New focus on humans and the natural
Similar patrons to the Italian renaissance
new market for mass-produced images
New techniques
mass production of images
oil paint
copying Italians
end of 100 year’s war
patronage by centralising monachs
growth of cities and trade
inventing printing press
Albrecht Durer (Engravings & woodcuts, four horsemen of the apocalypse, best of new portraits)
developed in 1450 and spread through western Europe, invented by Johannes Gutenberg
growing demand for books
old methods hard and took too long
technological advancements(paper,metalworking)
high prices
drastic reduction in the cost of spreading information (renaissance ideas spread)
rise of vernacular language (standardization of language in large areas, an increase of national culture)
A challenge to the church(church loses monopoly on education & information, new ideas spread criticizing the church)
Christan Humanism
An intellectual movement that attempted to use humanist ideas to reform the catholic church
Northern scholars exposed to Italian education
emphasis on philology, history, languages, and questioning of a medieval tradition
believed that to change how people see the church and Christian doctrine they need to be able to read the book (the Bible that was historically written in Latin) where the ideals of the church are coming from. they constituted that “in order to change the society they must change who composes said society.
the handbook of the Christian knight (print 1503) reflected his idea of how Christianity should be viewed as a Philosophy or, “the Philosophy or christ” Christianity should be treated as merit to live our daily lives by not a loose set of morals.
he emphasized acts of inner faith and fewer outside displays of faith.
believed that the earliest form of the bible called the “Vulgate” had errors, in turn, he translated an early greek manuscript of the new testament this is considered his best work
to him the best way to reform the church was to give an understanding of the philosophy of Christianity with early sources of Christian doctrine, and criticisms of the church.
“Erasmus laid the egg and Luther hatched it” he would later go on the renounce the protestant reformers
only wanted to reform within the church not spilt the church
praised a devote Christian and spent lots of time in contraction
wrote one of the most controversial and widely speculated things in his time in his book “utopia” (1516)
Utopia (Latin for nowhere) was a book that was a social commentary on the world around More at the time, displayed somewhere in the new world the book described the idealistic life of humans if we gave ourselves to the law of reason nor power or fame
Utopia is described as a communal and equitable space where each was given according to one’s needs.
he later justified himself working for the king (henry VIII) as a realistic take on how to live his life because others are prejudiced against equitable lives with others
even though he was an idealist he was always a realist on the other hand and displayed that in his own social commentary
Catholic Corruption fueled the reformation, to pay for the completion of saint peters cathedral the church started to give out indulgences, pluralism(caused absentee in some church positions bc bishops archbishops, and other church officials took more than one job)
the selling of indulgences promoted the
Early life
miners son, law school dropout
Struggle for salvation
the wickedness of a man and insufficiency
salvation through faith alone
(no church needed)
Therefore the just shall live by faith- Roamans, pauls letter to the Romans
the idea that you do not need to deserve salvation but you have it because you believe in Jesus
The indulgence Controversy
95 Theses (published 1517)
you can buy Indulgence to get out of purgatory for yourself or relatives, emotional blackmail to get money for st. peters basilica
95 different reasons why the pope is wrong and that indulgences are wrong
the swiss confederation
reform theology spreads too quickly to swiss towns or Cantons
Zwingli In Zurich (1519-15 31)
1519: chosen as priest
1522: adopts luther ideals → the affair of sausages (party to get rid of Catholics, meet during lint)
1523-1531 ideas catch on and Spread to cantons(towns)
attempted cooperation with Luther agreement on 14 to 15 articles
disagreement on the eucharist breaks the deal
killed in battle with cannon (1531)
Leipzig debate 1519
Johann Eck forces Luther to deny the authority of the pope
Ja, Ich bin ein hussite ( i like jan huss)
Letter to the german Nobility 1520
Formulates radical theology (why it’s profitable to side with further: control what peasants believe, keep the 1/3 of gold and silver they send to the church.)
calls for nobles to oppose the pope
diet of the worms
Here I stand I can do no other Ahmen
invited to have an audience with the emporor
Propaganda war
Translates new testament into german
Launches massive propaganda campaign
between 1520 and 15 26, 25% of all pamphlets sold are works by Luther (1.5 mill.)
A New Theology
Sola faith = faith as the sole requirement for salvation
sola = bible as a sole source of doctrine
A new church
Church’s main purpose is to spread and maintain the faith
pastors are to live as all the other men
all individuals should read the bible→ Literacy
secular rulers control and protect the church of their realm($$)
Spread of luthierism
Towns and territorial lords in HRE are not Catholics anymore
the problem with Sola Scriptura…
Church tradition existed to keep order telling people that they can interpret the bible caused people to have differing opinions
Thomas Muntzer and the peasant wars 1525
the Anabaptists and the Munster rebellion 1534
allows different interpretations of the Bible
Luther sides against the radicals, keeping support to the elite
The Anabaptists
Polygamy is cool
baptism has to be done when someone is old enough
these beliefs are not popular making them try to take a city (the Anabaptists and Munster rebellion)
the Anabaptists are starved for a year by the bishop
the Anabaptists try to set up a holy city
Calvin in Geneva (1541-1949)
Trained as a lawyer in France, rejects catholicism around 1530
flees to Switzerland, develops his own religious ideas, becomes leader of geneva, and is able to implement his new ideas
ideas spread widely: other swiss towns,France and the Netherlands
God is all knowing→ he already knows if you are saved
Constant work for the sake of community=salvation
Dancing,drinking,gambling,non-reproductive sex,Laziness= Damnation
The church is the community of the elect Sign of damnation = expulsion from the church
Rejection of transubstation
the bread is just bread
Founded in 1533
the political motivation for the split
Multiple divorces
confiscation of church property's
A weak Protestantism Catholicism without a pope
150 years of religious turmoil
Puritans →
Religious reasons, the ottomans
(the Netherlands start being Calvists bc they were close to Germany)
the Spanish try to attack the protestants but can’t because they don’t have the right ships
they’re safe from ottomans but still, pay tax
Why they the spainish lost….
dutch revolt but Spain can’t get to the Netherlands bc their navy supply for the Atlantic is In the Netherlands
it takes months to get soldiers there and most of them die or desert the army
no national identity makes the men’s morals bad
spain’s rich so they keep going
the dutch take spains empire/ takes spains money bc dutch takes Panama away and spains silver
%%Technological advancements %%
Star forts developed in Italy
made to protect against cannons
artificial hill basically
cannons on all sides
men had to camp outside camps
dutch invent capitalism???
Complicated relationship with England
marriage to mary I of England 1554-1558 to Philip II to make England and Spain into a catholic monarchy
Mary dies and changes history, we would be catholic Spanish speakers
proposal of marriage to Elizabeth I and rejection
English competition in Atlantic
Privetires & Exploration
English support of dutch rebels
the defeat of the Spanish armada(1588)
Expansion of ottomans halted
failure to unite chirisdom (back to Catholicism)
Declining Spanish econ.
Inflation from silver imports
loss of Netherlands
defaults risk of bankruptcy
Spanish rivals go unchecked
England ascendant
holland independent
France emerges centralized after wars of religion
Factions 1560-1580
Royalists (strong royal house)
Cathrine De’medici
Henry III
Francis II
Extremists((called Catholic Leagues)) (Guise)
Huguenots(prodistants want to exist)
House of bourbon
Duc deConde
Henry II dies in 1559 Fron a lance to the face
Power Vacuum: Francis II and Duc de Guise(radical Catholic)
Protestants seek to remove Francis from Paris
Plot discovered: the protestant
Francis dies, Conde Escapes both sides prepare for War 1562
St. Bartolomew’s Massacare
Cathrine demeici Calls for all protestants to be killed within a day
Bad for extreme Cahliocs and royalists (most wanted normalcy but the queen and Catholics made life hard)
Renewal of conflict
Shifting Factions
Huguenots and POlitiques(Politicas above Religion)
Isolated Crown (Losing power)
Extreme Cathliocs Arm Peasants and clergy
Henry III dies (Valois)
Henry Guise Dies
Henry Of Bourbon(was a protestant convert to take Paris)
**Edict Of The Nantes-**The Edict of Nantes was signed in April 1598 by King Henry IV and granted the Calvinist Protestants of France, also known as Huguenots, substantial rights
Effect: Crowns now Stable, Prodistants Now tolerated,s Spains’ rival is now Tolerates protestants.
Pike shot war Far( people stand with pikes then people with guns behind them and shoot the enemy)
still Mercenary Armies
A large army eats all the food and takes German resources
Germany loses 30-60% of pop.
each army leaves, fame, death,& sickness in its wake
Ferdinand Habsburg attempts to revoke the religious freedom of Bohmian Protestants
Protestant Noblemen throw Ferdinand's top advisers out of window(1618)
Rebelling Protestants declare Fredrick V the new king of bohemians
German and Bohman protestants face off against cathlioc forces from Austria, southern Germany, and Spain
Protestants were crushed at the battle of white Mutian in 1620
Habsburgsin on offince
Elimination of Protestantism in bohemia and parts of southern Germany
Spain renews war on the Netherlands (1621)
Denmark forms a protestant alliance(1626)
England, northern Germany holand
secret funding from France
Catholics advance north
Catholic defeated a protestant alliance
catholic occupation of northern Germany
Sweden intervenes
The Swedish war machine
Professional soldiers
Lights cannon(field artillery, Moveable cannons)
New infantry tactics (more muskets less pike)
Push back Catholics
Battle of Lutzen(gustavis dies sweeds loose moral
Protestants occupy southern Germany
Habsburgs press on
The continued war against the Netherlands
push protestants back in Germany
France enters the war (1635)
The long conflict ends in the Spanish defeat
outdated military tactics
unable to compete militarily
the battle of recoil
war grind to halt in 1648
Brakes H.R.E --→ german princess gets sovereignty
Princes make Laws, and treaties, and don’t have to listen to the emperor
H.R.E is now a shell
Religious Toleration For Lutherans and Calvinists
Principles of state sovereignty (own internal affairs)
Political Impact
France UP
Spain DOWN
Austria DOWN 1/2
N.German princes UP AND DOWN
Sweden down 1/4
Other impacts
The decline of the mercenary army(bc of Sweden)
rise of sovereign states
permeate army
non idolgical politics