Module 3B
acute stress disorder
traumatic events causes anxiety, detachement, event for ay least 3 days but no longer than 1 month
post traunatic stress disorder PTSD
traumtic events, casues anxiety, detachemnt, longer than 1 month and can last for years
depresonlazation/derealzation disorder
tempoaray change in awareness, displaying depersonalzation, dereleazation or both
depresenzalation os person is observing ones own personality or body from a distance
dereleazation is the feeling that ooutside events are unreal or part of a dream or that objects appear larger or smaller than they shoudl
dissoxciative identiy disorder
more than one disticnt personlaity, with a stressful event precipating the change from one personlaity to another
ASD and PTSD findings
intrusive findings like meories, flashbacks, dreams about event, event is recuriing in the present
ASD and PTSD mood and cognitive alterations
anxeity/depressed, anger, decreased intrest in current activites, guilt, detachement from otehrs, inaility to experince postive experinces, anmesia
ASD and PTSD behvaiorla manifestaions
aggression, irrabilty, anger, hypervigilence with hightend strateled responses, inability to focus and concentrate, sleep distrubances, destructive behavior
depreseonalzation/derealization disorder CM
feeling detached from ones own body, feeling that ones personal envrionment is unreal
dissociative identity disorder CM
displays two or more separate personalities
eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EDMR)
uses rapid eye movements during desensitization, mimic REM, multi phase process and used by trained therpaists
meds for trauma and stressor related
SSRI, SNRI, amitriplyine, phenlzine, mitrazpine, BB, prazosin, clonidine
dissoixative disorder meds
not prescribed unless specific findings infer needed intervention