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Klems Von Metternich
an Austrian foreign minister who led the Congress of Vienna, his goal was to reestablish peace and keep a balance of power thoughout Europe.
simon bolivar
known as the George Washington of Latian America, his goal was to free Latian America. he was also called “el liberator” because he liberated north of southern America from Spanish rule, leading several countries to independence.
Thomas Malthus
known for his theories on overpopulation. he believed that the world will soon have many poeple but our supply will decrease, leading to famine and societal collapse.
david richardo
he used malths theory to make his own, which was a solution to overpopulation. Ricardo proposed the "Iron Law of Wages," suggesting that wages would always tend to settle at a level sufficient to sustain the life of the worker, leading to cycles of poverty.
jonh stuart mill
he waned ablsoute freedon of opinion and senament on all subjects and advocated for utilitarianism,which supported women and animal righst , emphasizing the greatest happiness principle. Mill believed in individual liberty and the importance of free speech for societal progress.
robert owen
he belved that humans would reveal thier true natural goodness if they lived in a cooperative enviorment. he also tried to bring womens righst to the united states… didnt really work
louis blanc
he proposed an alternitive to capitalism, to solve social problems they would have government assistance maintain things aswell as workshops that would manufacture goods for publisc sales.
flora tristan
she had a vison of absolute equality as the only hope to free the working class for future civilization.ongress of vienna c
congress of vienna
quadruple allience was a part of this congress and the goal of thsi was to reestablish and maintain the peace throughout Europe as well as keep a balance in power
balance of power
this was to prevent any country or a group of countires to overpower the others and keep all countries equal
Principles of legitimacy
this was to reestablish peace and stability in Europe; this was letting the holy alliance restore monarchy when they felt its necessary.
concert of Europe
The Holy Alliance and France kept peace throughout Europe as well as keep the balance of power
principles of intervention
this gave the holy alliance the right to interfere with countires conflicts