Article I Sec 8: Congressional Enumerated Powers
to declare war, grant letters of Marque and Reprisal and make rules concerning captures on land and water
to raise and support armies
to promote and maintain the navy
it is not written in the Constitution, however, it is often the Chief Justice
a chief has never missed a proper swearing-in
Marshall swore the most Presidents
he had plastic surgery to alter his appearance and changed his name claiming Spanish and Hawaiian descent
he failed to report to a relocation center
korematsu challenged the government action taken pursuant to an executive order
Korematsu challenged an exclusion order
the plaintiff asked the court to reopen the case
a professor discovered evidence that the US solicitor general’s office did not truthfully present all information in the original case
they claimed the president was above the courts
when an emergency situation arises that is important to the public welfare and something needs to be done it is the president’s duty to step in
the courts can not review the Pres decision to see if it is really an emergency
the constitution limits Congress and the Judiciary but not the Executive
concluded that the Pres did not have the power
published a 15 pg order
refused to grant the government’s request for a stay
when the pres act w/ congressional approval Pres is the strongest. The court will rarely question the president’s exercise of power
when the pres acts w/out congressional approval or disapproval this is a “twilight“ area where judicial reivew is heightened
when the Pres acts amid congressional disapproval, his power is lowest and the court will usually invalidate the actions