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Physical products produced and sold to customers, such as laptops, books, contact lenses, perfumes, and children's toys.
The basic necessities that a person must have to survive, including food, water, warmth, shelter, and clothing.
Primary sector
Businesses involved in the cultivation or extraction of natural resources, such as farming, mining, quarrying, fishing, oil exploration, and forestry.
The process of creating goods and/or services, adding value in the process.
Quaternary sector
Sub-category of the tertiary sector, businesses involved in intellectual and knowledge-based activities that generate and share information, such as research organizations.
Secondary sector
Businesses concerned with the construction and manufacturing of products.
Intangible products sold to customers, such as services provided by airlines, restaurants, cinemas, banks, health and beauty spas, schools, and hospitals.
Tertiary sector
Businesses involved with the provision of services to customers.
Adding value
The practice of producing a good or service that is worth more than the cost of the resources used in the production process.
People's desires, or things they would like to have, such as new clothes, smartphones, and overseas holidays.
Organizations involved in the production of goods and/or the provision of services.
The people or organizations that actually use a product.
The people or organizations that buy the product.
People who manage, organize, and plan the resources needed for business activity in pursuit of organizational objectives; risk takers who exploit business opportunities for profit.
The collective knowledge, skills, and experiences of entrepreneurs.
For-profit social enterprises set up, owned, and run by their members, who might be employees and/or customers.
A company
A limited liability business owned by shareholders, with a separate legal identity from its owners.
Deed of partnership
The legal contract signed by the owners of a partnership that specifies the name, responsibilities, and profit/loss proportions of each partner.
A legal distinction between the owners of a company and the business, ensuring owners are protected by limited liability.
An initial public offering (IPO)
When a business sells all or part of its business to shareholders on a public stock exchange for the first time.
Limited liability
A restriction on the amount of money that owners can lose if the business goes bankrupt; shareholders cannot lose more than their investment in the company.
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
Private sector not-for-profit social enterprises that operate for the benefit of others rather than primarily aiming to earn a profit.
A type of private sector business entity owned by 2-20 people (partners) who share responsibilities and burdens.
The private sector
The part of the economy run by private individuals and businesses, rather than by the government.
A privately held company
A business owned by shareholders with limited liability, whose shares cannot be bought or sold on a Stock Exchange.
A publicly held company
An incorporated limited liability business that allows shareholders to buy and sell shares via a public Stock Exchange.
The public sector
The part of the economy controlled by the government, including state healthcare and education services.
A sole trader
A self-employed person who runs the business on his/her own, having exclusive responsibility for its profits or losses.
Social enterprises
Revenue-generating businesses with social objectives at their core, reinvesting profits for social purposes.
A stock exchange
A marketplace for trading stocks and shares of publicly held companies.
Unlimited liability
A feature of sole traders and partnerships where they are personally responsible for all debts.
Business plan
The document that sets out a business idea or proposition, including the objectives, resources (marketing, operations, personnel and finance) and corporate strategies.
Executive summary
A synopsis or abstract of the information provided in the main section of a business plan, highlighting the key points and conclusions.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
The conscientious consideration of ethical and environmental practice related to business activity. A business that adopts CSR acts morally towards all of its various stakeholder groups and the well-being of society as a whole.
Ethical Code of Practice
The documented beliefs and philosophies of an organisation, so that people know what is considered acceptable or not acceptable within the organisation.
Ethical Objectives
Organisational goals based on moral guildlines, determined by the business and/or society, which direct and determine decision-making.
The moral principles that guide decision-making and business strategy. Morals are concerned with what is considered to be right or wrong, from society’s point of view.
Mission Statement
The declaration of an organization's overall purpose. It forms the foundation for setting the objectives of a business.
What an organization strives to achieve. They are the goals of an organization, such as growth, profit, protecting shareholder value and ethical objectives.
Strategic Objectives
The longer-term goals of a business, such as profit maximization, growth, market standing and increased market share.
The various plans of action that businesses use to achieve their targets. They are the long-term plans of the organization as a whole.
Tactical Objectives
Short-term goals that affect a unit of the organization. They are specific goals that guide the daily functioning of certain departments or operations.
The short-term plans of action that businesses use to achieve their objectives.
Vision Statement
An organization's long-term aspirations, i.e. where the business ultimately wants to be.
Situations where stakeholders have disputes or differences regarding certain issues or matters. This can lead to arguments and tensions between various stakeholders groups.
The clients of a business. As a key external stakeholder group, customers seek to have value for money, such as competitive prices and good quality products.
Senior executives who have been elected by the company’s shareholders to address business activities on behalf of their owners.
Staff of an organisation. They have a stake (an interest and involvement) in the organisation they work for.
External Stakeholders
Individuals and organisations not part of the business but have a direct interest in its activities and performance. Examples include customers, suppliers, and the government.
The financial institutions and individual investors who provide sources of finance for an organisation. They are interested in the organisation’s ability to generate profits and to repay debts.
The ruling authority within a state or country. As an external stakeholder group, the government is interested in businesses complying with the law with regards to the conduct of business activities.
Internal stakeholders
Members of the organization, namely the employees, managers, directors and shareholders (owners) of the business.
The local community
The general public and local businesses that have a direct interest in the activities of an
organization, namely to create jobs and to conduct business activities in a socially responsible way.
Internal group of stakeholder responsibly for overseeing the daily operations of the business.
Pressure Groups
Individuals with a common concern (such as environmental protection) who seek to place demands on organizations to act in a particular way or to influence a change in their behaviour.
Stakeholder Conflict
Differences in the varying needs and priorities of the various stakeholder groups of a business.
Stakeholder mapping
A model that assesses the relative interest of stakeholders and their relative influence (or power)
Shareholders (or stockholders)
The owners of a limited liability company. Shares in a company can be held by individuals and other organizations.
Individuals or organizations with a direct interest (known as a stake) in the activities and performance of a business, such as shareholders, employees, customers and suppliers.
An external stakeholder group that provide a business with stocks of raw materials, component parts and finished goods needed for production. They can also provide
commercial services, such as maintenance and technical support.