Unconscious conflicts, early childhood experiences, sex and aggression
Wastson & Skinner
Observable response, learning, environment, rewards & punishments
Maslow & Rogers
You are inherently good, you have free will, you should try to close the gap between your real and ideal selves, you deserve unconditional positive regard
Thinking, decision making
Brain, body chemistry, genetics
Biology, Psychology, Society
Weird psych
Western, educated, industrialized, rich, democratic
Case study
Examining one individual or small group
pros - very in depth
cons - not generalizable
Naturalistic observation
Observing a population in its natural environment
pros- observing behaviors
cons - no cause & effect, observer bias, subjects may act different, observer in environment changes environment
Gathering information by asking questions
pros - direct answers, data analysis, wider range of people
cons - self-report data is unreliable, people may get tired and give up
study of a person/persons over a long period of time
pros - observe behavior over time
cons- long observational period, expensive, hard to generalize
study where you analyze data from a group of people at one point in time
an investigation in which a hypothesis is scientifically proven that works to understand the relations between cause and effect (only method that shows cause & effect)
independent variable
The experimental factor that is manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied
dependent variable
The outcome factor; the variable that may change in response to manipulations of the independent variable
operational definition
a term that is used to describe the procedure of a a study and the research variables
hindsight bias
finding out that something has happened makes it seem inevitable. "i knew it all along phenomenon"
false consensus effect
the tendency to overestimate others agreement with us
meta - analysis
a procedure for statistically combining the results of many different research studies
self-serving bias
our readiness to perceive ourselves favorably
the tendency to attribute our successes to internal, personal factors and our failures to external, situational factors
confirmation bias
people's tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting information that is consistent with their existing beliefs
correlation can point to a relationship between variables but it does not prove causation
the closer to the absolute value of 1 the stronger the correlation is
defense mechanism
the ego's protective method of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality (completely unconscious)
banishes anxiety & arousing thoughts & feelings from conscious
revert back to an earlier stage in development (tantrums, throwing fits, etc.)
reaction formation
taking unacceptable feelings & turning them into their opposites
disguises threatening impulses by attributing them to others
("he doesn't trust me" really means "i don't trust him)
trying to make excuses for your behavior
taking your feelings out on a weaker target
reject reality / ignore whatever causes negative emotions
channel unacceptable behaviors/impulses into different/more positive socially acceptable behaviors
social cognitive perspective
views behavior as influenced by the interaction between persons & their social context
reciprocal determinism
the process of interacting with our environment
influences between personality and environmental factor
external locus of control
the perception that chance/outside forces determine a person's fate
internal locus of control
the perception that one controls one's own fate
learned helplessness
people consistently forced into one type of situation will begin to feel helpless against it and won't try to change it even if the opportunity arises
high self-efficacy
the belief that a person is in control of their life & their actions & decisions shape their life so they're more likely to tackle problems & stick to high goals.
low self-efficacy
believe they're not in control of their life. View difficult tasks as threats to avoid & shy away from challenges. Don't have faith in their abilities after a failure.
the process of fulfilling your full potential once all of your needs have been met
(coined by Maslow follows humanistic perspective)
social psychology
the scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another
attribution theory
the theory that we tend to give a casual explanation for someone's behavior, often by crediting either the situation or the person's disposition (not talking = shy)
fundamental attribution error
to underestimate the impact of the situation influences when observing a person's behavior
foot-in-the-door phenomenon
those who agree to a small request are more likely to agree to a larger one later
group think
in order to preserve the harmony in a group, you keep opposing opinions to yourself
group polarization
your opinions become more extreme (polarized) when you're with people who have similar ideas
the loss of self-awareness and self-restraint in group situations that foster anonymity and arousal
social loafing
you will put in less effort as part of a group than you would as an individual
social facilitation
in a group situation, you do better on tasks that you know well or are easy. you will do worse on tasks that are difficult
you make a large request first expecting that the person will refuse, making them more likely to agree to a smaller request
central route to persuasion
you focus on the facts of a person's stance and are persuaded
peripheral route to persuasion
you are influenced by superficial cues, such as the speaker's attractiveness or reputation, rather than the content of the message
the social norm of responding to a positive action with another positive action
social proof
you look at the behavior of others to decide what is appropriate or correct in a given situation
cognitive dissonance theory
we reduce the discomfort (dissonance) we feel when two of our thoughts clash. ex. if attitude & actions clash a person may change one to relieve dissonance
normative social influence
influence deriving from a person's desire to gain approval/avoid disappointment & follow social norms
informational social influence
influence resulting from one's willingness to accept other's opinions and shift their own
social trap
when opposing parties pursue their self-interest thoughtlessly and become caught in mutually destructive behavior
actor/observer bias
the tendency to attribute one's own actions to external causes but attribute other people's behavior to internal conflicts
limbic system - emotion (fear & aggression)
limbic system - forming new memories
limbic system - hunger, thirst, body temperature, emotion, endocrine, pleasure (4 fs)
limbic system - relays sensory messages to cerebral cortex
pituitary gland
"master gland" governs endocrine system
brainstem - heartbeat and breathing
reticular formation
brainstem - arousal
broca's area
left frontal lobe - muscle movements in speech (expressions, directing speech, etc)
wernicke's area
left temporal lobe - language comprehension
frontal lobe
involved in voluntary movement, speaking, personality, making plans, and judgement
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC)
judgement, planning, decision making
ventrimedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC)
controls moral and emotional empathy
parietal lobe
sensory perception (5 senses), basic math, spacial tasks, copy drawings
occipital lobe
visual cortex, perceives color, form, and motion
temporal lobe
auditory cortex, access memories, communication, use language, process emotion
motor cortex
controls voluntary motor movement
sensory cortex
processing sense of touch from external stimuli
balance, coordinates voluntary movement
right hemisphere
controls left side of body, left visual field, big picture (holistic thinking), copy drawings, recognize faces, recognize objects, perceive and express emotions, spacial perception, music perception, internal sense of body image (propioception)
left hemisphere
controls right side of body, right visual field, detail, language (reading, writing comprehension, speaking), simple math, sequential thinking
CT/CAT scan
a series of x-ray photographs taken from different angles are put together to create one 3D photo of the entire thing
reveals brain structure
sends electromagnetic waves throughout the body to locate parts of the body containing water. This can be used to calculate density and shape of tissues
reveals brain structure
PET scans
utilizes a radioactive tracer that accumulates in specific parts of the body that can be picked up in the scan