4 types of tissue- epithelial, muscle,connective, nervous tissue
Histologist- Study of Tissues
Pathologist-studies the diseases of cells and tissues
Cellularity-more cells than matrix
Tissue-group of similar cells that together carry out a specific job
Junctions-anchor cells together so it can remain in a continuous sheet
Basement Membrane- bottom of epithelial tissue that has glycoproteins and reticular fibers
Microvilli- increases surface area for absorption
Avascular- no blood vessels
Cilia- Sweepers and cleaners
Simple Squamous- Diffusion,filtration,slick/Lungs, heart, blood vessel, kidneys
Simple Cuboidal- One layer, secretes, glands
Endocrine Glands- secretes hormones directly into blood
Exocrine Glands- products are carried by a duct to a hollow organ (digestive enzymes) or out of body (sweat)
Simple Columnar w/ microvilli-absorption of nutrients, intestines
Simple Columnar w/ cilia- sweeps eggs, Fallopian (uterine) tube
Pseudostratified Columnar- secretes mucus, sweeps out debris, upper respiratory tract (trachea, bronchi, bronchioles)
goblet cells- single cell gland that secrete mucus
Stratified Epithelium-more than one layer, classified by top layer
Stratified Squamous-takes friction, is a barrier, protects from fluid loss/Esophagus,skin,mouth
Connective Tissue-Type of tissue that stratified squamous sits on top of
Mitotic Cells-Cells in the stratified squamous tissue that regenerate (mitosis)
Melanocytes-make and release melanin
melanin-skin,eye, and hair pigment
Keratin- waterproof protective top layer of skin
Stratified Cuboidal-layered, secretes, glands
Desquamification-Friction causing top layer of stratified squamous cells to fall off
Transitional Epithelium-stretch to squamous shape (full) to cuboidal (empty)
Stratified Columnar-protection, surrounds sphincter muscles, at end of stomach