improved conservatism essay plans

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1a) all conservatives agree that society should be stable and orderly in order to support imperfect humans

2d) where traditional conservatives emphasise collectivism within society, the New Right believe in a new focus on individualism

3d) the New Right disagrees on the importance of a hierarchy within society where traditional conservatives believe it is very important

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the state

1d) the New Right believe there is no place for the atet in society as it enslaved the population, instead they advocate for a minarchist state

2a) all conservatives agree that the state should enforce order and be a strong state in order to combat human imperfection

3a) traditional and One Nation conservatives agree that state should pragmatically change along with society in order to prevent instability

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the economy

1d) disagree over the extent of state intervention in resolving the inequalities created by capitalism where One Nation conservatives believe in pragmatic intervention and the New Right advocate for a minarchist state

2a) generally all conservatives agree that capitalism is a preferred economic model to its harmful alternatives

3a) traditional and New Right conservatives agree on the importance of private property in the economy

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human nature

1d) the New Right recognise the virtue of human selfishness and therefore take a more optimistic view of human nature than other conservatives

2a) all conservatives agree that human nature is naturally selfish and flawed as a result of the original sin

3a) traditional and One Nation conservatives agree on the importance of tradition to combat human imperfection

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1d) New Right disagree with other conservatives on the importance of tradition as they favour individualism and objectivism within society

2a) traditional and One Nation conservatives agree on the usefulness of tradition in combating human imperfection and preserving the conservative disposition

3a) traditional and One Nation conservatives agree that gradual and pragmatic change within society can be useful in order to prevent instability

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1a) traditional and One Nation conservatives believe in the importance of changing to conserve

2d) the New Right disagree that the state has pragmatic origins

3d) the New Right can be seen as more dogmatic due to their new focus on individual pursuit of rational goals

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1a) all conservatives believe that paternalism inspires a duty to care within society where capable humans should nurture those more imperfect than them

2d) where traditional conservatives favour hard paternalism, One Nation conservatives believe in soft paternalism within society

3d) whilst traditional conservatives believe paternalism should be encouraged, the New Right see it was creating a culture of dependency in society

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1a) all conservatives agree that an organic society emerges gradually as a response to human needs and this inspires pragmatism

2d) the New Right do not agree that pragmatism is always a key feature of society and instead preferred to be dogmatic in the ‘crisis of traditional conservatism’

3d) the New Right does not believe that organic society is a whole collectivist society and instead believe in a new individualism and atomism within society

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human imperfection

1d) the New Right recognise the virtue of human selfishness and therefore take a more optimistic view of human nature than other conservatives

2a) all conservatives agree that human nature is naturally selfish and flawed as a result of the original sin

3a) traditional and One Nation conservatives agree on the importance of tradition to combat human imperfection

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1d) New Right conservatives are more supportive of libertarianism in society and prioritise individual self-pursuit over collectivism and tradition

2a) traditional and One Nation conservatives believe that tradition is a more effective tool within society in order to console imperfect humans

3a) traditional and One Nation conservatives also place authority and paternalism above libertarianism in order to ensure a stable and safe society

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united or divided

1d) the New Right believe that human nature is more positive than traditional and One Nation conservatives and therefore favour individualism over collectivism in society

2a) all conservatives agree on the importance of a strong and stable state enforcing law and order within society

3a) One Nation and traditional conservatives agree on the importance of traditional and a hierarchy in providing stability for imperfect humans

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