Phils and Ethics Key Concepts List

Eudaimonia - True Happiness + Flourishing + Wellbeing - Aristotle

Doxa - General, Popular Opinion which does not equate to truth but is treated as truth and thus corrupted knowledge - Socrates

Love - Two different types of love, love of physical forms and love of character. This is where we get the idea of “platonic love” - Plato

Rationalism - All knowledge is gained via the logical, rational mind - Plato (Is a rationalism)

Democracy - Demos = People + Kratos = Power. Therefore citizens should have all the power - Greeks

Morality - Committing immoral or unethical actions leads to us harming ourselves more than others - Plato

Empiricism - Make observations about the world and use those observations to gain knowledge - Aristotle (Is an Empiricist)

Techne - A Practised Skill/Talent. Commonly accepted to develop techne in work and physical body. - Greeks

Ergon - Function or Work. Everything that exists has ergon. - Greeks

Telos - Achievement of the ultimate end purpose of something. Techne + Ergon = Telos. General Human’s Telos is arete or the excellence in knowledge of how to live a fulfilling life. - Greeks

Phronesis - Knowing our virtues means we can practice them and spend time with others who have the virtues we need. - Aristotle

To Kalon - Can mean either beautiful or most appropriate but generally it means is good or agreeable - Plato & Aristotle + Others

Catharsis - Cleansing of emotions, mainly negative, through art → Beautiful Imitates Real Life which is often ugly, brutal etc. - Aristotle

Epicureanism - atarxia (Peaceful and Lacking in fear) + aponia (Lack of Physical And Mental Pain) + acting morally (causing pleasure is good and causing pain is bad) - Epicurus

Hedonism - Maximising Pleasure is the aim of life which generally comes in the form of luxury - Greeks

Stoicism - Path to eudaimonia is to live virtuously (wisdom, justice, courage, temperance) and that no matter the situation it is possible to attain eudaimonia.
