Bach/ Handel
about 1685-1750 (Bach’s death)
ornate, harpsichord, small ensemble
Mozart/ Haydn/ Beethoven
about 1750-1820
piano/symphonic development
melody dominated homophony/clear melody, often triadic harmony
Chopin/ Brahms/ Tchaikovsky
about 1820-1900
dramatic, strong contrast in moods and dynamics
large scale orchestral works + small piano miniatures
chromatic melodies and extended chords
20th century
repeated loops/ostinatos
phase shifting/additive and subtractive melodic notes/metamorphosis
20th century
extreme personal inner human experience expressed in an artistic form
extended chords
swing rhythm
can be modally based harmony/blues scale based
quite often modal (dorian, aeolian etc)
violin and penny whistle- instruments that are accessible to communities