Edexcel English Literature A Level Poetry Christina Rossetti
A ghost looking back at their life and the people around them
Speaker evaluating the contrasts between the joy of others and their own ascetic life
‘Feasting beneath green orange-boughs’
‘Plum and peach’
Semantic field of wealth and frivolous items
Shows sins associated with humanity, greed and over-indulgence
Shows distance
No self of bel
‘They sang, they jested, and they laughed’
Distance from ‘they’- speaker is deceased
‘Said one:’…’Said one:’…’Said one:’…
Distance between speaker and friends, reported speech- memory of them (further shown by the colon)
Barren landscape
Journey to piety, sacrifice to God (Link to uphill)
Reminiscent of a sermon
Emphasis on tomorrow
Contrasts the speakers lack of a tomorrow
The characters are always wanting more, not appreciative of what God has given them today
Free, wave like
Loss of traditionalism
Increased knowledge of science
Fear of enlightenment
People questioning God
‘Shivered comfortless’
‘Forgotten, shivered, sad’ (asyndetic listing, further shows discomfort)
Euphemism for death
Highly controlled
Pattern represents Rossetti’s personal self-control and her desire to place her faith above earthly pleasure and self-indulgence
Iambic tetrameter (8)
Alternates with iambic trimeter (3)
Rhythm is disrupted by ANAPEST, TROCHEE and SPONDEE when new emotions are brought up