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Standards guiding acceptable conduct in research.
Ethical Guidelines
Rules ensuring responsible conduct in psychological research.
Ethics Committee
Group approving research proposals for ethical compliance.
Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC)
Reviews research proposals for participant safety.
Protection from Harm
Preventing physical and psychological distress to participants.
Informed Consent
Participants must understand and agree to research terms.
Withdrawal Rights
Participants can leave the study at any time.
Withholding information to prevent bias in research.
Informing participants about the study post-completion.
Keeping participant information private and secure.
Protection from unwanted intrusion into personal affairs.
Research Merit and Integrity
Research must be beneficial and well-designed.
Fair recruitment and access to research benefits.
Benefits must outweigh risks to participants.
Acknowledging participants' welfare and cultural beliefs.
Voluntary Participation
Participants must agree without coercion or pressure.
Commonwealth Privacy Act
Legislation protecting personal information since 1988.
Research Proposal
Detailed plan submitted for ethical review.
Competent Supervision
Research conducted by qualified individuals.
Participant Rights
Rights ensuring respect and protection during research.
Ethical Considerations
Factors evaluated before approving research studies.
Research Design Changes
Adjustments made to minimize participant risks.
Identifying high-risk participants before research.
Legal Guardianship
Obtaining consent from parents for minors.
Written Consent
Formal agreement documented for participation.
Research Benefits
Positive outcomes expected from the study.
Risks and Discomfort
Potential negative effects on participants during research.