservations and back on their own land

Dawes Severalty Act

  • 1887

  • Assimilated Native Americans

  • Grant 160 acres to Native American families if they agreed to assimilate into the US population

  • Increased Native American resistance

Homestead Act

  • Passed by Congress in 1862

  • Encouraged settlement

  • White families were given 160 acres to work and settle

  • Land eventually sold to companies + land speculators

Frontier Thesis

  • 1893 - Written by Frederick Jackson Turner

  • Believed that western settlement strengthened citizens + democracy

  • Spreading citizens around the US eased societal tension


  • 1844 - Invented by Samuel F.B. Morse

  • 1861 - Telegraph line reached San Francisco

  • Resulted in the communication revolution

  • Western Union Telegraph Company monopoly

  • Morse code

  • 1866 - Transatlantic cable built between the US + UK


  • 1876 - Invented by Alexander Graham Bell

  • Contributed to the communication revolution

  • American Telephone and Telegraph Company monopoly

  • Boosted American economy

Transcontinental Railroad

  • 1862-1869 - Completed at Promontory Point, Utah

  • Built by immigrants

  • Reduced travel time + able ship goods & people, helping the US economy

  • Decimated buffalo herds while building

Texas Longhorns

  • Free-ranging

  • Fed on Western Mississippi grasses

  • Shipped by cowboys to meat-packing plants in Chicago


  • Home to many meat-packing plants

    • Provided meat to all citizens

    • The Jungle written by Upton Sinclair revealed the corruption and unsafe conditions inside these plants

  • Transportation hub

  • Rapid population growth


  • 1862-1890 - Settled vast lands

  • White encroachment on Native American land → Violent conflict

  • Free Western land → Human migration

  • Communication + transportation revolution

  • Untapped resources + railroad construction → Economic boom