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Great Depression

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Great Depression

During the ________, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt created the works progress administration in an effort to revive the economy.

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Edward L Glaeser

Economists ________, Giacomo Ponzetto, and Andrei Shleifer argue that education is a causal force behind democracy.

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________ is a concept as difficult to define as it is to identity.

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analysis of inequality

The technology- based ________ and the vocational paradigm focuses specifically on economic equality.

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The ________ employed millions of Americans who carried out everything from public works projects such as highlight construction to artistic and diverse, such as murals and music contests.

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Science, technology, engineering, math, and ________ have done much to create the contemporary condition.

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The Soviet launch of ________, the first satellite, provoked a sense that the United States was falling behind in a Cold War scientific contest.

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civic conception of education

The ________ suggests a very different way to understand the link between education and equality.

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participatory paradigm

The ________ demands a higher educational standard than the vocational, and meeting that standard requires that more resources be allocated for schools.

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________ and personal development- an option for the fortunate- viewed as non- vocational.

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It was a decision thirteen years in the making, and it spoke to a fundamental question

What is an education for

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The dominant policy paradigm attends almost exclusively to educations vocational purpose

the goal is to ensure that young people, and society generally, can compete in a global economy

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The 1983 Reagan administration report A Nation at Risk deepened the countrys anxiety

"If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war," reads one provocative sentence

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Piketty agrees that the wage premium on skill can explain only part of growing U.S. income inequality

political forces shape distributive outcomes, and there are limits to how much the advantages of education can be moderated through the dissemination of technological skills

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Specifically, they point to the relationship between education and participation, considering three hypotheses for why the former might be a source of the latter

through indoctrination, through the cultivation of skills that facilitate participation (reading and writing and "soft skills" of collaboration and interaction), and through the increased material benefits of participation

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To answer these questions, we first need to understand what students should be getting ready for

civic agency

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This co-creation can occur at many social levels

in a neighborhood or school; in a networked community or association; in a city, state, or nation; at a global scale

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If we are to embrace an education for participatory readiness, we need to aim our pedagogic and curricular work not at any one of these three capacities but at what lies behind all of them

the idea of civic agency as the activity of co-creating a way of life

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The United States has a history of providing such an education

it is called the liberal arts

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Properly conducted, the citizens intellectual labor should result in a probabilistic judgment answering this critical question

What combination of principle and organizational form is most likely to secure collective safety and happiness

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