unit 9 psych

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Social psychology

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* still need to check with princeton review and psych review book on GD

21 Terms


Social psychology

The scientific study of how we think, influence, and relate to one another.

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Social cognition

The mental processes that people use to make sense of their social environments.

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Person perception

The mental processes we use to form judgments and draw conclusions about the characteristics and motives of other people.

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Attribution theory

The tendency for observers to give causal explanations for someone's behavior by crediting either the situation or surroundings.

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Fundamental Attribution error

The tendency to overestimate personal characteristics and ignore situational factors in judging others' behavior.

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Self-fulfilling prophecy

One person's belief about others leads to actions that induce the others to confirm the belief, leading to its own fulfillment.

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Confirmation bias

The tendency to favor information that confirms beliefs and values, while ignoring contradictory evidence.

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Rosenthal Effect

High expectations lead to improved performance, while low expectations lead to poor performance.

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Halo Effect

Positive impressions in one area influence one's opinion in other areas.

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Cognitive dissonance

The discomfort when behavior does not align with values or beliefs.

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Elaboration likelihood model

Theory that there are two ways to persuade - central and peripheral routes.

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Conformity, Compliance, Obedience

Different forms of social influence.

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Foot-in-the-door phenomenon

People who agree to a small request are more likely to comply with a larger request.

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Door-in-the-face phenomenon

Making a large request first, followed by a smaller one.

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Compliance to social pressure, as shown in the Milgram experiment.

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Social Influence

Normative and informative social influence.

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Unjustifiable negative attitude toward a group and its members.

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Social Facilitation

Improved performance in the presence of a group.

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Group polarization

Tendency for like-minded groups to move to extreme positions.

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Unselfish regard for the welfare of others.

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Bystander Effect

The likelihood of a bystander to give aid decreases when others are present.

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