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threshold dose
the amount of a toxicant a subject must be exposed to for a negative effect
amount of a particular toxicant to kill half the population
risk management
making decisions and designing strategies to minimize risk
an enzyme converts testosterone into estrogen
a mineral that forms long, thin microscopic fibers used in fire retardants hurts lungs
any poisonous substance
This federal agency, works to minimize risk in the workplace
acute exposure
exposed to a high dose of toxicant for short period of time
epidemiological study
A long-term study comparing exposed and unexposed groups to track outcomes.
water acquires a high concentration of nutrients(nitrogn & phopurus) . promotes excessive growth of algae. algae die and decompose, aerobic bacteria deplete oxygen source, causing hypoxia
endocrine disruptors
toxicants that interfere with hormone system
gives the EPA the right to regulate all synthetic substances
the science that examines the effects of poisonous substances on organisms
respiratory infections
the leading cause of death
Love Canal
the site of the worst environmental disaster involving chemical wastes in U.S. history.
cultural health hazards
the category of hazards to human health (smoking)
the most widely used herbicide in the Unites States
global distillation
Pollutants travel to the poles via air and ocean currents, concentrating
environmental health
environmental factors influence human health
Silent Spring
Rachel Carson's book artificial pesticides were hazardous to human health,
infectious disease
illness that can be spread from one person to another.
harm to developing embryos
chronic exposure
exposed to a low dose of a toxicant over long period of time
highly toxic gas seeps up through the ground
"dirty dozen"
the most dangerous (POPs) according to the Stockholm Convention
chemicals that cause mutations in the DNA
dose-response curve
A graph showing test animals' reactions to varying toxicant doses.
synergistic effects
the toxicants may increase or cancel each other out.
used as a fire-retardant in household furniture.
originally marketed as a sleeping pill but later found to be a teratogen
pesticide drift
when pesticides become airborne
this heavy metal is human health hazard
physical health hazards
natural disasters and UV-radiation
EPA the legal right to regulate pesticides.
biological health hazards
the category of hazards to human health that includes malaria, tuberculosis and the flu
toxicants that cause cancer
the second-leading cause of death
West Nile Virus
This Old World virus transmitted by mosquitoes.
suspected endocrine disruptor found in plastics
chemical health hazards
Lysol, bleach and Round-Up
risk assessment
refers to the quantitative process of determining the potential risks of substances and activities that may pose a threat to people or wildlife
the buildup of toxic substances in an organism over its lifetime
toxicants that attack the nervous system
the focus of Rachel Carson's 1962 book