* __**Two types of tissues that are only found in animals:**__Â * Nervous system tissue * Muscle tissue
* Most reproduce sexually * Most are mobile
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Classifying Animals
* Since animals share so many common characteristics, we classify them based on other homologies (similar traits)
* Animals are characterized based on **body plan** (the layout of their body structures) * Symmetry * Organization of body tissues * Other physiological modifications of body parts
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Bilateral vs Radial Symmetry
**Radial** is symmetrical along any plane through central axis wheres as **Bilateral** is single line of symmetry with left/right sides
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Chordata (vertebrates) Include:
jawless fish ex lamprey, Cartilaginous fish ex. Shark and bony fish ex tuna
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Backbone supports a delicate central nerve cord and anterior brain
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Internal Skeleton
\ * Can grow bigger than arthropods * Can move in more complex ways * Anterior skull contains and protects brain * Extends past the anus to tail
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Internal Skeleton (2)
\ * Gills (aquatic) or lungs (terrestrial) * Ventral heart * Closed circulatory system
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Cell specialization germ layers
* **Germ Layers** – layers of cells in a developing embryo that give rise to specialized tissues * Ectoderm * Mesoderm * Endoderm
Craniata (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals); Tunicata or Urochordata (sea squirts, salps); and Cephalochordata (which includes lancelets).