He was born with too much cerebrospinal fluid in his skull. Junior calls this "brain grease"
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What happened to Arnold as a result of his childhood surgery?
On the outside, he had extra teeth, a lopsided head, huge hands and feet, and a giant skull/head. On the inside, he had nearsightedness in one eye and farsightedness in the other, experienced headaches and seizures, and had a stutter and lisp.
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What does Arnold do in his free time? Why?
He draws comics about his friends, family, and life on the reservation because it makes him feel more in control of things that are unpredictable. He also likes that they can be understood by anyone, no matter what language they speak.
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Why was Oscar, Arnold’s dog, so important to him?
Because the dog was his best friend and Arnold didn't have many other friends.
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How does Arnold describe his mother and father?
Both his parents are dreamers. His mother is incredibly smart and loves to read. She is like a "human tape recorder" because she can memorize anything she reads. His father would've been a musician if he had the chance.
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Describe Rowdy, Junior’s best friend.
Rowdy is Junior’s only friend on the reservation (and his best friend). Rowdy is very tough, shows no emotion (besides anger), and has a bad home life.
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What does Junior tell the reader about his friendship with Rowdy?
Rowdy shows Junior tough love, but still cares about him
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After he is beaten up by the Andruss triplets, what does Junior tell the reader about them?
Junior tells the reader that the triplets are 30 years old and still pick on teenagers
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How does Rowdy stick up for Junior and get back at the Andruss brothers?
Rowdy shaves off the eyebrows and cuts the braids of the Andruss brothers
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What does Junior say is “sweet” about Rowdy?
Junior says it is "sweet" that Rowdy loves comic books.
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Why was Junior excited for his first day of high school?
Junior was excited for his geometry class on the first day of high school. He says that geometry makes him feel "hormonal"
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How does Junior describe his sister?
Junior's sister, Mary, is pretty, strong, and funny, but after high school she froze. She didn't go to college or get a job and spent most of her time in the family basement.
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How is Mr. P. different from “traditional teachers”?
Mr. P is very unprofessional compared to "traditional teachers". He forgets to come to school, teaches in his pjs, and is generally informal
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Who is Agnes Adams, and why does reading her name upset Arnold so much?
Agnes Adams is Junior's mom (Adams was her maiden name). When Junior sees this name in his geometry book, he gets upset because it means that the school hasn't gotten new textbooks in over 30 years. He is upset at how outdated the school is and how they never have anything nice
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Why is Mr. P angry and what does he want Junior to do?
Mr P is angry because Junior threw a textbook at him, but he recognizes Junior as the type of person to keep fighting. He wants Junior to leave the reservation.
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Why is going to Reardan High School a big step up in Junior’s world?
It's a big step because no other student on the reservation has gone to a school outside of the reservation.
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When Junior’s real name, Arnold, is revealed, how does he feel?
Junior feels like he is two different people because he is addressed as "Arnold" at school by white people but he was addressed as "Junior" at home by Native Americans
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Junior is completely baffled by Roger’s reaction to the fight. When he asks his grandmother about it, what does she say?
Junior is confused that Roger doesn't try to fight him back. According to Junior's grandmother, this means that Roger respects Junior.
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What happens to Junior’s sister that upsets the family?
Junior's sister gets married to a Flathead Indian and moves to Montana. She is the first person from Junior's reservation to move out.
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Be able to describe Mary at the beginning of the novel versus at the end of chapter 15.
At the beginning of the novel, Mary is isolated in the basement of Junior's family's home. By the end of chapter 15, she has escaped the basement and is married. She is able to travel and see the world
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Why do Native Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?
Native Americans celebrate Thanksgiving so they can give thanks for not being killed
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What are the similarities between Penelope and Junior's dads?
Both Penelope and Junior's dads seem to be very angry. Junior's dad is homophobic while Penelope's dad is racist.
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What are Penelope's dreams?
Penelope's dream is to get out of her town and see the world. She wants to go everywhere.
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What are similes? Give an example.
A comparison using "like" or "as". Example: you with your words like knives, and swords, and weapons that you use against me
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What are metaphors? Give an example.
Comparing two different things without using "like" or "as" Example: missing him was dark gray, all alone
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What is personification? Give an example.
Giving non-human things human traits Example: highways don't care
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What is a motif? Give an example.
A recurring pattern in text Example: In ATDPTI - bullying and alcoholism
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What is foil? Give an example?
When one character's traits are shown by opposing the traits of another character Example: Junior was easily bully-able while Rowdy was the complete opposite.
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Summarize chapter 1: the black eye of the month club
Introduction of the main character, Junior, and how his brain was damaged as an infant. It goes through the side-effects of having too much cerebral spinal fluid & talks about how Junior enjoys making comics.
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Summarize chapter 2: why chicken means so much to me
Junior talks about how poor he is. Even though he goes hungry sometimes, he knows that his family will always bring home a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. He thinks that hunger makes it taste better. The worst part of being poor is that his family doesn't have the money to help his dog, Oliver, get better, so his family must kill him.
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Summarize chapter 3: revenge is my middle name
Rowdy talks Junior out of killing himself by telling him that no one would notice if he was gone. Rowdy goes to Junior's house to avoid his abusive father. They decide to go to the Spokane powwow, where Junior gets beat up by the 30 year old Andruss triplets. Rowdy protects him by cutting the attackers' hair and beards.
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Summarize chapter 4: because geometry is not a country somewhere near France
On his first day of school, Junior throws a textbook at Mr P because he is angered that the reservation school never gets new textbooks and that he is forced to use the same book his mother used over 30 years ago. Junior also says that his sister, Mary, is "good at ruining things".
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Summarize chapter 5: hope against hope
Mr P is suspended for breaking Mr P's nose with the textbook. A week after, Mr P comes to visit and to ask questions about why Junior threw the textbook. He says that Junior's actions were inexcusable (whether he intended to or not), but that he forgave Junior. Mr P tells Junior that Mary used to be a writer of romance novels.
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Summarize chapter 6: go means go
Junior tells his parents that he wants to go to Reardan high school, a rich, white, farm town high school 22 miles away from the reservation. His parents agree, but Junior warns him that the reservation will not be happy because he was the first person to leave the reservation and that he might be seen as a traitor.
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Summarize chapter 7: rowdy sings the blues
Junior tells Rowdy that he is switching schools and asks Rowdy to come with him. Junior sees Reardan and its white students as being full of hope, while Rowdy hates them. Rowdy calls Junior the r slur & the f slur, which breaks Junior's heart. Both boys cry, and Rowdy screams in pain. Rowdy accuses Junior of thinking that he is better than everyone.
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Summarize chapter 8: how to fight monsters
Junior starts school at Reardan. His dad tells him to remember that the white kids aren't better than he is, but Junior thinks that this isn't true. When the teacher addresses him as "Arnold Spirit", Junior explains that Junior and Arnold are both his real names. Roger says something offensive to Junior, so Junior hits him.
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Summarize chapter 9: grandmother gives me some advice
Junior is scared that Roger is going to jump him so he goes to his grandma for advice. She tells him that Roger probably respects him.
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Summarize chapter 10: tears of a clown
Junior remembers how he told Rowdy that he liked Dawn, a girl in his reservation, and Rowdy told him that Dawn didn't give a shit about him, which made Junior cry. He hated how weak he was and how he cried over a "dumb girl."
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Summarize chapter 11: Halloween
Junior and Penelope both dress as homeless people for Halloween. Penelope tells Junior that she's raising money for charity. Junior decides to do it with her, and raises about $10. He gets jumped by some of the reservation kids and the money is stolen. He tells Penelope and she decides to put his name on the donation anyways. Junior tells her that it feels good to help others.
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Summarize chapter 12: slouching towards Thanksgiving
(not done yet)
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Summarize chapter 13: my sister sends me an email
(not done yet)
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Summarize chapter 14: Thanksgiving
(not done yet)
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Summarize chapter 15: hunger pains
(not done yet)
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Why does Junior say that Indians should be better liars?