NTS topic 5.1- kingdom of God in Luke

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parables of the kingdom and eschatology (5)

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what is the past kingdom?

KoG is pre-existent and eternal and so existed in the past and will continue into the present and future

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what is salvation history (conzelmann)?

age of Israel (kingdom was given to his chosen people), Jesusā€™ ministry ushered in a new age (made the kingdom available to all people), Jesusā€™ ascension (Christians had to spread the message and the age will end with the future parousia)

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what is the present kingdom of God?

available to all (especially those who were least on Earth). judgement usually linked with the future happens in the present when they accept/ reject Jesus

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what is realised eschatology (Dodd)?

Jesus taught a present kingdom, which was brought into reality during his ministry itself

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what is future eschatology?

Jesus saw himself as the Son of Man who would bring about the Kingdom of God, first through his ministry, and when this didnā€™t happen, through his suffering and death

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what is consistent eschatology (Schweitzer)?

all Jesusā€™ teachings were pointing to one time in the imminent future

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What is inaugurated eschatology?

the Gospel references both present and future kingdoms- with the kingdom coming into being through Jesusā€™s Life but being completed in the future

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What did Cullmann say about the inaugurated kingdom?

Jesus was the midpoint in sacred history. His death and resurrection are like D-Day, with the war not being won until VE day- which in this analogy refers to the future parousia

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What did Marshall say about the inaugurated kingdom?

the kingdom was present in the ministry of Jesus, with Jesus offering salvation to all. He speaks of a future Parousia, where the Son of Man will come when least expected

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What is the meaning of the parable of the sower?

talks of how people react to the message that Jesus states (talks about ignorance, materialism, understanding superficially)

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What is the theological significance of the parable of the sower?

Knowing about the kingdom depends on seeing beyond the superficial (Isaiah 6:9). The kingdom is not immediately seen, it requires faith

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What does Conzelmann say about the theological significance of the parable of the sower?

the message is present; the kingdom would be in the imminent future

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What is the importance of the parable of the sower for early believers?

warns of the dangers of initial enthusiasm, relating it to obsession with possession. Teaches that we must spread the message of Jesus while waiting for the delayed parousia

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what is the type of eschatology of the parable of the sower?

present eschatology is suggested, but the actual coming of the Parousia wonā€™t be until the imminent future

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What is the meaning of Jesus and Beelzebub

People do not see that the kingdom is present among them and Jesus wonders if his miracles are being missed by those they are intended for (suggests history is repeating itself, using the ā€œfinger of Godā€ which was originally used to refer to Mosesā€™ miracles)

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What is the eschatology of Jesus and beelzebub?

Realised eschatology (ā€œthe kingdom of God has come upon youā€)- Jesus driving out Demons is a sign of present eschatology

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What is the theological significance of Jesus and Beelzebub?

People are challenged to see the signs of the kingdom of God in Jesus

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What is the significance of Jesus with Beelzebub for early believers?

The early church would have seen itself as a house under attack and needing to continue the fight against Beelzebub

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What is the link between Jesus and Beelzebub and salvation history?

the church belongs to the third age (spreading Jesusā€™ messages). They are to gather together and resist sin

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What is the eschatology of Jesus and beelzebub?

present and realised

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What is the meaning of the sign of Jonah?

as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so Jesus is a sign to the people in the 1st century- both people highlight the need for repentance

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What is the theological significance of the sign of Jonah?

Jesus highlights how he is greater than both Solomon and Jonah, bringing the kingdom of God into the present

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What do redaction critics suggest about the importance of the sign of Jonah for early believers?

suggest that Luke removed the reference to the crucifixion and the resurrection found in Matthew and, in doing so, removed the idea that the end had started

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What is the eschatology of the sign of Jonah?

(due to the redaction criticism) possibly more futurist- imminent

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What is the meaning of the narrow door?

Deals with whether many or few will be saved- indicates that it is pointless to speculate as it draws attention away from the KoG being present

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how could the theological significance of the narrow door be related to the apocalyptic imagery?

the owner of the house is God, the door is the way to salvation and the people knocking are awaiting judgement

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What was the theological significance of the narrow door relating to the Jews?

The Jews do not have automatic right to enter- they need to respond to Jesus, if not the door will close and they will miss the opportunity to be part of the KoG

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What is the significance of the narrow door fo early believers?

Reflects the confused beliefs about the KoG in the early church (eg. the Jewish assumption of automatic entry) and the unusual idea that it was a gift for the poor (Dodd- eschatological reversal), who would not have qualified for entry in Jewish law

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What type of eschatology does the narrow door reflect?

future- unclear when the door will shut, but, some detect a certain urgency in the parable, suggesting imminence

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What is the meaning of the parable of the great banquet?

Appears to be directed against the phariseesā€™ expectation that they already have an invitation into the Kingdom of God

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What is the theological significance of the imagery of the Jewish custom of a servant summoning guests to a banquet in the parable of the great banquet?

God is calling Israel to the messianic banquet through his servant, who is Jesus

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What is the theological significance of the respectable Jews in the parable of the great banquet?

The respectable Jews are finding excuses as to why they cannot attend, not hearing the message of the servant- Jesus. Thus they have excluded themselves from being part of the Kingdom of God

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What is the theological significance of the parable of the great banquet?

The church should welcome outcasts (no one is excluded unless through their choice- ie. to ignore the message of the servant- Jesus)- eschatological reversal

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what is the redaction criticism of the parable of the great banquet?

compared to matthew, all the apocalyptic elements have been removed- the parousia is delayed, the invite is more of a reward and it fits with the third stage of salvation history (spread of message through invites)

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What does Conzelmann say about the eschatology of the parable of the great banquet?

unclear timeframe given

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What does Marshall say about the eschatology of the parable of the great banquet?

possibly inaugural (the invites are arriving in the present- Marshall- but the entry doesnā€™t take place until the future)

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What does Dodd say about the eschatology of the parable of the great banquet?

Jesus is bringing the invites- therefore realised eschatology

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What is meaning of the coming of the kingdom of God?

The kingdom of God is here, coming into fruition through Jesusā€™ teachings, but it will be completed by Jesusā€™ death and resurrection

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What is the theological significance of ā€œThe kingdom of God is in your midstā€? (the coming of the kingdom of God)

this is either a prophecy of how the kingdom will come with no warning, a spiritual state within a person now, or a present reality in the person of Jesus

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What is the theological significance of ā€œFirst he may suffer many thingsā€? (the coming of the kingdom of God)

suggests the second coming of Jesus is a future event and Jesus believed he needed to die before the kingdom could come

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What is the relation to the OT in the coming of the Kingdom of God?

the days of Noah and lot- related to KoG coming like lightning, suggesting that there will be no time to react to the Kingdom

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What is the importance of the coming of the kingdom of God (parable) for early believers?

People are encouraged to live their lives as if the Parousia could happen at any moment (linking to how there will be no time to react to the coming of the KoG)

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What is the eschatology of the coming of the kingdom of God (parable)?

Inaugurated and realised eschatology

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What is the meaning of the rich and the kingdom of God?

It is through Jesus that those seeking the KoG find salvation and eternal life

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What is the meaning of ā€œWhat must I do to inherit eternal life?ā€ (the rich and the kingdom of God)

Jesus in reply warns about the dangers of wealth as worldly possessions stand in the way of faith and that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the KoG

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What is the theological significance of the rich and the kingdom of God?

The request to sell everything was a test of his trust in Jesus- Wealth is not the issue, but rather the unwillingness to give it up

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In the rich and the kingdom of God, how does The rich ruler act as a contrast to the children?

Childlike traits of trust and openness are required to enter the kingdom

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What was the significance of the rich and the kingdom of God to early believers?

  • Jesusā€™ reply (about giving away wealth) would be reassuring for early christians, as they had the communal purse which they added to on becoming part of the early church

  • The age to come came to mean eternal life due to the delayed parousia

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What is the the eschatology of the rich and the kingdom of God?

Future, although it could be argued that there is an element of inaugurated in the way that you must act in the present to enter in the future

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What is the meaning of the parable of the ten minas?

Jesusā€™ death was imminent. The parable is told to address the false hope that Jesus would establish the KoG at that passover

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What did Dodd say about the theological significance of the parable of the ten minas?

parable addresses concerns over the delayed Parousia

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What does the return of the master as king signify in the parable of the ten minas

the second coming of Christ who will judge

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What is the theological significance of the focus is on the third servant who expects to be praised but is condemned due to a betrayal of trust in the parable of the ten minas?

Encourages the listeners to make good use of the message of the kingdom in the absence of Jesus

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Why may Luke have added the parable of the ten minas?

may have included this to address the concern that the Parousia hadnā€™t happened yet

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What was the importance to the parable of ten minas on early believers?

The early church was living through the ā€˜time of Jesusā€™ absenceā€™ but they still needed to show commitment to the Christian life as they will be judged in the future on how they have used the gift of the Christian message

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What is the eschatology of the parable of the ten minas?

future kingdom when the ruler will return to judge the people

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What are the main concerns of Lukeā€™s Gospels?

with the poor and the outcast

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How can Luke be described as a redactor?

As a redactor Luke alters material from Mark. Luke moves material about to produce a more logical and coherent story. He removes scenes where Jesus seems harsh or angry. He avoids the description of Jesus being mocked and whipped by soldiers

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What are the teachings of Jesus concerning the kingdom of God?

The kingdom of God is associated with the way God acts in human history to establish his reign. It is mentioned 35 times in Lukeā€™s gospel

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What was the Jewish view on the kingdom?

They look forward to a future kingdom like the golden era under King David. It is seen as a future kingdom but established as an earthly realm

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What was the opinion on the kingdom of God at the time of Jesus?

The messiah would bring about the kingdom of God. Therefore the kingdom of God was central to Jesusā€™ teachings.

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What did Jesus do with teachings about the kingdom of God?

Jesus reinterpreted the peopleā€™s expectations of an earthly kingdom into a more spiritual one where repentance and faith were necessary to be a part of it

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What is a preterist eschatology?

Refers to the events of Jesus lifetime

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What is a futurist eschatology?

Referring to the end of time, which is still to come.

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What is a literal eschatology?

Describing factual events that really happened in this world

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What is a symbolic eschatology?

Describing spiritual events in the soul or after death

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What does Weiss teach about a preterist eschatology?

Jesus preached a preterist eschatology and literally thought end times were imminent

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What is the preterist symbolic view of the ā€˜little apocalypseā€™ suggested in Luke?

Apocalyptic statements describe the birth of the Church: the end of the old world of Judaism and the creation of a new world of Christianity

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What is the futurist literal view of the ā€˜little apocalypseā€™ suggested in Luke?

Lukeā€™s ā€˜Little Apocalypseā€™ describes the end of the world and the return of Christ as the Judge of humanity

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What is the futurist symbolic view of the ā€˜little apocalypseā€™ suggested in Luke?

Apocalyptic statements describe what the Church will experience in the future (persecution, perseverance, hope) and what happens after we die

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What did Marshall argue about Luke?

Luke was broadly historically accurate (opponent of redaction criticism). Luke is faithful to his original sources and does not significantly change them.

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What did Marshall say about Lukeā€™s interpretation of Jesus

Luke has a particular focus for putting Jesusā€™ ministry in a historical concept and presenting him as a role model for future christians.

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What does Marshall believe about the way that the KoG is shown in Luke

Luke's Gospel describes the subtle beginnings of the KoG, which will grow more unmistakeable with time. Jesus reinterpreted the kingdom, not as a political hope for the Jewish nation but as a spiritual hope for all people (seen in the Gospel of Mark, just less explicitly)

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