Smoking (MEMORISED) How it impacts disease:Increases risk of CVD, obesity, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer Impact on health status:Tobacco smoke can cause faults in cells as they divide, increasing the risk of many types of cancers. This increases the incidence of cancer leading to increased mortality and lowering health status Impact on Burden of Disease :Smoking can cause faults in cells as they divide, increasing the risk of mouth, tongue, throat and lung cancer. This increases Years of life lost due to premature death increasing the burden of disease. Alcohol (MEMORISED) How it impacts disease:increases risk of cancers, liver disease, mental illness, obesity and heart issues Impact on health status:Alcohol is energy dense which can contribute to weight gain and obesity if consumed excessively. This increases the incidence of obesity-related conditions including CVD. This increases mortality rates decreasing health status Impact on Burden of disease:Alcohol is energy dense which can contribute to weight gain. This increases rates of obesity which can place an added strain on the heart increasing the risk of CD and strokes. Increasing years lost to premature death which increases the burden of disease. High body mass index: (MEMORISED) How it impacts disease:Increases the risk of obesity, CVD, and high Blood pressure Impact on health status:High BMI leads to being overweight. Being overweight increases the risk of high blood pressure. This places added strain on the heart increasing the risk of a heart attack, and lowering life expectancy and health status Impact on Burden of Disease:High BMI can lead to being obese which can increase the risk of mental illness around body image leading to higher rates of depression. This increases which can increase rates of self-harm. Increasing YLL from premature death increases BOD dietary risks (under-consumption of vegetables, fruit and dairy foods; high intake of fat, salt and sugar; low intake of fiber and iron). Underconsumption of vegetables (MEMORISED) Good food sources: Broccoli, Carrots, Beets Impact on health status: Vegetables are high in fiber which increases feelings of fullness preventing overeating. Low intake of vegetables, leads to a low intake of fiber increasing high BMI which increases the incidence of obesity lowering health status Impact on the burden of disease:Vegetables are high in antioxidants which decreases the impacts of free radicals. If antioxidants are not consumed in adequate amounts the risk of a range of cancers is increased. This increases YLL from premature death increasing BOD Under-consumption of fruit (MEMORISED) Good food sources: Raspberries, Oranges and Passionfruit Impact on health status: Fruit is high in nutrients such as vitamin C which promotes immune system function and reduces the risk of conditions such as cancer and CVD. Low intake of fruits decreases immune system function, increasing the incidence of cancer and CVD. This lowers life expectancy lowering health status Impact on burden of disease:Fruit is high in antioxidants which decreases the impacts of free radicals. If antioxidants are not consumed in adequate amounts the risk of a range of cancers is increased. This increases YLL from premature death increasing BOD Under-consumption of Dairy Foods (MEMORISED) Good food sources:Milk,Yoghurt and Cheese Impact on health status:Underconsumption of dairy contributes to low intake of calcium which leads to the loss of bone density increasing the incidence of osteoporosis and lowering health status Impact on the burden of disease:Dairy works to strengthen the teeth and reduce the risk of dental cavities. Low intake of dairy increases the incidence of dental cavities and contributes to YLD, especially in children which increases the BOD High intake of fat (MEMORISED) Four main types of Fat:Monounsaturated,Polyunsaturated,Saturated fat and Trans Saturated fat Good food sources: Nuts,Fish and Avocados Impact on health status:Fats are energy dense and contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess. High intake of fat increases body weight which increases BMI. This places a strain on the heart and increases the incidence of heart attacks and strokes which decreases life expectancy lowering health status Impact on burden of disease:High intake of saturated and trans fat increases LDL which is bad cholesterol. Excess LDL will be deposited on the walls of the arteries which can increase an individual's risk of CVD. This increases YLL due to premature death which increases BOD High intake of salt (MEMORISED) Foods high in salt: Olives, Canned juice and Tomato sauce Impact on health status:High intake of salt causes calcium to be excreted in urine. This decreases bone density increasing the incidence of osteoporosis. This lowers health status Impact on burden of disease:A high intake of salt increases blood pressure which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. This increases rates of premature death and lower life expectancy. High intake of sugar (MEMORISED) Foods high in sugar:lollies,syrup Impact on health status:A diet high in sugars can lead to high BMI as sugar is a carbohydrate that is stored as fat in the body. This can lead to increased rates of obesity, decreasing life expectancy and lowering health status. Impact on burden of disease:A diet high in sugar can increase bad bacteria in your mouth. This can lead to higher rates of tooth decay. This increases YLD due to time in ill health which increases BOD Low intake of fiber (MEMORISED) Good food sources: broccoli,apple,asparagus Impact on health status: Fiber adds bulk to the feces. Low intake of fiber increases the risk of colorectal cancer. This decreases life expectancy, lowering health status. Impact on burden of disease:Fiber provides a feeling of fullness. A diet low in fiber increases the risk of overeating which increases the risk of obesity. This increases the strain on the heart, increasing rates of heart attacks. This increases YLL due to premature death increasing BOD. Low intake of iron Good food sources: red meat,peas and eggs Impact on health status:A diet low in iron decreases ‘heam’ which is part of hemoglobin that can decrease oxygen in the blood. This increases the incidence of anaemia which lowers health status Impacts on burden of disease:Iron forms hemoglobin which carries oxygen in the blood. A diet low in iron has an increase rates of anaemia which increases YLD increases BOD health status of Australians and the biological, sociocultural and environmental factors that contribute to variations between population groups including: – males and females – Indigenous and non-Indigenous – high and low socioeconomic status – those living within and outside of Australia’s major cities Biological factors: Biological factors: factors relating to the body that impact on health and wellbeing, such as genetics, body weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, birth weight Biological factors: body weight, blood pressure, blood cholesterol, glucose regulation,birth weight,genetics(including sex hormones) Body weight BMI is an index of weight for height. It is used to classify people as overweight and obese - 25-29.9 = overweight - 30+ = obese - Links to H+W - High BMI increases blood pressure. High blood pressure places added strain on the heart which can lead to an increase in CVD impacting structure and function and lowering PHW - Being underweight can indicate a deficiency in nutrients such as iron which can lead to anaemia impacting the structure and function of the body lowering PHW - Links to HS - High BMI increases blood pressure. High blood pressure places added strain on the heart which can increase CVD rates, increase death and lowering life expectancy which lowers health status Genetics Genetics control aspects such as sex, body type, hormone production and predisposition to disease - Links to H+W - The genes of females significantly increases a person's risk of developing breast cancer impacting one's body and function lowering PHW - Links to HS - Some individuals are subject to a higher risk of suffering from particular conditions due to genetic predisposition. This can increase the risk of certain conditions such as cancer for individuals. Increasing YLD and YLL due to premature death which lowers health status Hormones Hormones regulate many processes in the body and control the aspects of H+W - Link to H+W - Higher testosterone production by males can increase risk-taking behaviour which can increase injuries and illness impacting body structure lowering PHW - Link to health status - Higher estrogen production in females helps keep bone density strong. During menopause, the production of estrogen slows down increasing the risk of osteoporosis increasing YLD lowering health status Glucose regulation Impaired glucose regulation refers to the inability of the body to allow glucose to enter cells where they can be used to create energy Glucose is the preferred fuel for energy within the cells. - Link to H+W - If blood glucose levels are constantly high over a long period of time, then levels of insulin are also high. This can lead to insulin resistance which increases a person's risk of CVD lowering the function of the body which lowers PHW - Link to HS - Impaired glucose regulation refers to the inability of the body to allow glucose to enter cells where it can then be used to create energy. This increases the risk of type 2 diabetes increasing YLD and lowering health status Blood cholesterol levels Cholesterol is a type of fat required for numerous functions in the body. - LDL is bad cholesterol - HDL is good cholesterol - Link to H+W - Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is a bad type of cholesterol. Excess LDL will be deposited on the walls of blood vessels which can increase an individual's risk of CVD. This decreases the function of the body lowering PHW - Link to HS - Excess LDL is deposited on the walls of blood vessels which can cause clogged arteries increasing the risk of developing CVD. This increases YLL due to premature death increasing BOD and lowering HS Blood Pressure Blood pressure is the force exerted on the blood vessel walls. - 120/80 is an indicator of normal BP - High BP means someone's kidneys and heart have to work harder and blood flow may be restricted - Link to H+W - If an individual has high BP there is an added strain on their heart which can increase CVD and heart attacks impacting structure and function lowering PHW - If a person has added strain on their heart, they may have higher levels of stress and anxiety and therefore avoid social gatherings lowering their social H+W - Link to HS - If an individual has high BP there is an added strain on their heart which can increase rates of CVD increasing YLL due to premature death which increases BOD Birthweight - Low birthweight is classified as under 2.5kg - Link to H+W - Babies born with a low birth weight are more likely to have an underdeveloped immune system lowering the function of the body and its systems lowering PHW - Link to HS - Low birthweight babies are more likely to suffer from premature death due to CVD, high Bp and Type 2 diabetes increasing YLL from premature death and YLD increasing BOD and lowering HS Sociocultural Factors: Sociocultural factors: the social and cultural conditions into which people are born, grow, live, work and age. These conditions include socioeconomic status, social connections, family and cultural norms, food security, early life experiences, and access to affordable, culturally appropriate healthcare. Access to healthcare - Access to services for early diagnosis, treatment or management - Links to H+W - Access to healthcare provides early diagnosis which allows the treatment of illness returning one's body and function back to normal increasing physical health and wellbeing - Links to HS - Access to healthcare allows us to manage diabetes. This lowers the amount of time an individual spends in ill health lowering YLD and improving BOD. This increases overall health status - Access to healthcare allows us to manage diabetes which allows an individual to remain in good health increasing life expectancy Socioeconomic status - Income+ Job+ Education = SES - Shows levels of access - Links to H+W - Access to sufficient income allows access to health services that allow disease treatment. This can decrease stress and anxiety as treatment is possible improving mental H+W - Links to HS - Access to education allows someone to understand health promotion messages such as the consequences of smoking leading them to not smoke. This decreases the incidence of smoking-related diseases increasing life expectancy. Unemployment - Unemployment puts financial strain on individuals and families - Links to H+W - Unemployment places financial strain on individuals decreasing their access to and ability to purchase resources sich as food. This increase stress about food and income lowering mental h+w - Links to health status - Unemployment lowers a person's ability to afford healthcare. This decreases treatment of illness and early prevention which can increase conditions such as CVD. Increasing YLD and YLL due to premature death increasing BOD lowering healths status Social connections and social exclusion - The segregation that people experience if they are not adequately participating in the society in which they live - Links to H+W - Social exclusion can increase an individual's levels of mental illness due to the stress of being left out. This increase levels of stress and anxiety lowering mental H+W - Links to HS - Social exclusion can lead to low income as an individual does not participate in society through work. This decreases their income decreasing their ability to purchase resources such as food. This can increase malnutrition increase YLD and YLL due to premature death increasing BOD which lowers health status. Social isolation - Refers to individuals who are not in regular contact with others - Causes include disability, illness, lack of transport and language barriers - Links to H+W - If a person is isolated due to a lack of transport in a rural area, their access to healthcare may decrease. This decreases their ability to access early diagnosis and treatment of conditions decreasing the function of the body lowering PHW - Link to HS - Social isolation can increase the incidence of mental illness as a person lacks support networks and may feel alone which increases YLD increasing BOD lowers HS Cultural norms: - Includes gender stereotypes food beliefs, diet, attitudes and beliefs - Link to H+W - Food intake is influenced by culture and contributes to variations in relation to levels of obesity, CVD and other associated conditions. This can decrease the function of the body decreasing PHW - Link to HS - Gender stereotypes contribute to males being less likely to access healthcare and more likely to take risks contributing to higher rates of premature death lowering life expectancy which lowers overall health status Food security - People can obtain nutritious and safe food - Link to H+W - Access to nutritious food increases one's energy allowing them to socialise and build relationships with friends increasing Social H+W - Link to HS - Access to food safety allows people to feel safe to eat their food. This decreases stress levels and decreases the incidence of anxiety lowering YLD and increasing overall HS Early life experiences - The behaviors of pregnant mothers can have an impact on the future health of their unborn child - Link to H+W - If a child is exposed to alcohol and drugs whilst in the womb or early stages of their life, their growth and development can be interfered with. This can increase the risk of CVD and diabetes which decreases the function of the body decreasing PHW - Link to HS - If a mother lacks adequate nutrition whilst pregnant, the baby may have a low birth weight and an increased risk of infections. This increases infant mortality lowering health status Environmental Factors: Environmental factors: the physical surroundings in which we live, work and play. Environmental factors include: housing,work environment, urban design and infrastructure,climate and climate change. Housing - Refers to adequate shelter - Links to H+W - Having poor housing means poor ventilation which can lead to increases respiratory issues increasing disease and lowering function of the body which lowers overall PHW - Links to HS - Poor housing can lead to overcrowding which increases the spread of disease at a fast rate increasing YLL due to premature death increasing BOD Work environment - Outside jobs = higher UV exposure - Links to H+W - Gardeners work outside for longer hours increasing exposure to UV rays. This increases rates of skin cancer decreasing the structure and function of the body and lowering PHW - Links to HS - Outdoor careers lead to increased UV exposure increasing the incidence of skin cancer which increases YLL due to premature death increasing BOD Climate and Climate change - Extreme temperatures, rainfall patterns and natural disasters impact Australia's HS - Links to H+W - Increased temperatures can cause bushfires which increases the risk of death or injury due to burns. This decreases the structure and function of the body lowering PHW - Links to HS - Changes in climate can increase natural disasters such as bushfires and floods resulting in periods of extreme food insecurity. This increases the incidence of malnutrition and increases YLD lowering HS Urban design and infrastructure - Relate to the features and structures in the areas in which people live. - Geographical location of resources such as hospitals, schools and employment - Links to H+W - If a person has access to transport they may have improved access to healthcare. This means they can access early diagnosis which allows the treatment of illness, returning one's body and function back to normal increasing PHW - Link to HS - Generally people are less active in their transport increasing the incidence of CVD, Type 2 diabetes and obesity increasing YLD lowering health status Variations in Health Status What is a variation: A difference in health status between population groups Difference between HS indicators, BOD and H+W Males Vs Females Biological Males have higher rates of hypertension compared to females. Therefore males have higher rates of CVD and many types of cancer due to the added strain on their heart leading to an increased amount YLD and YLL due to premature death compared to females Males have higher rates of being overweight compared to females. High BMI increases blood pressure. High blood pressure places added strain on the heart which can lead to an increase in CVD. Therefore males have higher rates of BOD compared to females. Sociocultural Males can face larger impacts when faced with unemployment compared to females. This can increase their levels of mental health issues due to the added stress of having to financially support themselves and a possible family. This contributes to males having higher rates of mortality due to suicide compared to females. Males tend to have a higher SES compared to females. This decreases levels of stress and anxiety as they have a steadier income allowing them to purchase necessary resources like housing. This contributes to a lower incidence of mental problems than in females Environmental Males are more likely to work in dangerous environments such as construction sites compared to females. Therefore males are more likely to die prematurely on work sites reducing males' life expectancy compared to females. Indigenous vs Non-Indigenous Biological Indigenous people are more likely to have impaired glucose regulation than non-indigenous people. This leads to indigenous people having rates of diabetes and high glucose levels at around 3.5 times higher than the rest of the population Indigenous people are more likely to have hypertension compared to non-indigenous people. This places added strain on their heart which can increase CVD and heart attacks. This contributes to Indigenous people having a life expectancy of about 10 years less than other Australians Sociocultural Indigenous people have higher rates of homelessness compared to non-indigenous people. This contributes to indigenous people's experiencing high of very high levels of physiological distress at 3 times the rate of the non-indigenous population Indigenous people have higher rates of food insecurity than non-indigenous people. This can lead to the consumption of less nutritious foods that are high in sugar. This leads to higher rates of dental decay and gum disease in Indigenous people compared to non-indigenous. Environmental Indigenous Australians often lack access to healthcare facilities compared to non-indigenous Australians. This limits access to early diagnosis and treatment of a variety of conditions. This leads to Indigenous Australians having a BOD 2.3 times higher than the non-indigenous population Indigenous Australians often have poorer infrastructure including poorer road quality compared to non-Indigenous Australians. This leads to Indigenous people having an injury death rate 3 times higher than the non-indigenous population Low SES vs High SES Biological Low SES people are more likely to be overweight compared to high SES people. This contributes to low SES people experiencing higher rates of morbidity for type 2 diabetes than high SES Low SES people are more likely to suffer from hypertension compared to high SES.This places added strain on their heart which can increase CD and heart attacksThis contributes to low-SES people experiencing higher rates of mortality than high SES Sociocultural Low-SES people have lower education levels compared to high SES. This can lead to more risky behavior such as excessive alcohol, drug taking and unsafe practices.This contributes to low SES people experiencing more avoidable deaths compared to high SES Low SES people are less likely to access healthcare and have lower levels of private health insurance compared to high SES. This limits early diagnosis and treatment of a variety of conditions such as lung cancer. This contributes to low SES people having higher prevalence and mortality rates of lung cancer than high SES. Environmental Low SES people are more likely to experience inadequate and unsafe housing compared to high SES. This leads to insufficient ventilation which increases the risk of respiratory conditions increasing rates of mortality in low SES compared to high SES. Low SES are more likely to live in close proximity to fast food outlets and consume fast food on a regular basis than high SES. This increases the rates of diabetes and kidney disease in low SES compared to high SES Living within vs Living outside major cities Biological Those living outside major cities are more likely to have hypertension than those within. This places added strain on their heart which can increase CD and heart attacks. This contributes to those outside major cities having higher mortality rates from CVD than those within Those living outside major cities have higher levels of obesity compared to those living within. This contributes to those living outside major cities having a higher risk of developing CD, cancer and Type 2 diabetes compared to those within. Sociocultural Those living outside major cities, especially in remote areas are more likely to suffer from social isolation due to the geographical distance between friends, family and community compared to those living within. This increases the risk of stress and loneliness, increasing the risk of those living outside major cities developing mental illnesses compared to those within. Those living outside major cities have less access to education compared to those within. This increases participation in risky behaviors such as alcohol and drugs.This contributes to higher rates of avoidable deaths including deaths due to injury for those outside major cities compared to those within Environmental Those living outside major cities often have poor road quality and poorly lit roads.This can lead to an increase in road accidents which can contribute to those outside major cities having high rates of avoidable deaths compared to those within. Those living outside major cities are exposed to more dangerous working environments such as mining compared to those within. This can contribute to those outside of major cities having higher rates of preventable diseases including lung cancer than those within cities.

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How it impacts disease:Increases risk of CVD, obesity, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer

Impact on health status:Tobacco smoke can cause faults in cells as they divide, increasing the risk of many types of cancers. This increases the incidence of cancer leading to increased mortality and lowering health status

Impact on Burden of Disease :Smoking can cause faults in cells as they divide, increasing the risk of mouth, tongue, throat and lung cancer. This increases Years of life lost due to premature death increasing the burden of disease.

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How it impacts disease:increases risk of cancers, liver disease, mental illness, obesity and heart issues

Impact on health status:Alcohol is energy dense which can contribute to weight gain and obesity if consumed excessively. This increases the incidence of obesity-related conditions including CVD. This increases mortality rates decreasing health status

Impact on Burden of disease:Alcohol is energy dense which can contribute to weight gain. This increases rates of obesity which can place an added strain on the heart increasing the risk of CD and strokes. Increasing years lost to premature death which increases the burden of disease.

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High body mass index

How it impacts disease:Increases the risk of obesity, CVD, and high Blood pressure

Impact on health status:High BMI leads to being overweight. Being overweight increases the risk of high blood pressure. This places added strain on the heart increasing the risk of a heart attack, and lowering life expectancy and health status

Impact on Burden of Disease:High BMI can lead to being obese which can increase the risk of mental illness around body image leading to higher rates of depression. This increases which can increase rates of self-harm. Increasing YLL from premature death increases BOD

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Dietary risks

dietary risks (under-consumption of vegetables, fruit and dairy foods; high intake of fat, salt and sugar; low intake of fiber and iron).

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Underconsumption of vegetables

Good food sources: Broccoli, Carrots, Beets

Impact on health status: Vegetables are high in fiber which increases feelings of fullness preventing overeating. Low intake of vegetables, leads to a low intake of fiber increasing high BMI which increases the incidence of obesity lowering health status

Impact on the burden of disease:Vegetables are high in antioxidants which decreases the impacts of free radicals. If antioxidants are not consumed in adequate amounts the risk of a range of cancers is increased. This increases YLL from premature death increasing BOD

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Underconsumption of fruit

Good food sources: Raspberries, Oranges and Passionfruit

Impact on health status: Fruit is high in nutrients such as vitamin C which promotes immune system function and reduces the risk of conditions such as cancer and CVD. Low intake of fruits decreases immune system function, increasing the incidence of cancer and CVD. This lowers life expectancy lowering health status

Impact on burden of disease:Fruit is high in antioxidants which decreases the impacts of free radicals. If antioxidants are not consumed in adequate amounts the risk of a range of cancers is increased. This increases YLL from premature death increasing BOD

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Underconsumption of dairy

Good food sources:Milk,Yoghurt and Cheese

Impact on health status:Underconsumption of dairy contributes to low intake of calcium which leads to the loss of bone density increasing the incidence of osteoporosis and lowering health status

Impact on the burden of disease:Dairy works to strengthen the teeth and reduce the risk of dental cavities. Low intake of dairy increases the incidence of dental cavities and contributes to YLD, especially in children which increases the BOD

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High intake of fat

Four main types of Fat:Monounsaturated,Polyunsaturated,Saturated fat and Trans Saturated fat

Good food sources: Nuts,Fish and Avocados

Impact on health status:Fats are energy dense and contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess. High intake of fat increases body weight which increases BMI. This places a strain on the heart and increases the incidence of heart attacks and strokes which decreases life expectancy lowering health status

Impact on burden of disease:High intake of saturated and trans fat increases LDL which is bad cholesterol. Excess LDL will be deposited on the walls of the arteries which can increase an individual's risk of CVD. This increases YLL due to premature death which increases BOD

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High intake of salt

Foods high in salt: Olives, Canned juice and Tomato sauce

Impact on health status:High intake of salt causes calcium to be excreted in urine. This decreases bone density increasing the incidence of osteoporosis. This lowers health status

Impact on burden of disease:A high intake of salt increases blood pressure which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. This increases rates of premature death and lower life expectancy.

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High intake of sugar

Foods high in sugar:lollies,syrup

Impact on health status:A diet high in sugars can lead to high BMI as sugar is a carbohydrate that is stored as fat in the body. This can lead to increased rates of obesity, decreasing life expectancy and lowering health status.

Impact on burden of disease:A diet high in sugar can increase bad bacteria in your mouth. This can lead to higher rates of tooth decay. This increases YLD due to time in ill health which increases BOD

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Low intake of fibre

Good food sources: broccoli,apple,asparagus

Impact on health status: Fiber adds bulk to the feces. Low intake of fiber increases the risk of colorectal cancer. This decreases life expectancy, lowering health status.

Impact on burden of disease:Fiber provides a feeling of fullness. A diet low in fiber increases the risk of overeating which increases the risk of obesity. This increases the strain on the heart, increasing rates of heart attacks. This increases YLL due to premature death increasing BOD.

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Low intake of iron

Good food sources: red meat,peas and eggs

Impact on health status:A diet low in iron decreases ‘heam’ which is part of hemoglobin that can decrease oxygen in the blood. This increases the incidence of anaemia which lowers health status

Impacts on burden of disease:Iron forms hemoglobin which carries oxygen in the blood. A diet low in iron has an increase rates of anaemia which increases YLD increases BOD

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Biological factors contributing to variations in health status

Body weight

Blood pressure

Blood cholesterol

Glucose regulation

Birth weight


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Body weight

BMI is an index of weight for height. It is used to classify people as overweight and obese

- 25-29.9 = overweight

- 30+ = obese

- Links to H+W

- High BMI increases blood pressure. High blood pressure places added strain on the heart which can lead to an increase in CVD impacting structure and function and lowering PHW

- Being underweight can indicate a deficiency in nutrients such as iron which can lead to anaemia impacting the structure and function of the body lowering PHW

- Links to HS

- High BMI increases blood pressure. High blood pressure places added strain on the heart which can increase CVD rates, increase death and lowering life expectancy which lowers health status

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Glucose regulation

Impaired glucose regulation refers to the inability of the body to allow glucose to enter cells where they can be used to create energy

Glucose is the preferred fuel for energy within the cells.

- Link to H+W

- If blood glucose levels are constantly high over a long period of time, then levels of insulin are also high. This can lead to insulin resistance which increases a person's risk of CVD lowering the function of the body which lowers PHW

- Link to HS

- Impaired glucose regulation refers to the inability of the body to allow glucose to enter cells where it can then be used to create energy. This increases the risk of type 2 diabetes increasing YLD and lowering health status

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Blood cholesterol

Cholesterol is a type of fat required for numerous functions in the body.

- LDL is bad cholesterol

- HDL is good cholesterol

- Link to H+W

- Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is a bad type of cholesterol. Excess LDL will be deposited on the walls of blood vessels which can increase an individual's risk of CVD. This decreases the function of the body lowering PHW

- Link to HS

- Excess LDL is deposited on the walls of blood vessels which can cause clogged arteries increasing the risk of developing CVD. This increases YLL due to premature death increasing BOD and lowering HS

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Blood pressure

Blood pressure is the force exerted on the blood vessel walls.

- 120/80 is an indicator of normal BP

- High BP means someone's kidneys and heart have to work harder and blood flow may be restricted

- Link to H+W

- If an individual has high BP there is an added strain on their heart which can increase CVD and heart attacks impacting structure and function lowering PHW

- If a person has added strain on their heart, they may have higher levels of stress and anxiety and therefore avoid social gatherings lowering their social H+W

- Link to HS

- If an individual has high BP there is an added strain on their heart which can increase rates of CVD increasing YLL due to premature death which increases BOD

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Low birthweight is classified as under 2.5kg

- Link to H+W

- Babies born with a low birth weight are more likely to have an underdeveloped immune system lowering the function of the body and its systems lowering PHW

- Link to HS

- Low birthweight babies are more likely to suffer from premature death due to CVD, high Bp and Type 2 diabetes increasing YLL from premature death and YLD increasing BOD and lowering HS

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Sociocultural factors contributing to variations in health status

Socioeconomic status


Social connections(social exclusion)

Social isolation

Cultural norms

Food security

Early life experiences

Access to healthcare

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Access to healthcare

Access to services for early diagnosis, treatment or management

- Links to H+W

- Access to healthcare provides early diagnosis which allows the treatment of illness returning one's body and function back to normal increasing physical health and wellbeing

- Links to HS

- Access to healthcare allows us to manage diabetes. This lowers the amount of time an individual spends in ill health lowering YLD and improving BOD. This increases overall health status

- Access to healthcare allows us to manage diabetes which allows an individual to remain in good health increasing life expectancy

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Socioeconomic status

Income+ Job+ Education = SES

- Shows levels of access

- Links to H+W

- Access to sufficient income allows access to health services that allow disease treatment. This can decrease stress and anxiety as treatment is possible improving mental H+W

- Links to HS

- Access to education allows someone to understand health promotion messages such as the consequences of smoking leading them to not smoke. This decreases the incidence of smoking-related diseases increasing life expectancy.

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Unemployment puts financial strain on individuals and families

- Links to H+W

- Unemployment places financial strain on individuals decreasing their access to and ability to purchase resources sich as food. This increase stress about food and income lowering mental h+w

- Links to health status

- Unemployment lowers a person's ability to afford healthcare. This decreases treatment of illness and early prevention which can increase conditions such as CVD. Increasing YLD and YLL due to premature death increasing BOD lowering healths status

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Social connection and social exclusion

- The segregation that people experience if they are not adequately participating in the society in which they live

- Links to H+W

- Social exclusion can increase an individual's levels of mental illness due to the stress of being left out. This increase levels of stress and anxiety lowering mental H+W

- Links to HS

- Social exclusion can lead to low income as an individual does not participate in society through work. This decreases their income decreasing their ability to purchase resources such as food. This can increase malnutrition increase YLD and YLL due to premature death increasing BOD which lowers health status.

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Social isolation

Refers to individuals who are not in regular contact with others

- Causes include disability, illness, lack of transport and language barriers

- Links to H+W

- If a person is isolated due to a lack of transport in a rural area, their access to healthcare may decrease. This decreases their ability to access early diagnosis and treatment of conditions decreasing the function of the body lowering PHW

- Link to HS

- Social isolation can increase the incidence of mental illness as a person lacks support networks and may feel alone which increases YLD increasing BOD lowers HS

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Cultural norms

Includes gender stereotypes food beliefs, diet, attitudes and beliefs

- Link to H+W

- Food intake is influenced by culture and contributes to variations in relation to levels of obesity, CVD and other associated conditions. This can decrease the function of the body decreasing PHW

- Link to HS

- Gender stereotypes contribute to males being less likely to access healthcare and more likely to take risks contributing to higher rates of premature death lowering life expectancy which lowers overall health status

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Food security

People can obtain nutritious and safe food

- Link to H+W

- Access to nutritious food increases one's energy allowing them to socialise and build relationships with friends increasing Social H+W

- Link to HS

- Access to food safety allows people to feel safe to eat their food. This decreases stress levels and decreases the incidence of anxiety lowering YLD and increasing overall HS

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Early life experiences

The behaviors of pregnant mothers can have an impact on the future health of their unborn child

- Link to H+W

- If a child is exposed to alcohol and drugs whilst in the womb or early stages of their life, their growth and development can be interfered with. This can increase the risk of CVD and diabetes which decreases the function of the body decreasing PHW

- Link to HS

- If a mother lacks adequate nutrition whilst pregnant, the baby may have a low birth weight and an increased risk of infections. This increases infant mortality lowering health status

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flashcards Flashcard (21)
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flashcards Flashcard (81)
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flashcards Flashcard (34)
studied byStudied by 58 people
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flashcards Flashcard (33)
studied byStudied by 13 people
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flashcards Flashcard (104)
studied byStudied by 8 people
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flashcards Flashcard (51)
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flashcards Flashcard (70)
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