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science of describing, naming, classifying living and extinct organisms and viruses; try to get into groups
biodiversity and evolutionary relationships between organisms extinct and modern
what is each group/level in the hierarchial system of taxonomy
a taxon
what is the highest level in the succession
what are the three domains
bacteria, eukarya, and archaea
what is eukarya usually divided into
kingdoms or the 4 kingdom concept
what are the 4 kingdom in eukarya
protists, plantae, fungi, and animalia
what kingdom are prokaryotic cells in
bacteria and archaea
what kingdom are eukaryotic cells in
prokaryotic cells
before nucleus, no nucleus, no membrane bound organelles, everything done on cell membrane, plasma and inefficent
eukaryotic cells
true nucleus, nucleus, membrane bound organelles, internal membrane system (compartments) allow for bigger organisms, everything done in compartments
binomial nomenclature
2 words and name, genus name and specific epithet; genus always capitalized and specific epithet never capitalized, ensure all talking about same thing instead of common words
who proposed binomial nomenclature
carolus linnaeus in 1753, artificial because we assign it so the actually species does not decide it
evolutionary history of species or group of species, to propose this used systematics, usually based on morphological (physical) or genetic data, more on the tree the better the model
phylogentic trees
hypothesis of evolutionary relationships among various species not 100% accurate, genetic and physical and morphological
monophyletic group or clade
group of species, taxon, consisting of the most recent commpn ancestor and all of its descendents
paraphyteic group
contains a common ancestor and some but not all of its descendents
morphological analysis
first systematics studies focused on morpholgocial features of extinct and modern species, most of early classification methods used this and animal embryonic development
molecular systematics
analysis of genetic data like DNA, RNA, and amino acid sequences to identify and study genetic similarities and propose phylogentic trees, the model will give number percent similarity
True or false: dna and amino acid sequences from closely related species are more similar to each other than to sequences from more distant related
prokaryotic diversity
prokaryotic fossils dated at 3.5 billion years,doma modern prokarytoes are most abundant, lacking sexual reproduction
domain bacteria
proteobacteria - “true bacteria” cyanobacteria - “blue green bacteria”
domain archaea
have an ‘almost’ bacteria specialized membranes, surrounded by wall
eukaryotic diversity- kingdom protista
earliest in fossil record, moist environment, microscopic, DNA— separate groups, “catch all” category
algae— plant like (mostly) 10 groups, autotrophic, few ingest food, unicellular through large multicell, cell wall
protozoans— animal like, heterotrophic, many unicellular, amoeba, paramecium, a sexual reproduction
fungal like protists— mostly saprotrophic (absorb food), mostly multicellular, slime molds
kingdom plantae
over 330,000 species, multicellular, mostly autotrophic, some not green, some parasites, fossils dated to 400 mybp, ancestral stock is probably some form of green algae but not currently living, 10 phyla, typically combined phyla into 4 broad catgeories for convience
requirements for kingdom plantae
food storage compound —starch
cell wall— cellulose (most abundant carb)
photosynthetic pigments — chlorophylls (A=green, B=beta carotene)
heptophyta (liverworts), anthocerophyta (hornworts), bryophyta (mosses); mosses and their allies, reproduce by spores, non vascular, external water for reproduction
lycopodiophyta (lycophytes), pteriodophyta (ferns and allies), grouped as ferns and relatives; reproduce by sporesm vascular plants with xylem and phloem allow for large size, “true roots” because vascular, require external water because of flagellated sperm
cycadophyta (cycads), ginkophyta (ginko), gnetophyta (gnetophytes), coniferophyta (conifers); similar seeds beacuse “naked seeds” — not enclosed in vessel, biggest conifers (cone bearing trees), vascular plants is more advanced, seeds have survival value but no vessel, embryo-store food-integument (coat), no external water needed for reproduction because of pollen tube
anthophyta (over 300,000); produce flowers-fruits, msot advanced tissue and seeds enclosed in a vessel→embryo-food-2 integuements- enclosed in fruit
top four things to know about angiosperms
91% of species, most advanced, flowers attract pollinators, fruit protecs seed and dispersal
what are the biggest confiers in the gymnosperm phyla
old pine, big sequioa, tall redwood aka bristlecone, giant, coastal
animal diversity
kingdom animalia, over 2.5 million species (1/2 insects), 35 phyla, more similaritites with in animal genomes than others, have the most information, earliest and most simple animal is sponge
characteristics for kingdom animalia
multicellular, lack cell wall, sexual reproduction with mobile small sperm and large egg, nervous tissue (complex, sensory), hox genes, heterotrophs, similar RNA
hox genes
clusters of genes laying out body design, all animals have and larger animals have more
multicellular animals, parazoans-sponges, eumetazoans- ‘true’ multicellular animals
classification of kingdom animalia
morphology, molecular genetics, embryonic development (mostly same in the kingdom)
body plans for kingdom animalia
morphological and developmental features:
body symmetry- balanced proportions of body on sides of a plane
number of tissue layers- embryonic =germ layer
patterns of embryonic development- blastopore = 1st embryonic opening
eumetazoa divided by symmetry; radiata- radially symmetry ( 2 tissue layers), divivded equally by any plane through central axis, often circular with opening with one end; bilateria- bilatteraly symmetric (3 tissue layers), divided a long vertical plane to get two halves, have cephalization (head region) and dorsal and ventral sides, have anterior and posterior ends
an aggregation of functionally similar cells; metazoa- all animals divided on specialized tissues; parazoa- without special tissues and organs— porifera sponges and maybe distinct cell types; eumetazoa- more than one tissue type and organ — all other animals
radiata germ layers
diploblastic 2 layers, endoderm inner layer, exoderm outer layer
bilateria germ layers
triploblastic 3 layers, endoderm inner layer, exoderm outer layer, mesoderm middle layer that forms muscles and other organs
germ layers
develop during gestation, radiata and bilateria have different embryonic cell layers
protstome embryonic development
blastopore becomes mouth (first opening)
deuterostome embryonic development
blastopore becomes anus (1st anus, 2nd mouth), advanced
what traits are not reliable according to molecular data to make phylogenies
coelon (body cavity) and body segmentation
body cavity
coelom - fluid filled body cavity, coelomate or eucoelomate (true coelom)- lines completely with mesoderm and advanced, pseudocoelomate- partially lines with mesoderm rotifers and roundworms, acoelomate- lack of body cavity and instead have mesenchym (stuffing) and primitive
functions of coelom
cushions internal organs, enables movement and growth of internal organs independently of body wall, fluid acts as a simple cirulatory system
body might be divided into regions called segments - occurs in worms arthropods and chordates and is specialization of body regions, over a million arthropoda is largest
what two species dont have organs in the animal kingdom
sponges and jellyfish
genes used in molecular studies
rRNA is often focused on universal in all organisms and change slowly overtime; hox genes are often studied and are gound in all animals and duplications might have led to evolution of complex body forms (vertebrates), phylogenies made using rRNA and hox genes are similar and often agree with those based on morpholgy
invertbrate animals
fossils to 1.2 billion years, 95% of an animal species, vertebral column-vertbrae like column
phylum porifera
sponges, lack tissues and organs, untill 20 years ago been in kingdom protista, ‘pores’ filter water and food
phylum cnidera and phlyum ctenophora
cnidaria: jellyfish, corals, and anemones; ctenophora: comb jellies; both phylum: diploblastic development, mesoglea-gelationous covering, nerve net- interconnective nerve cells and no brain, 1 opening to GI cavity- protostome, both close genetically
phylum platyhelminthes
flatworms and flukes and tapeworms, triploblastic development , 1st with organ and organ system, enhanced nerve net with 2 cerebral ganglia, 1 GI opening and prostome
phylum rotifera
rotifers, pseudocoelomate, triploblastic development, complete gut tract with alimentary canal, protostomes, ‘corona’ saw to move and commin aquatic, simple brain
phylum mollusca
snails and slugs and oyesters and octopus and squid, triploblastic and eucoelomate, complete gut tract, protostome, average nervous sustem, octopus and squid have superior nervous system to rest
phylum annelida
segmented and ringed worms, triploblastic and eucoelomate, complete gut tract and protstomes, enhanced nervous system
phylum nematoda
roundworm, triploblastic and pseudocoelomate, complete GI tract, protostomes, not much difference between annelida
phylum antropoda
insects and crustaceans and spiders and ticks (mostly insects), highest species diversity around 1.5 million species, hardned exoskeleteon that sheds, protstomes and eucoeomates and triploblastic and complete GI tract, enhanced nervous system -social insects (colony) in particular have enhacned brain, most advanced group of prtotostomes
phylum echinodermata
sea stars and sea cucumbers and sand dollars, triplobalstic and eucoloemate and complete GI tract, deuterstomes, simple nervouse system, endoskeleton
phylum chordata
deuterstomes and endoskeleton, complete GI tract and eucoleomate and triploblastic, few invertrabrates but mostly vertebrates, bilateral symmetry
series of plates that grow with body to make ti more advanced
5 critical body designs needed at some point in life to be considered a chordata
notochord, dorsal (hollow) nerve chors, pharangeal gill pouch, post anal tail, endostyle
cartilagenous supporting rod along dorsal axis replaced by jointed vertebral column of hardned cartilage or boney elements
dorsal (hollow) nerve chord
expanded at anterior end - brain, enclosed and supported and protected by vertebral column aka notochord, humans have largest brain relative to body size
pharangeal gill puches and slits
pharynx- back of mouth cavity, not fish (only during emrbyonic)
post anal tail
tail extends posterior of anus, our tail = coccyx
notochord- replaced as a series of boney elements and only pieces left is IVD only during embryonic, nerve chord- dorsal/hollow with largest brain capacity, pharangeal pouch- embryonic divide into 1 pair for euctacheaean tubes, postal tail- 1 vertebra as tailbone aka coccyx, endostyle- thryroid gland for metabolism
subphylum urochordata
tunicates or sea squirts, small invertebrate marine, around 3000 species, filter feeders
subphylum cephalochordata
lancelets, invertebrates and marine and filter feeders, distinct head region (looks fish like)
subphylum vertebrata
vertebrates- chordates with vertebral column, chordate features and: vertebral column, cranium, endoskeleton, hox genes (multiple), neural crest
neural crest
cells around back into edge blue print to peripheral nervous system
class myxini-hagfish, no jaws and eyes and fins and vertebrae, skeleton with notochord and cartilagenous skin, covered with slime that tastes bad and thick coat; class cephalospidomorphi- lamprey, have notochord and certilagenous vertebral column, no jaws and fins, fossils at 5100 million
class chondrichthyes
cartilagenous fish, shark and skates and rays, cartilagenous skeleton and notochord as adults, “jawed” fish and paired appendages (fins), powerful tail region, gills, retain through adulthood
class osteichthyes
bony fish, most diverse vertebrae group with over 27,00 species, bone for skull or plats, jawed and paired appendages, gills, notochord for most, lionfish and eel and seadragon
tetrapods class gnathostomes with four limbs
transition to land involved adaptations for locomotion and reproduction and prevent dessication, sturdy lob-finned fish became animals with four limbs, vertebral column strengthened and hips and shoulders braced against vertebral column, relatively simple changes in gene expression (hox genes)
class amphibia
amphibios-greek for living a double life split between aquatic and terrestiral, successfully invaded land but have to reproduce in water, lungs are an adaptation to semiterristrial life, 3 chamberred heart, smooth - thin skin and MUST be moist, external fertilization, larval stages are aquatic and undergo metamorphosis, not completely separated from water, example is frogs
tetrapods with desiccation (resistant egg), critical innovation deviation of a shelled egg, amniotic egg broke tie to water (3 internal membranes), shell is permeable to oxygen and co2 with shell membrane, must be fertilized before (inside)
3 membranes of amniotes egg
chorion- together with allantois to allow gas exchange
allantois- wastes from embryo
protect embryo- “indoor pond” amniotic fluid
key innovations in amniotes
desiccation resistant skin- contain keratin, thoracic breathing- negative pressure suck air in, water conserving kidneys- concentrate waste prior to eliminate internal fertilization
class reptilia
over 8,000 species, turtle and crocs and lizards and snakes, live away from water, thicker skin and scales, larger brain and enhanced kidneys, larger limbs and muscles (increases locomotor skills), amniotic egg with leathery shells
‘egg laying’ outside body fish, amphibian, reptile, birds, and 3 mammals
‘live bearing’ with retention of eggs NO maternal connection, fish and reptiles
‘true’ livebearing with eggs retained and maternal connection aka placenta, reptile and mammals
class aves
over 9000 species, largest tetrapod class, “feathered reptiles”, birds, evolved from small dinosaurs, fossils at 150 mybp, adaptations for flight: feathers modified front limb and lighteight skeleton and organs reduced and lungs with air sac, all oviparous
internal temperature, body temperature controlled by trapped matabolic heat (constant temperature)
external temperature, body temperature controlled by surrounding environment, metabolic heat is generated but hard to capture and maintain heat (temporary)
class mammalia
milk producing amniotes, evolved from ancestors earlier than birds, over 6000 species, appeared about 225 mybp- small mammal like dinosaurs and reptiles, after dinosaurs extinct mammals flourished, range of sizes and body forms and complex unmatched, have hair more or less, mammary glands-secrete milk, only vertebrates with multiple dentitions, 3 middle ear ossicles, anucleate red blood cells, enlarged skull meaning brain enlarged-cerebrum and single lower jaw
what is largest mammal that exists
blue whale
fish like mammals
whales, dolphins, aquatic
bird like mammals
bats (highest metabolism of all)
reptile like mammals
3 species are egg layers
different types (incisors and premolar and molar and canines)
teeth with long roots embedded in jaw
2 sets of teeth in a lifetime (milk teeth aka baby)
pair of flaps of connective tissues that funnel sound
3 egg layers (platypus)
marsupials like possum, live bearing and short pregnancy